How can I keep a MySpace message marked UNREAD after I open it?

I’ve done my research and now have acess to my girlfriends myspace account to see if she is chaeting on me but after I read her mail it is no longer marked “UNREAD” is there a way to keep it marked “UNREAD” after I open it so she does not get suspicious??? Please help me

Answer #1

Just wait until she reads it first. Check her page but dont click on the New Messages. Even if she deletes the messages after she reads them you will know something is up. You can then start intercepting them before she recieves them once you know something is going on. Also you can check her sent messages if she forgets to delete them.

Answer #2

Nope, there’s no way to fix that. No code, no HTML, nothing you can do. Once you snoop through her business, it’s too late. Perhaps you should be with a girl that you TRUST. Your relationship isn’t going to work if you don’t trust this girl. Also, stop snooping. Talk to her about it like a mature guy. If she is an honest girl and says she’s not cheating, you’re just going to have to believe her. Too late for your messages, she’ll find out soon enough.

Answer #3

Turn the tables here for a minute> How would you feel if your gf hacked into YOUR myspace? > No trust in a relationship = No relationship! <

Answer #4

after you read it there might be a button that says read later click that and i will mark it unread

Answer #5

Don’t be an asshole. If you don’t trust her, then move on to something better. You’re being sneaky and untrustworthy, yourself. My ex just recently did this to me and we’re not even together! Do you even realize how immature it is to violate someone’s privacy? I will never look at my ex in the same way again, I’m just glad he showed me what a piece he is sooner than later. It’s really none of your business what your girlfriend does. It’s not like you’re married. Get over yourself. She’s her own person, she doesn’t need someone like you treating her like a child whom needs supervision.

…and if she is cheating on you, then maybe you’re just not all that great to begin with :D

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