God exists

I have been reading articles about many people who don’t beleive in God, but due to the great number I can’t respond to every comment. SO, I will just give scientific and logical proof as to why God must exist and you atheists try to figure out how everything in the Universe can exist without God, okay?

-Modern science believes that life is a combination of chemicals, and that a soul does not exist. They speak of evolution from simple microbial life to human life. They say that microbial life was created from certain chemicals that created life. There are problems with this theory. What chemicals can be put together to create life. If this is true, then scientists must create their own life from chemicals, and I am not talking about simple amino acids, or any of that crap, I am talking about real life created from chemicals like Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. It has never been done. Another thing is that if God doesn’t exist and there is no soul then how come people must die? If people are just made up of chemicals then why can’t people live forever? If a person is just a combination of chemicals and not a soul then why can’t they just replace these chemicals.

Scientists and Atheists make these bold claims that make so sense without any proof. It is impossible to create life from matter. If all life was made of matter and not a spirit soul then all life is just machines, and machines can be fixed, if not reassembled. How is it that conciousness can come from matter. I am looking for a logical and intelligent answer from the atheists. Why can’t scientists create humans in a lab by using the right chemicals? Evolution also does not make scientific sense because it is impossible for a monkey to give birth to a human . This is ridiculous. In the billions of years man has been on the Earth there is not one instance of any species giving birth to another species. Even if one man was born from a monkey, how would the human race survive? That man can’t produce humans with other moneky’s. How can the universe be created without God? The Big Bang theory is there but it suggests that the universe extened for millions of light years in a nonillionth of a second or 10^-30 of a second. This is Centillions (10^303) times faster than the speed of light. Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light so the Big Bang is false! Science doesn’t answer the question of what force created the Big Bang. No force know to physics or science can explain what caused the Big Bang and if nothing existed before the Big Bang how could it happen.

This implies that God(who is above the laws of physics) miraculously created a universe that is impossible to be created naturally because no natural force could produce something as powerful as the Big Bang. What natural force can make a universe that extended for millions of light years in a nonillionth of a second. The speed of light, the fastest natural force in physics would take millions of years to travel millions of light years. The force that caused the Big Bang expanded the Universe millions of light years in a nonillionth of a second. To demonstrate how much faster God created the universe than light can travel I will give a comparison. If God extended the Univerese 100 million light-years in a nonillionth of a second, then in one second light could travel 100 million times a nonillion light years in a second. This comes out to be a speed of 100 Undecillion light years per second. An Undecillion is 10^36. At this speed light would travel 100 Undecillion times 31.6 million seconds in a year.

This would mean that the speed of the Big Bang would be over 3.16 Quattourdecillion light years in one year. A Quattordecillion is 10^45 or 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000. In contrast light travels only 1 light year a year. It is impossible for the Universe to be created by any physical force, God must have done it because, The Big Bang happened 10^45 times faster than the Speed of Light. I can write on forever but I will stop. So, atheists are you brave enough to answer this?

Answer #1

Just to let you know the following answer came from my father. He just asked me to post it for him

