What do I do about this bug bite, the dr said it's a spider bite?

Ok so like on sunday, I woke up and noticed that the mosquitos decided to have a party on my legs . Ok, got bitten by a misquito, I can deal with that, but there’s one bite on my leg that didn’t itch, it burns. And now it’s been like 4 days L8er and the bite is now a bubble. It’s not the color of my skin and it seems like it’s getting a lil bigger everytime I look @ it. The dr. says he thinks it’s a spider bite, not 2 pop it and I shouldn’t worry but I’m getting worried now. Has this happen to anyone b4 and what should I do about it?

Answer #1

Yep, spider bites will raise up (some may seem like a discolored blister). Dont pop it and just let you body do its job healing it. If the doctors seen it and it looks fine, dont worry. People get bit my non-poisonous spiders all the time, the bite just takes longer to heal than a mosquito and hurts a bit more.

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