Questions & Answers

  1. Whats a good quote to get u through a tough time in your life?
  2. What are some exterior symptoms that are noticable when you have a kidney infection?
  3. Who else loves the new show The Walking Dead?
  4. How do i take google safe search off of a t mobile blackberry curve?
  5. What is a Tesla Coil?
  6. What Is Quantum Mechanics Good for?
  7. Do crabs eat their own young?
  8. What other artist are there like chase coy, a perfect measure, second hand serenade, dear juliet?
  9. How long does it take a red clawed crab to give birth?
  10. What are the advisable changes in the relaunch of a 1980's serial in 2011 ?
  11. How would you handle a young child that runs out the door and close to traffic every time you place him in time out?
  12. Why doesn't our body digest corn?
  13. What's the name of this children's book please?
  14. Why do they shoot a Japanese movie in china?
  15. What stores can i go to to find jeans that fit me?
  16. How can I make this poem better, and what are your thoughts on it?
  17. how can i keep washing my face a daily thing?
  18. How would you describe what the word 'the' means?
  19. how would people transmit info to each other without writing ?
  20. Is a legit website?
  21. How can a 17 year old move into an apartment alone if the co-signer has bad credit?
  22. Is Kurt Nilsen (World Idol winner 2003) Still singing??
  23. How do you feel about the new contraceptives for animals?
  24. What is the general cost for having a cat declawed?
  25. Does Flyleaf got a new album?
  26. What is the origin of stockings in Christmas and what are they used for?
  27. How did Anberlin get discovered??
  28. How to make chocolate truffles?
  29. Why do some people have 22 or 20 points even though we all have 25 poins when we sign up?
  30. Can someone give me a list of the songs sung by Victoria Justice?
  31. who can tell me about weights that you strap on when running?
  32. How do i make my profile private?
  33. How can I turn on my built-in webcam on an HP Pavillion?
  34. Have anyone come upon the booked call "the Alchemist," by paulo coelho?
  35. Is there any dog which lived for more than 25 years?
  36. Why is it that many things are made to protect against pregnancy, but only one to prevent stds?
  37. Can someone help me writ a good bye letter?
  38. What's your secret to flawless skin?
  39. does the FunAdvice check show your questions?
  40. Who shot down the Red Baron in World War One?
  41. why do i gain so much weight but manage to lose it within that same day?
  42. what are some good topics for debate ?
  43. how to display the tv to computer what software do you use?
  44. When a lighter has a huge flame why do people call it a crack lighter?
  45. what is blunt force trauma?
  46. How possible is it to get stretchmarks while pregnant?
  47. does it matter what type of water you drink?
  48. Can someone tell me whether or not is legit and safe or not?
  49. What if Antarctica starts melting more?
  50. Should I buy the studio or acoustic version of Your Body is a Wonderland?
  51. What is the English word for someone who likes to make trick, make fool, have fun on someone like putting a paper saying: I am stupid on his friend's back?
  52. Is it possible to use two ipods on the same computer, but have different songs on them ?
  53. Why do half of my mp3 files work on mp3 while they all work on my computer?
  54. can potassium gluconate vitamin tablets replace bananas to prevent "Charlie horse's"?
  55. Is the book "hatchet" a true story?
  56. What are good sites for buddy icons?
  57. What do you think is the most interesting branch of science?
  58. What type of scarf should I get my coworker?
  59. How can there be more change in my life because I'm sick of the same things over and over again?
  60. How did arsenic get into Lake Mono?
  61. can colour contacts have degrees too?
  62. What is a dipliod cell?
  63. What are some of the coolest large roadside attractions that you've seen?
  64. Who has purchased Christmas food hampers from Santa's Choice?
  65. What does UPnP mean?
  66. is drinking water all day with no food healthy?
  67. Who knows what kind of acne this may be?
  68. what is the safest household item to dye your hair with?
  69. What did you believe in most- Santa, Easter bunny or Tooth fairy?
  70. Which do you guys think is better; Willy Wanka and The Chocholate Factory or Charlie and The Chocholate Factory?
  71. How can there actually be Holocaust deniers??
  72. Who is going to buy their pet a Christmas present?
  73. What do you do with your spare change?
  74. What age do kids usually stop believeing in santa claus?
  75. What do you think of Alex Jones and a lot of his views?
  76. What is your favourite Chuck Norris joke?
  77. who is your fave teen pop star and why ?
  78. What's that guy's name that broke the record for traveling the world and he plays the guitar?
  79. how do i write from a book if i can only use a few quotations and a few paraphrases?
  80. What product is good to use to help "Heal" your hair after bleaching it?
  81. What does it mean to be "throddled"?
  82. What is the average salary of a IT Project Manager?
  83. are portables applications safe to use?
  84. What do you call a guy when he only has friends that are females and no friends that are males?
  85. why do people make fun of gay kids at my school?
  86. What are some good appetizes and drinks to serve at an adult christmas party?
  87. How you ever felt like you're guna be alone in life?
  88. Is it okay to give a fragrance sample set as gifts?
  89. How can I help prevent and slow hair damage when using a ghd iv styler?
  90. do you think 2012's gunna b a bad year ?
  91. Is there any alternative source if crude oil gets over?
  92. How do I deal with continuous nose bleeds,nose bleeds like two to three times a day without fworring about it?
  93. what can happen if you give your child away?
  94. Can to many surgeries for the same thing be bad for you?
  95. who has any ideas on how to make great burgers?
  96. What should I do for my speaking and listening Against the Iraq War?
  97. What happens if currency all over the world will have the same value?
  98. What if somebody crushes on their friends dad ?
  99. Who would take a family member to court to sue them for money or anything else?
  100. How can i make my cat more affectionate?