People who read are not the experts in the field, people who write are. Not that they are necessarily right, but they lead the direction of thought into convincing others that they are. Life is more than chemicals, and biology is more than evolution. I’ve worked with developing physical theories within government research programs yet I firmly believe in god. The study of science is not the recreation of life and physical formulation, it’s finding out how those things work to make better use of our abilities. It would be hard to build a car without first developing the wheel. To assume that life is a collection of chemicals without considering the reactive energies involved is much the same as believing all biological waste will eventually become diamonds, and ignoring the need for need for pressure and heat to be applied. Evolution happens, it is the natural process of biological change to environmental physical change. Darwin was correct to at least that level. But Darwin’s theories were limited by popular thought and never extended to their natural end. When you add some math to Darwin’s theory of evolution, apply natural progression to the human population and add in some common sense along with some documented history, it’s amazing how well faith and science intertwine. The two are not mutually exclusive, only two sides of an argument. Most people when arguing only consider one side to be valid, narrow-minded at best. Solutions generally come from evaluating how all the factors work together. Some large events in the Bible have been backed up with proven scientific methodology. Let’s start with reality. The speed of light is not a given limit; it’s variable based on gravity. The speed of light is also not a ceiling, many things used in this world work faster. The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second in a vacuum with local gravity using the white light spectrum. Speed is determined by distance traveled in a given time, and mathematically formulated by frequency over time as frequency = 1/time. The higher the frequency, the faster the movement. X-ray frequencies are more than double the speed of white light. We can’t see them or prove they exist because the test equipment we have isn’t fast enough to detect and measure them. But if I break my arm, somebody in a white frock may use them to help determine the best method of repair for my arm. I can see the results of them. When I turn on my television on, the accelerated electrons bombarding an electrically charged mesh grid causes phosphorous to glow with luminescence varying from below to above the speed of white light in a vacuum, but all I see is a picture. When mass is involved, emitted energy at the atomic level is also involved. All mater emits waveform energy, which travels at a speed relative to frequency, again 1/time. If the mater is accelerated to move so fast that it keeps up with it’s own emitted energy, a condition similar to a standing wave occurs and the energy cannot be dissipated from the mass, the result is a displacement of mass gravitation, an explosion. The resulting gravitational displacement is not limited to the speed of light but is rather based on the release of energy. Since the mass tends to follow the gravitational displacement, it would be drawn with the energy in motion and during that occurrence would not itself be limited to the non-impacted or local speed of light. The mass could then travel at any speed the gravitational displacement travels. The speed energy travels has no limit. Hiroshima is living proof of this effect. So are black holes, black holes are areas where the gravity is so strong the wavelength of emitted energy is compressed from the visible or white light spectrum to the x-ray spectrum, since we can’t see the emitted white light, we called them “black” holes. Just because I can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there. I can see and monitor the effects of x-ray energy and mathematically model gravity. Humans and animals act with discernable and monitorable differences as well, except in the movies. Stop and ask a lion sometime what its favorite meat is, if your moving that slow, it’s probably you. Humans do many things other animals don’t. We write and paint, we theorize and postulate, we agree and argue, we learn and forget, we pick out screen savers and elect people named Clinton. We even ponder questions like, do we have souls. The difference between animals and humans is simple, both evolve biologically, but humans evolve spiritually as well. I can’t see my soul, but I can see the effects of it. I don’t know what I don’t know, all I know is what I do know. If you don’t overcomplicate the question, the answer is simple. Hundreds of years ago, some king named James decided the Bible should validate the European culture of the time. Those who disagreed were burned at the stake or fled to the Americas for religious freedom. I’ve read the Bible but I’m taking a dead kings word for what it says. Since I don’t speak Aramaic and I don’t believe the dead king, my belief in god is something I take on faith.

Answer #2

-Modern science believes that life is a combination of chemicals, and that a soul does not exist.

Abiogenesis - origin of life, the study of how life emerged from non-life.

They speak of evolution from simple microbial life to human life:

Not quite right, you might want to look at this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_human_evolution

4.4 billion years of replicating molecules, 4 billion years of simple cells (prokaryotes), 2 billion years of complex cells (eukaryotes), 1 billion years of multicellular life, 600 million years of simple animals, 550 million years of complex animals 500 million years of fish and proto-amphibians, 360 million years of amphibians, 300 million years of reptiles, 200 million years of mammals, 60 million years of primates, 200,000 years since humans started looking like they do today.

