How pretty am I?

How pretty do you think I am?? I know I’m not gorgeous. Rate me from 1 to 10. 1 as ugly, and 10 as amazingly beautiful//hott. Thanks. And tell me what I could improve on???

Answer #1

Appear to be 7 maybe - truely is what’s inside that really counts - hope you’re higher there…Take care !!

Answer #2

Dear kippy905, Having others rate us and determine our number between 1-10 tells us that you have somewhere lost control of who you are. We cannot/should not/will not allow others to judge us and especially by appearance alone. Us women have fought hard and strong to get to this point. Please do not set us back…our beauty comes from within and we are who we say we are not what they have rated us on. Show your inner strength and be proud. Sue…good luck

Answer #3

You are a very pretty girl you are also attractive because you have a great personality- it shows in your face.

Answer #4

look great! sooo pwetty!!! Pic is a bit tri-hardish but i don’t know u, that cud be what u actually are like sooo… like… 7/10 about

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