Questions & Answers

  1. What should I do now?
  2. What should I know to keep my Husky healthy?
  3. How to tell my parents and friends that I'm gay?
  4. What did my two-year-olds do to my computer?
  5. What if my guy friend told me he loves me?
  6. What happens when you report a member?
  7. How can I get static out of my hair?
  8. What's the permanant damage from excessive laxative use?
  9. How did Microsoft change the U.S. economy?
  10. Can I get pregnant from sex on my period?
  11. how to bleech hair on stomach?
  12. Will Halo 3 be released for PC?
  13. Why am I still getting bad grades after studying?
  14. Should I move if I will be leaving my boyfriend?
  15. Where to get free movies online?
  16. What if a son catches a cheating mother?
  17. What's the easiest way to get a 6 pack?
  18. Have you been to Hong Kong?
  19. How to really pleasure my boyfriend?
  20. Who looks better together?
  21. Does anyone else love Degrassi?
  22. When is CSI Las Vegas on?
  23. How do I make my makeup look awesome?
  24. Does anyone live in Alabama?
  25. What is this big bump?
  26. Do you go to
  27. Where are the Halo 3 skulls?
  28. How to help my friend ask out this girl?
  29. How to lose weight during fall time???
  30. Should this student be punished ?
  31. What does a 2 week old rabbit eat?
  32. What's the best way to handle depression?
  33. Are there any power bars without nuts?
  34. Who got sent home on America's Next Top Model last week?
  35. Does my doctor think I'm pregnant?
  36. How to find the answers to questions I've posted?
  37. Why aren't I getting pregnant when we're trying?
  38. What are these white dots on my nails?
  39. How to apply mascara on the lower eyelash?
  40. How to seduce a guy without touching him?
  41. Can a female felon work in the medical field?
  42. Do you live in Texas?
  43. Am I anorexic and bulimic?
  44. Why isn't common sense common at all?
  45. How can I forget bad memories?
  46. Is my friend really into me or not?
  47. Will my Mom know that we have sex?
  48. Why don't the rear lights work on my Accord?
  49. How do you get rid of fleas?
  50. Are there any diets that actually work?
  51. What if we both like this guy but he likes me?
  52. How can I overcome depression?
  53. How do girls feel about chest hair?
  54. How to make my Dad keep my abusive brother?
  55. What's a good advanced science project about gravity?
  56. How do I get rid of the smell down there?
  57. What's the difference between fingering and m*sturbation?
  58. How to ask a question?
  59. How to get my brothers to let me have a boyfriend?
  60. What if I didn't want to have sex but I did and may be pregnant?
  61. What's your relationship with your siblings like?
  62. How to be anorexic so I'm a size 0?
  63. Why am I sick with sore boobs?
  64. How to stop swallowing a lot when I get nervous?
  65. How to tighten my vagina?
  66. Will my Parakeet be OK after laying 10 eggs?
  67. Why are my big brothers so protective of me?
  68. Why does my lab stick her head in bushes?
  69. When and how should I kiss my cousin?
  70. How do I get The Pill?
  71. How old you have to be to go parachuting?
  72. Has anyone taken the English GCSEs?
  73. Will I lose weight this way?
  74. How do I know when to finger my girlfriend?
  75. What hairstyle would suit me?
  76. What if I'm confused now my friend is back?
  77. Why do I have a lot of discharge?
  78. Would a tattoo on the back of the shoulder be flattering?
  79. How can I hide my cutting?
  80. How do I find the CD key for software I have purchased?
  81. Has anyone seen the Dove video that is available on the Internet?
  82. How to find a musical birthday card?
  83. Does this mean he wants to start talking to me again?
  84. Can people be Catholic if they aren't straight?
  85. Who is your favorite singer?
  86. Can you get pregnant by missing the Depo shot?
  87. What's wrong with Call of Duty 2?
  88. Where to get free scholarships for school?
  89. What are some funeral speech ideas?
  90. What is the best method to earn money?
  91. What's the name of this song?
  92. Can a microchip move on a pet?
  93. Why does he act like he doesn't care in front of friends?
  94. How to permanently remove hair?
  95. Do you love sports?
  96. How do I stop myself from pigging out on biscuits?
  97. How much does it cost to build an apartment complex for 50,000?
  98. Should I stay or should I go?
  99. Is it gross to have a lot of hair down there?
  100. Who's the best cricket player in India?