Should I be skinnier?

OK, so I weigh about 140ish pounds and I’m like 5’8ish. Do you think that I’m fat and that I should be skinnier or what is an ideal body weight for someone like me?

Answer #1

I’m 5 ft 8 also, at 140 I personally feel alittle uncomfortable, I feel better at like 130-132, it all really depends on how YOU feel about your body, at your height this is a “Normal” weight. As long as your eating healthy and exercising, the exact number depends on what you want for yourself and how you feel about how you look.

Answer #2

acualttyy your just fine and heathy your just fine. your not fat.

Answer #3

You’re kind of tall; I think you’re current weight is fine.

Answer #4

u could be if u feel like u have 2 then detoxing works good juice really works good.

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