Questions & Answers

  1. Who's more shallow?
  2. Singles cruise
  3. Which is better: a kiss or a hug?
  4. What if my friend is really my enemy?
  5. What turns a guy on?
  6. What should I weigh?
  7. Special Powers
  8. M&M's or Kissables?
  9. How do I make the guys like me?
  10. Am I being stupid or should I be worried?
  11. Is it legal for a 13 year old to divorce her family?
  12. How do I get rid of acne scars on my face?
  13. Battle Field 2 game won't install b/c I lost my key code, suggestio
  14. Why is there no proof that Humans and Dinosaurs co-existed?
  15. Why can't I get on Myspace?
  16. How to pass a blood drug test?
  17. Would you date a guy that does drugs?
  18. What do you think of a John McCain - Condoleezza Rice ticket ?
  19. What do you guys do when you go online?
  20. I'm having a baby boy, name suggestions?
  21. In what ways are amphibians adapted to a aquatic?
  22. How can I make a speech about statue of liberty
  23. Research paper about Juan Corona, ideas?
  24. What if my Mom just ruined my birthday?
  25. How can I tell my mother that she's interfering?
  26. What two gasses released are responsible for acid deposition?
  27. How to wear my makeup when my husband comes home?
  28. God exists
  29. Presents for a 13 year old friend?
  30. Anyone want to gossip about America's Next Top Model?
  31. Help with makeup colors for brown hair and tanned complexion?
  32. Would this be acceptable ?
  33. How to be comfortable talking to my parents?
  34. How can I lose 10 pounds in a week?
  35. How do I stop being bored if im always grounded?
  36. Mom's Birthday?
  37. Is Vitamin E oil good for stretch marks?
  38. Is it wrong to be an Athiest?
  39. Pregnant girls: Did you have cramping?
  40. How to talk to my true love, John Cena?
  41. How to know when a dog is done having pups?
  42. Losing weight for Prom Dresses
  43. What work out is best for toning?
  44. How to get help for cutting?
  45. How can Christianity say that the Earth is only 6,000 years old?
  46. Whats this song called, lyrics "you can be my boyfriend..."?
  47. What site will help me find the name to songs?
  48. Why the crackdown on homeschooling ?
  49. What to do if your boyfriend is cheating on you?
  50. How old do you have to be to move out in Illinois?
  51. Implantation bleeding or pregnancy?
  52. Where can I look up songs/hit songs dates
  53. A matter of rotation
  54. What's a good website for soul food recipes?
  55. How do you apply for a loan if you have no credit?
  56. My rabbits were stolen
  57. Tell me something funny, know any jokes?
  58. Laws now in effect for owning a pitbull?
  59. How to make curls last?
  60. This is the only good website they don't block.
  61. Body wrap ideas?
  62. How deep should they be planted?
  63. How to write resume for scholarship?
  64. Why do my questions keep getting deleted?
  65. How to handle my boyfriend being in jail?
  66. Why is white stuff still coming out?
  67. Weight range
  68. What church is AJ Allen affiliated with?
  69. Why is he still on my mind?
  70. Why do I shake so much.. Is it anything to be worried about?
  71. What works best on fine lines and wrinkles?
  72. What can I wear past age 60?
  73. Toddler not eating
  74. Is there a way to delay my period?
  75. Getting rid of the red!
  76. Is it wrong to talk on the phone with someone I dont know
  77. What is the average cost of digital cable tv, and internet?
  78. How to correct my username?
  79. Burning sensation of the skin
  80. About to have a baby, any advice?
  81. How much are notary publics allowed to charge?
  82. What is in his head?
  83. Url to viewing your questions?
  84. Brand names for detergent?
  85. What's in MMR shots?
  86. Could this be a sign of Pregnancy?
  87. Does any body know the xbox 360 parental control bypass code
  88. Hes insecure and is it my fault?
  89. Anybody here from west Africa?
  90. What would happen if Gore entered the race ?
  91. When were gorillas discovered by north Americans?
  92. Where to watch free rugby or darts online?
  93. How to get rid of my sinus problems?
  94. Pretty or not?
  95. What should I do for my 16th birthday party?
  96. How should I deal with my daughter's real dad?
  97. Workout tips to lose weight fast?
  98. Introducing my daughter Pixalotal
  99. Should I break up with girlfriend if I never see her and I want an
  100. My questions went into the wrong category