What do you think of my corny poem?

dont be mean:) haha, just thought of it and wrote it down. tell me what you think..

trail to knowhere.. sounds fun, cause sometimes you just want to run into the ocean out to the sea.. wherever you’ll be as long as youre with me because together, as you can see I love you, and you love me

Answer #1

I like itt!

Answer #2

well, its very basic. i guess it’s cute, if a 5 year old wrote it. if you really want to make it into our business the standard needs to be substantially higher. but my god. i think you may have potential.

Answer #3

Very nice! The only thing I’d say is that you repeat the “E” sound way too much at the end of every sentence. Poems don’t always have to rhyme like that, you know.

Answer #4


Answer #5

i know..haha

Answer #6

me too =) it fits together like a puzzle thats complete

Answer #7

i like it…it makes me happy lol

Answer #8

honestly.. i dont like it.. what its saying is all cute and all, but it sounds like you are copying someone’s writing style. like you seen a poem like that in a book or something and you thought it was cool and copied it, but just putting your own words in.

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