Questions & Answers

  1. Where's the first place you lose weight?
  2. Is this a healthy snack?
  3. What if I feel like a part of me is missing dating just a guy?
  4. What can I do about my green hair?
  5. How can I get to sleep easier at night?
  6. Are Victorian dollhouses too babyish for a 13 year old?
  7. Any ideas for wedding favors?
  8. Should I go blonde?
  9. David Rubenstein of The Carlyle Group is a new billionaire
  10. Which country makes the most computers?
  11. Who was Scipion, the African ?
  12. What's the origin of the city name "Guadalajara"?
  13. Can you drink a lot of pickle juice?
  14. Are the chances high that I'm pregnant?
  15. Can you forgive me if I've been rude?
  16. What's the true meaning of love?
  17. What are emos and are there any here?
  18. Why are my tree's leaves yellowing?
  19. How to put a certain picture on a song on Bebo?
  20. How many Senators make up Congress?
  21. How do I tell my Mom I'm stripping for girls?
  22. Has anyone been to Liberia?
  23. Is it possible to build resistance to exercise?
  24. How can I get rid of this farmer's tan?
  25. Why am I having major hair loss?
  26. What's the difference between an intraday and overnight position?
  27. What are the most commonly traded currencies in the FX markets?
  28. Can anyone here offer me a job?
  29. Where is the central location of the FX Market?
  30. How to repay a loan faster?
  31. What if my boyfriend is a bad kisser?
  32. How can I get pregnant already?
  33. Is this friends with benefits situation OK?
  34. Is there a code to have one top friend?
  35. Is it good or not to mast*rbate once a week?
  36. How do I keep my sanity around my parents?
  37. Am I losing hair because it's damaged?
  38. Are there any Canadian essay contests?
  39. Mandy, what should I do with my life?
  40. Should I be skinnier?
  41. How can I get into Myspace?
  42. How much weight can the average 13 year old lift?
  43. How can I get rid of my Russian stepmom to be?
  44. What if I feel torn up by my friends?
  45. How do I ask my Mom for birth control?
  46. What does ... mean?
  47. How do you hide your Myspace comments?
  48. Can I model at 5'8'' and 140 lbs?
  49. Mandy, which is your favorite song in the world and why?
  50. Why does my wife m*sturbate while she sleeps?
  51. How do you become a TV star?
  52. How can I move out at age 17?
  53. Does colored hairspray really work?
  54. How do I convince my parents to let me get a chinchilla?
  55. Does the fluidity workout work?
  56. What are some good fashion sites?
  57. Is this helping me to be anorexic?
  58. Should I act more like a girl if I feel like a guy?
  59. Who stood in line for Halo 3?
  60. How can I be a better anorexic in general?
  61. Could I be pregnant from sex over a year ago?
  62. What's a cute hairstyle for long hair?
  63. What are your favorite songs by the following?
  64. What does it mean when he gives you his ring?
  65. What's the origin of this city name "Kader" in Iowa?
  66. What's the story of the USS Liberty ?
  67. Where can I find Beatles songs by Fats Domino?
  68. Has anyone had surgery on their labia?
  69. Is trying to kill yourself a sign you need help?
  70. Is this rock game for XBox real?
  71. Who sings the last song in "I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry"?
  72. Is it OK to leave a 9-year-old home alone?
  73. Did you watch Heroes last night?
  74. What is lactose intolerance?
  75. Where can my boyfriend work if he has a felony?
  76. Why am I obsessed with my enemy?
  77. Where can a 14-year-old work in Sacramento?
  78. Which website has a free online scan?
  79. How much should I exercise to lose 13 lbs?
  80. Do you like Bowling for Soup or Good Charlotte?
  81. How can I get my boyfriend to talk to me about problems?
  82. How can I keep a MySpace message marked UNREAD after I open it?
  83. How can I help my GERD condition?
  84. How can I get pregnant if I have irregular periods?
  85. How to get my boyfriend's Mom to stop hating me?
  86. Where can I watch the live final T20 Final?
  87. Why does my crush always make me cry?
  88. What is with all the Mandy Moore fans?
  89. Should I be worried about this rash on my breast?
  90. Should I stay or should I go?
  91. What color should I use to get my hair lighter?
  92. Does anyone have masturbation tips?
  93. Why can't relationships be easy?
  94. When did I most likely get pregnant?
  95. How can I deal with this insulting high school crap?
  96. Do you think this guy likes me or what?
  97. Can she get pregnant from the condom popping?h
  98. What's a lap dance and how do you do it?
  99. How can I get my brother's Myspace back from hackers?
  100. Does it feel good or bad to be anorexic?