How do you feel during intermittent fasting?

Is anyone on the Warrior Diet/Intermittent Fasting? If so, please tell me why and how you feel doing this.

Answer #1


The main premise of the warrior diet is:

  1. Follow Eating Cycles that Involve Undereating and Overeating

Scientists believe that due to the necessity to endure periodic lack of food, human survival dictated early adaptation to cycles of famine and feast. Therefore we do better when following eating cycles that involve periodic undereating and overeating.

and then the next principle is to exercise while undereating.

This is really, really unhealthy. It’s horrible for your body to eat a lot and then just stop–your metabolism slows down and you’ll actually gain weight. If this diet does work, it is probably because someone who didn’t exercise before exercises now, not the fasting.

It will make you tired and sick. Don’t do it.

The way to lose weight is through healthy diet and exercise. Eat 4-6 SMALL meals a day, consisting of lean meats, whole-grain starches, fruits and vegetables. Set up your plate so 1/4 is meat, 1/4 is starch, 1/2 is fruit and veggies, and there is minimal fat.

If you do this as well as drink 8 glasses of water a day and exercise for 30 min a day a few times a week, you will see healthy results.

Good luck.

Answer #2

I would totally agree with arsmoriendi. Scientists have continually proven century after century that fasting is a natural miracle for radiant and youthful health. Just do a google search or check out some nutritional journals.

In April of this year (2007) the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition conducted and completed studies and experiments on humans (not mice, which they did in 2004) for intermittent fasting. They would fast all day and eat all of their meals between 5PM and 9PM.

“A controlled trial of reduced meal frequency without caloric restriction in healthy, normal-weight, middle-aged adults.”

This is scientific evidence that intermittent fasting is a healthy way of eating despite all of the brainwashing that we need to eat three to six meals a day.

I have been on the Warrior Diet every day for almost 2 years. I eat my main meal between 6PM and 10:30PM (depending on when I get home from work, sometimes I get home after 10PM). I am very lean and healthy. I have youthful looking skin. I eat plenty of healthy foods at night and supplement vitamin C during the day and omega-3 fish oil. I drink lots of water during the day.

I went to the doctors last year and my blood glucose, cholesterol, blood pressure etc were all perfectly normal.

And no I have not put on any weight, so the “starvation mode” theory can go out the window right now.

It really is a shame that many people believe anything they hear or read without really checking out the proofs for themselves.

Answer #3

I would totally agree with arsmoriendi. Scientists have continually proven century after century that fasting is a natural miracle for radiant and youthful health. Just do a google search or check out some nutritional journals.

In April of this year (2007) the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition conducted and completed studies and experiments on humans (not mice, which they did in 2004) for intermittent fasting. They would fast all day and eat all of their meals between 5PM and 9PM.

“A controlled trial of reduced meal frequency without caloric restriction in healthy, normal-weight, middle-aged adults.”

This is scientific evidence that intermittent fasting is a healthy way of eating despite all of the brainwashing that we need to eat three to six meals a day.

I have been on the Warrior Diet every day for almost 2 years. I eat my main meal between 6PM and 10:30PM (depending on when I get home from work, sometimes I get home after 10PM). I am very lean and healthy. I have youthful looking skin. I eat plenty of healthy foods at night and supplement vitamin C during the day and omega-3 fish oil. I drink lots of water during the day.

I went to the doctors last year and my blood glucose, cholesterol, blood pressure etc were all perfectly normal.

And no I have not put on any weight, so the “starvation mode” theory can go out the window right now.

It really is a shame that many people believe anything they hear or read without really checking out the proofs for themselves.

Answer #4

I would disagree with prkswallflwr. Just do an internet search on intermittent fasting and you will see a number of studies that show that this kind of short term fasting is good for your health.

I have been doing IF for about a 6 weeks now and I feel great. On my refeed days I fell normal, that is to say, fat, dumb and happy. But on my fasting days I lean, mean, and alive. The only real negative is that I do feel hunger pangs on fasting days, but to me that is just an indication that it is working.

I lose about a pound and half each week. This weight is taken after meals on eating days when I am fully hydrated so I know its not just water loss. Also my scale measures body fat and I have gone from an unhealthy 30% down to a more reasonable 26%. That is still high but I am on my way down.

I have taken a blood test today to see how my cholesterol numbers look. I haven’t got the results back yet but I am eagerly anticipating them.

Good luck and happy fasting.

Answer #5

Update: I am still doing IF and my weight continues to drop. I weigh 20 pounds less now than when I started. My blood test results were great. For the first time in 10 years all numbers are good including cholesterol which is usually high. High cholesterol runs in my family and many of relatives are on cholesterol medications so I am very happy that I won’t have to be. Also my body fat percent has dropped to 23%. That is still high, I hope to get down to about 15% or so.


Answer #6

HI, I feel great when I do intermittent fasting (fast-5 type, generally one meal in the evening and if hungry a protein type snack) I also lose weight. My question is: I make an oil supplement of 2.5 parts omega 6(evening primrose oil and safflower) and 1 part flax oil. I take 1 teaspoon of my mix in the morning and one later in the day. I love this as it has balanced my monthly hormones. Is this okay to do during my non eating hours? I hope so, because I like to have part of my supplement in the morning. Tracey

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