Why am I so depressed?

okay, so I was dating this guy who completely broke my heart and the person who picked me back up and stopped me from being depressed is the only person I want to be with? I have completely ditched all my friends, ditched school, and dont see my family all because of one person? I dont know what to do to make myself happy without him and im scared I wont graduate

Answer #1

you have let him become everything. you have made him you. and honey thats dangerous. I was in a relationship for 3 years and got completely destroyed and the other person just walked away with someone else:happy. SO I tell you, you have to find yourself again. Its definately going to be hard, and its not something thats going to happen in a week, but cleanse yourself, I encourage you to pamper yourself with girlfriends (even if you’ve ditched them, your real friends will be there when youre ready) Do things for you and not for “him, or us”. This is the time when you prove to yourself that you will get stronger and heal. I had to do that for myself and it took me a while. But im so happy now, and im single without that person, because somehow through just letting myself live and not just dragging around and another existance, I found myself, I realized the things I LIKED and not what he liked. I found new excitement in my friendships, and I went out and met new people. It takes time to disconnect him from your soul, but as an honest person giving you first hand advice, torn love and a broken heart will heal”.. with or without him.

Answer #2

Think about a year from now. There are a lot of people out there. You’re young, theres plenty of time. If guys aren’t working out for you now, they will later. Defidently Graduate. You’ll be glad that you did. But dont give up. Find something else that makes you happy. Then focus on that. Things have to get bad before they can get good. Just hang in there :).

Answer #3

even though it might be hard you have to find the happyness in yourself and dont let this guy be the one to find it. and personally you should start putting like your family in school work in front than be wit this guy like on extra time. hope I helpedd. (:


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