Questions & Answers

  1. Am I pregnant because I'm craving food?
  2. Why is everyone turning anti-Fall Out Boy?
  3. How does your faith affect your politics?
  4. Is it possible to lose 10lbs in a few days?
  5. How can I trust him again?
  6. What does it take to be an advisor on FunAdvice?
  7. How to help a friend dealing with dark urges?
  8. Why do girls want to become anorexic?
  9. How do I get black hair dye out?
  10. How to deal with a frustrating Aunt?
  11. How do I get a childcare business started?
  12. Who's going to win the BCS Championship game and the Big 12 game?
  13. What to get my 12-year-old boyfriend for Christmas?
  14. What is this girl thinking?
  15. Why do girls have periods and boys don't?
  16. Will listening to "Gloomy Sunday" make you kill yourself?
  17. Does eating fast food a lot make you gain weight?
  18. Should we break up because he has a baby?
  19. When and how will the world end?
  20. How to stop emotional eating?
  21. Are the predictions in the Book of Revelation true?
  22. Are you waiting until marriage to move in with your husband?
  23. How to delete my photos from FunAdvice?
  24. What's the best way to lose weight?
  25. What is the latest fashion?
  26. How to get rid of back acne fast?
  27. How to make my small eyes appear larger?
  28. Are there any free MMORPG games?
  29. Who is the Chief Minister of Assam?
  30. Where does Islam and Christianity divide?
  31. How can I use Google Talk and Skype from my mobile?
  32. Who can help me solve this riddle?
  33. Isn't bulimia so much worse than anorexia?
  34. How do I get a massive bum?
  35. What was the name of the last song played at the JT concert?
  36. Why is chewing ice bad?
  37. How can I lose weight around my stomach?
  38. Why don't I get aroused when he fingers me?
  39. What languages are spoken in India?
  40. What are some RPGs that are free?
  41. How to get a creepy guy to back off?
  42. Is there any good resulting from faith?
  43. Am I being a bad friend for talking to my best friend's crush?
  44. Should I back off and leave him alone?
  45. Imperialism or Industrial revolution?
  46. How long after a conviction do you have to mention a felony?
  47. Why are women only interested when you're taken?
  48. Are you a Miley Cyrus fan?
  49. How do I meet Miley Cyrus in person?
  50. What are some acting tips?
  51. What's this song from Die Hard 4.0 ?
  52. How do I get smaller thighs and eat healthy?
  53. What makeup goes with red hair and blue eyes?
  54. Are there any celebrities who have children with Down Syndrome?
  55. What should I buy my best friend for Christmas?
  56. Did anyone read Journey to the Center of the Earth?
  57. How does pregnancy feel after a week and a half?
  58. How to get my Gaia account back?
  59. How to get a link off the computer on a thumb SD memory writer?
  60. How to lose weight but get a bigger butt?
  61. Why am I so depressed?
  62. How to have an orgasm while having sex?
  63. Why did he break up with me?
  64. How can I sing with confidence?
  65. What are some ways to calm down stress?
  66. What are good tricks or cream for acne?
  67. When should I have my first kiss?
  68. Can anyone help me with this Algebra question?
  69. Will I ever stop feeling guilty?
  70. How to pick a formula for my baby?
  71. How can I lose a lot of weight by summer?
  72. What's a good girl's name?
  73. How to lose 18lbs in 4 days?
  74. What to get my boyfriend for Christmas?
  75. How exactly do you French kiss?
  76. Is it normal to not be ready for sex?
  77. Is it possible to quit smoking weed?
  78. Can we know God in the same way that we know a tree?
  79. Why isn't there sound on my camera video?
  80. What to do with a psycho Mom?
  81. Where can a 13-year-old work in Brooklyn?
  82. What is the current situation in Pakistan?
  83. Can apples be bad for you?
  84. How do you add photos to Youtube?
  85. How to lose weight before March?
  86. Do guys prefer bad girls?
  87. Will dark hair with light eyebrows look bad?
  88. What should I do about our friendship?
  89. What's the answer to this riddle?
  90. How to convert my video into another format?
  91. Does Kool-Aid really work for highlights?
  92. How to get my learning permit back from my Mom?
  93. Is this the right way to pierce my cartilage?
  94. Guys: Which kind of girl do you prefer?
  95. How to convince my parents to let me get my nose pierced?
  96. What to get my boyfriend for his birthday that is special?
  97. Why is PSP Socom Navy Seals giving me an error?
  98. How to earn the money to buy another dog?
  99. Has anyone seen the show "Storm Chasers"?
  100. Can I get pregnant from a vibrator?