Questions & Answers

  1. Do you like black and white movies?
  2. does anyone have spotify?
  3. Why do I keep losing weight even though I have been trying to eat more?
  4. how do you select a reading book?
  5. What's a Harlequin?
  6. What brand of shoe are the best for someone with flat feet?
  7. what are your SELF CONFESSED fetishes?
  8. How do I become a film editor?
  9. How long can you go overdue?
  10. Do you think it was favouratism that allowed Justin Bieber to throw water balloons at police with no consequences?
  11. Who is an ideal man in "OUR" today´s world ?
  12. How do I handle/control my mood swings during pregnancy?
  13. Do you think society, as a whole has become too dependent on anti-anxiety medications?
  14. Where is a good place to buy cheap hypoallergenic earrings?
  15. What cuisine goes best with Red wine?
  16. How to heal a dry sore aching throat caused by smoking too many joints and cigarettes, etc?
  17. Should I wait until my monroe is fully healed to get my belly pierced to see how well my body reacts to the healing process?
  18. can you connect dreams with someone you like?
  19. How long do Lymph nodes stay swollen in the armpits?
  20. How do I stop tripping on my jump rope?
  21. is it possible to swop your license appointment date with someone?
  22. Who think George Lopez IS NOT funny?
  23. how can i take baby oil off a sweater ?
  24. is arizona ice tea bad for you?
  25. What college degree would I need if I wanted to work in the Labor and Delivery field of a hospital, but I don't want to actually deliver a baby?
  26. Why is getting a retail job seriously so hard to get?! :(
  27. Why does her vagina do this?
  28. What are your reasons for smoking?
  29. Is Stomp the Yard 2 any good??
  30. Can anyone identify any of these coins and what countries they are from?
  31. Is there a term or phase refering to - An event that happens and in result many different events happen?
  32. Who decided which of the original books should go in each verson of the Bible?
  33. Are there any differences between cigars and cigarettes besides the taste?
  34. does anyone watch "WipeOut " on abc?
  35. Did Adam and Eve, or the dinosaurs come first?
  36. How can I hide vegetables in food?
  37. Do girls like long eyelashes on a guy?
  38. How long is too long for a guy to go w/o showering(random question)?
  39. What does everyone think about the pastor that wants to burn muslim bibles on 9 11?
  40. Who was upset with the movie "The Last Air Bender"?
  41. Do multivitamins boost your immune system?
  42. does zinc really help keep you healthy?
  43. Which foods are high in UNSATURATED fats?
  44. Do you think moving out would help getting away from family drama?
  45. What is this bump thing under my skin?
  46. What does it mean when they say ''don't eat the worm''?
  47. Why do you say in your profile that "labels are stupid" and that you're "not emo or goth", but your username is "Emogirl95"?
  48. Are there purple pickles?
  49. Did anyone see Eastenders tonight?
  50. What if i dont have mono, or strep.
  51. Do we penalise individuals who bring their nation or religion into disrepute?
  52. Where can I purchase mutton chops in Fable 2?
  53. What do I do when my family is tearing my relationship apart?
  54. what is one thing u can't stand about a grl?
  55. What would be good to add to tatertot casseroll to give it more flavor or make it slightly different?
  56. Can a cyst cause you to swell really big?
  57. Do you think it's right to ban homose*xual men from being allowed to donate blood?
  58. How to use one of those disposable cameras?
  59. Should companies incorporate stress intervention programs to help cut the cost of stress-related sick days?
  60. Which state do you think has the prettiest license plate?
  61. How Hard is it to Learn Russian?
  62. What are the reasons of pigmentation on skin?
  63. How do you correlate Global warming with Globalization ?
  64. who is the british comedian that always ended a sentance with baby, but said it like "baybay"?
  65. What reduces blister pain quickly and efficiently?
  66. Are there any black people in the tea party?
  67. What does it mean to "brown" the meat?
  68. What is the best way to put coon tails in my hair without the dye bleeding into other parts of my hair that i dont want dyed?
  69. Do you find spanking or being spanked erotic?
  70. What do I do about this bug bite, the dr said it's a spider bite?
  71. Do you think that today's culture thinks about suicide too much?
  72. what type of poetry do you do?
  73. What if your farts smelled like roses but had a ridiculously loud noise?
  74. Does anyone know of a good website where I can find interesting pictures for a photo realism drawing I can do in art?
  75. what/hows a good way to curve your stomach so you don't eat as much?
  76. what kind of make over can i get?
  77. what does it mean when a dog is constaly letting out a nasty smell?
  78. How would you handle someone with a super high ego that's super spoiled?
  79. Where can i find a power converter that converts 110V AC power to 12V DC power?
  80. What are some good Head shots and Profile shots I can use for an audition???
  81. Are there any female post hardcore bands or at least female post hardcore singers?
  82. where can I buy a woven button shirt in montreal?
  83. what should i do if i saw my brother watching a purno ?
  84. What is wrong with the fish?
  85. how dose the color black make u look skinnier?
  86. whats key club?
  87. can Salvia Rhea and Salvia Victoria Blue be smoked for a high?
  88. How many sacred mountains are there on the moon?
  89. How were people were impacted of the nuclear disaster of Chernobyl?
  90. How hard is it really to change the color of my car?
  91. Is it easier for inlaws to accept a daughter-n-law than a son-n-law ?
  92. What are some good tours for screamo bands going on now or soon in the us?
  93. How do I get my laptop screen back to normal?
  94. What's the cheapest way to text?
  95. How many languages does you country officially recognise?
  96. Why do many people on here seem to assume they're only addressing others within their own country when they post?
  97. What would be a reasonable price for an apartment that has 2 rooms and 1 bath?
  98. What would be a good way to help decide which area of job I should look for?
  99. What is the name of the song in the Credits of the 1st Lord of the Rings film?
  100. Whats your favorite item to eat at Red Lobster ???