Is there any good resulting from faith?

This question is not meant to be fodder for the ridicule mill… that is rampant… It is a sincere question, asking for a sincere answer, without being ridiculed, Is that possible? The Question is: With all the bad news coming against people of faith, does anyone know of anything good that is happening or has happened, as a result of the outworking of faith???

Answer #1

Bah… I didn’t want to play anyway…

grumble grumble

Answer #2

Thank you for your contributions, however, the question was: “Is there any good resulting from faith,” not a debate on what others have done outside of faith. I think there are many more answers that can and hopefully will come as a result of this question. Jesus asked Peter 3 times, do you love me, I think this was a result of Peters 3 times denying the Lord, and Jesus wanted to overcome the negative with the positive, and that is my intent, There is sooo much negative coming against Christianity, on this board and others, it is my hope to at least try to overcome all the bad negative remarks with positive truthful results. So, Please, feel free to post what ever comes to mind, that is faith based, and it would be very nice indeed if the ones without faith, would respect what is written, without trying to discredit it.

Answer #3

Yeah, some fantastic things have happened via the hand of religious groups- I mean, look at what World Vision do. They are a christian group, who aren’t just giving handouts to countries in need, but they are educating people in small villages, making them self-sufficient.

However, having said that, I don’t think religious groups are the only people behind there sorts to charitable gestures. There are plenty, like myself, who simply have a conscience, and don’t need to be involved in a religion to do good. While my mother taught me the ten commandments as part of my Catholic upbringing, I don’t look at them specifically as religious guidelines, I look at them more as moral guidelines.

There are always going to be those opposed to faith. I personally wouldn’t worry about it too much. If your faith is what you believe to be true, stick with it. Let others have their opinions, be open to them, it doesn’t mean you have to change yours.

Answer #4

I believe that doing something good because you’re expected to or because you fear punishment is the lowest form of morality. Indeed, it might not be moral at all because it’s coerced in a way. I prefer to think that the good people I know are moral because they truly want to be. If they choose to credit God/s with that, that’s their business.

Answer #5

I’m sure we can all agree that there are many religious organizations and standalone theists who are doing good things for their fellow man. My only point is that I don’t think they need their faith to do it. I think they are good people who will do good things regardless. I try never to judge a person by their label but by their deeds.

Answer #6

The work towards cancelling Third World debt and also campaigns like The One Campaign (USA) and Make Poverty History (UK) were all either started by Christians or have various faith groups working within them. Fair Trade is another good example.

When I worked on the Third World Debt issue I found that many groups in my area (religious or otherwise) were supportive of the ideas but only the faith groups actually put in the time and effort to make things happen.

This matches the fact that, in the past, slavery was abolished through the united efforts of black and white Christians, and child labour was banned in Britain after Christain campaigns etc…

I think I would still worry about things like slavery, poverty, injustice etc even if I wasn’t a Christian. But I think that it is probably faith and prayer that make me go on to do something about these problems.

Answer #7

I agree but I have a sneaking suspicion that my own deeds would be a bit lesser if I weren’t being ‘pushed’ by God (in the nicest possible sense). I need a bit of a reminder every now and then!

Answer #8

Way too numerous to be mentioned here - the world operates much like the news: If it bleeds, it Leads - good news/stories are surpressed - over-riding factor being mans sinful nature and evil influences.

Answer #9

Yes & No

Answer #10

C.C.F. …it has a constant benevolence.

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