How do I make laxatives at home?

how do i make laxotives at home?

Answer #1

Dear rusel, If you need a laxative purchase one over the counter after speaking with your doctor. If you are having difficulty in this area try eating foods with more fiber such as fruits, vegetables and prunes have been known to help. The body usually regulates itself in a few days and if it doesn’t seek out a doctor it could be a symptom of something questionable. Sue…good luck

Dangers of Laxative Abuse Can cause electrolytes disorders, such as low blood potassium, a condition that can cause paralysis, irregular heartbeat, and death. Electrolytes must be present in the body in very specific amounts for proper functioning of nerves and muscles including the heart muscle. Laxatives can cause dehydration - They remove needed fluid from the body because the colon isn’t given a chance to absorb this fluid. This dehydration can result in muscle cramps, tremors, fainting spells, and in some cases death. Laxatives irritate the nerve endings of the colon, which stimulate the muscles of the intestine to move material out of the gut. After repeated use of laxatives, the nerve endings no longer respond to the stimulation. Because of this, many people take more and more and more laxatives to try to get results. Eventually, the person may not be able to have a bowel movement without the help of laxatives. The person may soon lose control of their rectum causing rectal leakage. In some cases, nerve endings stop responding all together. Laxatives remove lots of water from the colon as well as food residue. The scales indicate weight loss after a laxative-induced bowel movement, but it is false weight loss. The ounces and pounds return as the body rehydrates after taking in liquids. If the person refuses to drink liquids, he or she risks dehydration, which can lead to fainting spells and in some cases death. Laxatives do not cause calories to be lost. Laxatives do not stimulate the small intestines where food is digested and absorbed. So by the time food reaches the colon, the calories have already been absorbed.

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