Should companies incorporate stress intervention programs to help cut the cost of stress-related sick days?

Stress-related sick days have cost the economy over $50 billion dollars in lost productivity in one year. Would it be beneficial for companies to have staff/programs on hand to help people deal with on the job stress?

Answer #1

I think it could make a difference and help with the cost, but also i feel any company that actually “cares” about their employees as people and not just people making them money would invest in this. There are jobs out there that can drve a person to su!cide they are so stressful, if they notice that their employees have been calling in sick alot it would be beneficial not only to the company in terms of money but in the fact that happy employees work better and are more prodocutive that unhappy stressed employees.

Answer #2

I think they should. Just in case of a major zombie epidemic. If you turn into a zombie, you may have to have a few days off, since I think many poeple would find this situation rather stressful.

Answer #3

While I don’t think its a bad idea, especially for companies that do phone customer service. I know i took a few days off just from stress when I worked for TeleTech. But I also don’t think it should be gov’t mandated that companies have to offer stress intervention programs. That money they are then required to spend on the stress program, could have gone straight to raises for employees. I had a very interesting discussion about such things with my boss, and he said everything the gov’t makes them pay (taxes, Medicaid, social security, workman’s comp insurance, ect) essentially comes right from our paychecks. He would be more than happy to take a good chunk of that money and give me a raise with it if he didn’t have to pay it out for various things.

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