They say that microbial life was created from certain chemicals that created life

All life is derived from Organic molecules

sources of organic molecules:

chemical disequilibrium, hospitable climate, active chemistry organic synthesis by other energy sources (such as ultraviolet light or electrical discharges) delivery by extraterrestrial objects (eg carbonaceous chondrites); organic synthesis driven by impact shocks. estimates of these sources within the early atmosphere made available quantities of organics

-Plausible pre-biotic conditions result in the creation of certain basic small molecules (monomers) of life, such as amino acids. -Phospholipids (of an appropriate length) can spontaneously form lipid bilayers, a basic component of the cell membrane. -The polymerization of nucleotides into random RNA molecules might have resulted in self-replicating ribozymes (RNA world hypothesis). -Selection pressures for catalytic efficiency and diversity result in ribozymes which catalyse peptidyl transfer (hence formation of small proteins), since oligopeptides complex with RNA to form better catalysts, and protein synthesis becomes more prevalent. -Proteins outcompete ribozymes in catalytic ability, and therefore become the dominant biopolymer. Nucleic acids are restricted to predominantly genomic use. The origin of the basic biomolecules etc.

Stage 1: The origin of biological monomers (molecules) Stage 2: The origin of biological polymers (self-replicating molecules) Stage 3: The evolution from molecules to cell

There are problems with this theory:

Scientific Theory - Certain things must apply before a hypothesis is considered a “theory”. Theories in science , are mathematical or logical explanation, capable of being tested through experiment or otherwise falsified through empirical observation. In science a “theory” and “fact” do not necessarily stand in opposition. Theories in science are based on and describe facts.

What chemicals can be put together to create life.

Methane (CH4), Ammonia (NH3), Water (H2O), Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), Carbon dioxide (CO2) or carbon monoxide (CO), and Phosphate (PO43-).

It has never been done.

Actually it has been expeiramented on, and found that very simple life does come from non-organic material in certain conditions. If that’s what you mean.

Another thing is that if God doesn’t exist and there is no soul then how come people must die? If people are just made up of chemicals then why can’t people live forever? If a person is just a combination of chemicals and not a soul then why can’t they just replace these chemicals.

Life is chemistry, when the chemistry cease you die.

If this is true, then scientists must create their own life from chemicals, and I am not talking about simple amino acids, or any of that crap, I am talking about real life created from chemicals like Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. It has never been done.

Maybe they could.

How is it that conciousness can come from matter:

Through evolution.

I am looking for a logical and intelligent answer from the atheists. Why can’t scientists create humans in a lab by using the right chemicals?

Why would they want to? That’s kind of creepy.

Evolution also does not make scientific sense:

I guess all those thousands of scientist and people who actually understand it who accpet it as accurate don’t have any sense because you’re such a smart person. It’s actually a scientific fact.

because it is impossible for a monkey to give birth to a human .

Good job on figuring that one out.

This is ridiculous. In the billions of years man has been on the Earth there is not one instance of any species giving birth to another species:

Billions of years? Are you exaggerating? Primates only been around for 60 mil. Modern humans originated in Africa about 200,000 years ago.

Even if one man was born from a monkey, how would the human race survive? That man can’t produce humans with other moneky’s.

No humans and monkeys can’t reproduce. Are you applying this happened?Because only a stupid idiot would, but just incase. Species don’t give birth to other species, the gradual progression to differ in species happens over a long period of time in most animals. Humans and monkeys shared a common ancestor millions of years ago the species diverged(split lines) Humans evolved from primates of H*mo species, to name them

H*mo, Homohabilis, Homorudolfensis, Homoergaster, Homogeorgicus, Homoerectus, Homocepranensis, Homoantecessor, Homoheidelbergensis, Homorhodesiensis, Homoneanderthalensis, Homosapiens idaltu, Homosapiens (Cro-magnon, modern human), Homosapiens sapiens (humans)

Answer #3

Yes, I agree with you too. This is like a Socrates Cafe.

Answer #4

In the Bhagavad-Gita it is said that God created the Earth 4.54 billion years ago, and that same fact is proven by modern science 6,000 years later through Carbon dating. If God didn’t create the world how would people 6,000 years ago know how old the Earth was since there was no Carbon Dating at that time?

