Questions & Answers

  1. Why can't people leave my personal life alone?
  2. How can I get my self-esteem up?
  3. How do you download pictures?
  4. Should we raise taxes to pay for the war?
  5. What are different ways for a girl to pleasure herself?
  6. How to know if he's cheating on me?
  7. How do I get rid of my Dad's girlfriend?
  8. Can you lose your breasts if you become anorexic?
  9. How can I lose 100lbs in a year?
  10. How can I calm down frizzy hair?
  11. What's the curfew for 16-year-olds?
  12. How can I look a guy in the eyes?
  13. Is getting your ears pierced painful?
  14. What do you think of my corny poem?
  15. What size is a Juniors large in numbers?
  16. Does this boy like me?
  17. Does my Chihuahua have asthma?
  18. How do I get pictures and video from my phone to computer?
  19. Is it normal to want to be raped?
  20. What makeup should I use with light brown eyes and fair skin?
  21. Does it hurt more when the guy is bigger?
  22. Should I break up with my boyfriend?
  23. When does the birth control pill become effective?
  24. Should I get a tattoo?
  25. What if I like this guy and his friend?
  26. Are there jobs in Florida for convicted felons?
  27. Can you buy things if you go over your credit card limit?
  28. Do you know a website that will help me improve English?
  29. What do I do if my best friend is anorexic and bulimic?
  30. Do I try to move on or get her back?
  31. Why am I still in love with a man I had an affair with?
  32. How do you know if your dog is spayed?
  33. How many groups can a member have?
  34. What's the average height for a 13-year-old girl?
  35. Is it safe to not use protection during sex?
  36. Who was managing the shop in the past?
  37. How can I make my music download to a site?
  38. What jobs can I do at 14?
  39. How do I get a guy to like me?
  40. Should I get an Xbox 360 or PS3?
  41. Is it healthy to drink raw eggs?
  42. Does anyone have the game Mike 2 for a mobile?
  43. What should I do for my birthday tomorrow?
  44. Is it unhealthy to drink lots of water?
  45. What's your favorite kind of pie?
  46. Should I move out since my Mother is ruining my life?
  47. How much do you get paid for babysitting?
  48. How do you feel during intermittent fasting?
  49. Why does my vagina feel swollen two days after sex?
  50. Where to get the Superman costume on GTA SA?
  51. How do you get hair like this picture?
  52. What are some easy and fun exercises?
  53. What if my pool buddy's girlfriend is into me?
  54. How can I stop from running away when he's not on the leash?
  55. Should I move out since my Mom makes me hate my life?
  56. Can YouTube delete an account for swearing?
  57. How can I lose 35lbs to pass a fitness test?
  58. What is considered sex?
  59. Why does my sister lie like this?
  60. How can I shave without embarrassing razor bumps?
  61. Am I pregnant from having sex on my period?
  62. How can I lose fat from my thighs?
  63. Should I change schools?
  64. Can I move out at 17 in Louisiana without being pregnant?
  65. Where can I find a good, cheap car?
  66. How do I write a good thesis statement?
  67. Why do I play guitar with my left hand?
  68. Where can I find a website with the answers to my homework?
  69. How can I get this picture?
  70. Is it possible to lose a stone in a month?
  71. Should my boyfriend go to the hospital?
  72. Any healthy diet pills?
  73. How do I handle my ex dating my best friend?
  74. How pretty am I?
  75. Why am I burning and itching after sex?
  76. How do I stop being suicidal?
  77. How can I get my ex to leave me alone?
  78. Should I tell my Dad that I'm a lesbian?
  79. What are good Halloween costumes for girls?
  80. How can I stop these pop ups?
  81. What if I'm worried about my friend's health?
  82. How can I become a glamor model?
  83. How can we lighten the workload of Congress?
  84. How can I tell if my teen is getting high?
  85. How do you get rid of hickeys?
  86. How can I stop hating my life and being stressed?
  87. How do I make laxatives at home?
  88. How can I lose weight fast and keep it off?
  89. Desperate Housewives: funny or dumb?
  90. How do you tell a girl that you don't like her?
  91. How can I get big hair without backcombing?
  92. Why does my brother hate me so much?
  93. Is my ex just trying to make me jealous?
  94. Did Michael Jackson accept Islam??
  95. What should I put on my skin for a sunburn?
  96. Why won't Omega fight in FF12?
  97. Where can you get a free airline ticket?
  98. Do you think I need a haircut?
  99. What's the difference between a laxative and colon cleanser?
  100. How do you tell your parents when the monthly visiter starts?