Questions & Answers

  1. What if my parents are crappy role models?
  2. Do you thinks he likes me?
  3. How can we get past a one-night stand and be friends again?
  4. How can I get rid of stretch marks?
  5. Is it OK for a girl to ask a guy out?
  6. How can I stop my elderly mother's hair breakage?
  7. How can I get a date?
  8. How to treat a such girl that all like her?
  9. Can you get pregnant from pre-cum?
  10. Am I overweight at 5'6 and 145 pounds?
  11. Is my inability to cum related to spinal bifida?
  12. How can I change my default email?
  13. Does anyone have advice for a 19-year-old who may be pregnant?
  14. What should I do if I can never see my boyfriend?
  15. How can I know for sure if I'm pregnant?
  16. How will he fit in me during my first time?
  17. How should I dye my hair black?
  18. Should I leave alone this guy who's taken?
  19. Does he want to be friends with benefits?
  20. Is anyone here an affiliate marketer?
  21. What's the best place to go in Hong Kong?
  22. What's the best wedding processional music?
  23. How can I get my dog to stop chewing stuff? (continued)
  24. How can I get my dog to stop chewing stuff?
  25. How can I get more traffic to my home-based business site?
  26. How severe is Celiac's disease (allergy to wheat)?
  27. How can I break off this affair with a coworker?
  28. What are good programs for first-time home buyers?
  29. What's the correct term for someone who is in prison?
  30. How can I make it as a famous bass player?
  31. Is internet poker still legal in the U.S.?
  32. How do you make homemade protein bars?
  33. What's a fast way to get toned abs?
  34. Is my beta fish sick?
  35. queenofthecastle: Do we know each other?
  36. How can I stop self-destructive behavior?
  37. Is there a chance I could be pregnant?
  38. Should I tell someone I suspect abuse?
  39. Am I having pregnancy symptoms or birth control side effects?
  40. How do you stop a dog's ear infection?
  41. Is it possible to not catch herpes in a long-term relationship?
  42. Why isn't he hanging out with me?
  43. What should I do about an old crush returning to my life?
  44. How did Utah get it's name?
  45. What's the best way to get rid of or prevent pimples?
  46. Does bicycling target stomach fat?
  47. What's the name of this love song?
  48. How can I let them know I didn't hack their stuff?
  49. How can I lighten my hair without stripping?
  50. How can I fix a dye job that made me orange?
  51. Does anyone know Geometry?
  52. How do I know if my teen daughter is doing drugs or having sex?
  53. Can my girlfriend move out of her parents' house?
  54. How can I get strawberry out of strawberry blonde dye?
  55. Do you bleed from the first time you are fingered?
  56. How can I add weight to my hips?
  57. How can I make money when I'm a kid?
  58. How can I handle other girls flirting with me?
  59. What do men think of women waiting until marriage?
  60. Can I have lyrics to donald lawrence song healed?
  61. What should I buy to make a canvas painting?
  62. How do you hold a conversation?
  63. How can I get back together with her?
  64. Where does confidence come from?
  65. What can I do about this crush on my sister's friend?
  66. Is there a bulletin website for gossip?
  67. Which is most important: face, body or personality?
  68. Which website is best for travel tickets?
  69. What's the perfect weight for 5 feet tall?
  70. Is anyone going to the Sai World Youth Conference?
  71. Why doesn't my Yorkshire Terrier have any teeth yet?
  72. Why doesn't my cat ever come in?
  73. Was his marriage in trouble from the beginning?
  74. Why won't my iPod find my computer?
  75. How do I strip brown dye?
  76. Does anyone else love John Cena?
  77. How can I get black dye out of my hair fast?
  78. Is it smart to befriend your ex?
  79. What's a really good love song?
  80. Could this be implantation bleeding?
  81. Free email at
  82. Why do I feel different after a orgasm?
  83. Will a real tattoo over a temporary one poision you?
  84. Why can't my outside match my inside?
  85. What decisions should I make for my future?
  86. Do you think I could get pregnant from this?
  87. Where can I get help with geometry?
  88. How do you firm your abs in a month?
  89. What does "vice-versa" mean?
  90. How can I let him know I won't leave again?
  91. How can I make my boyfriend want me more?
  92. How can I get my boyfriend's password?
  93. How can I actually get the energy to exercise?
  94. What can I use at home to masturbate?
  95. Should I hang out with this old friend?
  96. How can I get a job with great credentials but a felony?
  97. How do people get ink poisoning?
  98. Is hiring felons prevented in liability insurance?
  99. What if I'm 15 and pregnant?
  100. How do you use Myspace?