What do you do with your spare change?

While shopping today I was trying really hard to get rid of my spare change in my wallet. It always collects and I hate it, so if I can use it, I do. I got into a short conversation with the lady at the cash register and she told me that she has a penny jar she uses. She basically collects all of her pennies for a year, then at the end of the year spends it on herself. She uses it as a ‘pampering fund’, which I think is a great way to use spare change. Apparently she had over $300 collected last year.

Do you guys have any great ways you like to use it?

Answer #1

I’d love to start a jar like that, it’s such a good idea. I usually use my spare change on chewing gum and lunch. Sometimes I put a coin in a kids ride if there are kids playing on the ride even though it’s not going and they don’t have any money to make it go. Sometimes I put coins in those machines where you turn the handle and a toy comes out- if I see a Pokemon machine I HAVE TO PUT A COIN IN AND GET A POKEMON. This is a little unrelated since it’s not coins- but a few weeks ago I started putting $10 and $20 notes in a glass cookie jar in my bedroom because I always buy stupid things. It’s really helping me save because I don’t have the cash with me when I go out.

Answer #2

i just stick it in my draw and use it for bread and milk.

Answer #3

I usually empty all the spare change out of my wallet once or twice per week and put it in my piggy bank. Then once a year I roll the change, take it to the bank to get bills, then voila money for my vacation (a good portion of my spending money for my summer holidays came from rolled change). It’s an easy/painless way to save money (especially in Canada - it adds up quickly saving loonies and toonies!).

Answer #4

I save my change every month and the have a shelter near me and I donate it to them, they do so much for our community where I live

Answer #5

That’s aweseome! Good for you!

Answer #6

I would hv to agree, no better way to literally treat yourself to something awesome.

I do something else with my change. Usually where ever you go there is always like these little cans or small deposit thingies by the cash register to save animals or so many other congregations, anyways, what I do, is I use that change (accept quarters) and simply put what I have in them. Its giving it to that particular charity only doing it anonymously. You know you did a good thing, and also got rid of a few pocket change.

If I dont see one by the cash register then I simply get home & have a small plastic dish I keep all the change in. when I head to the bank I simply took the change and dumped it into a plastic zip lock bag and cashed out.

What I would do with quarters, is simply use them for the laundry instead of having to get change! :P

Answer #7

That is awesome..If you can spare that change especially in today’s economy! We all can use a little help here & there. More power to ya!

Answer #8

I’m totally plastic - I never have change

Answer #9

goes into a box and by the end of the month i have lots of mooooooooooneyz

Answer #10

I put my spare change in my duaghters piggy bank

Answer #11

Thx so much for sayin so and the people at the shelter appreciate it

Answer #12

This is pretty interesting, you can use your internet spare change for a seemingly cool cause. I’ve given anywhere from like 20 cents to a buck a few times to “internet bum” when my paypal account dwindles that low. Paypaled to enetbum@gmail, also has a website enetbum.com Dont know if it actually works out and helps someone out or not, but I feel good about it and its no sweat off my back. I know I’m helping someone out at least.

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