Answer #5

bbb, you have the nerve, you act like you’re 12, grow up asshole. The only person I see “whining” and “complaining” is you. Infact I think you’re just some bored person trying to get a good laugh. I agree with toadly, you need to remember to take your meds. Nothing convinses me you have the slightest understanding of science in that rant up there.

Answer #6

Umm, actually I’m a buddhist because my parents are Buddhists.. But I don’t want to believe something without exploring it first. I’m finding out about God. Can you help me understand the bible?

Answer #7

Easy jaceb, you might give morons the wrong idea and false perception that we evolved from MODERN apes.

“That just shows how uneducated religious people are. “

Couldn’t agree more, the more I notice these religious people, the more I notice that the only reason they hold their views is because they have poor understanding of science, and very low level of common sense.

Answer #8


Praise the Lord! You spoke words of sheer truth! There is nothing more to add. May our Lord God Almighty bless you abundantly! Amen!

And again I say AMEN!

Answer #9

egg, haven’t you figured out yet that these people are not going to read your replies to their rants?

You put way more thought into your response than was put into the OP, and you even bothered to write with comprehensible sentences and paragraph breaks.

Answer #10

I misspelled the word “live” it should have been “life” AND the word “inclured” should have been includes. I’m in a bit of a hurry this morning…sorry. God bless.

Answer #11

Yeah, just one more post, So Nebula I guess you beleive in God now. You beleive that God is supreme controller of the Universe because, you obviously haven’t answered a single one of my questions. You like to talk Sh*t on all of my questions but you can’t back it up! I guess I win and you lose, but we both benefit, since both of us now believe in God. This makes both of us winners. If you believe in God then, I guess you don’t have to answer those questions, just stop commenting on my questions because all you do is wine and complain like a little girl.

Answer #12

when I wrote 9000000000000 I meant along time I didnt mean the number and when I said the right people I didnt mean muslims better than you but from what do you see in the news what is george bush and the jewish is donig to us do you think its right .and by the way we are the muslims have never hated the christian cz I know lots of you doesnt want this war and doesnt like george bush…

Answer #13

There is far too much arguing going on in here, albeit, some very good points to ponder, let us all just take a step back, inhale, shake hands and go about our business whatever that may be..

Answer #14

There are dozens of posts in this thread responding to your ‘challenges’. Have you not read them?

You don’t “win” simply by having the greatest number of words and declaring victory. The fact that you think it’s about “winning” at all is quite telling.

Answer #15

“If you don’t want to beleive me then don’t”

So you can provide enormous amounts of (dubious) evidence why NASA is a complete waste of money, yet you cannot provide ANY evidence that Vedas actually exists. You’re a complete fraud.

Answer #16


You are absolutely right! Bless you for your God-given insight. :)

My heart is overjoyed by these kind, intelligent words spoken by foxxy and torikeene! May you both continue to grow in Christ. He is coming very, very soon! I can hardly wait to see Him and I know you do too! AMEN!

Answer #17

As for me, I still hold firmly to the Bible. I may have to use a few different versions in order to fully understand, but at least I’ve read it.

As for the whole soul thing, well as you can see… My dad is a lot smarter than I am!!!

Answer #18

Maybe I can shed some light for jlc. If you believe Jesus is your Savior he takes the punishment for you. End of story. Although I do believe it is healthier for you to have fellowship, it is not a requirement. Sometimes it is hard to find the right church, This is understandable. It is all about what is in your heart. He knows.

Answer #19

I don’t see your point. I am going to graduate from Brown Universtiy next year, and I believe in God. Does that make me uneducated?

Answer #20

Don’t try to ridicule me just because you don’t beleive in God and I do. You have to understand that all of you are talking sht now when I am trying to end this question but when I asked my questions and challenges to you all of you were quiet. None of you even tried to respond to my questions at all. I gave a lot of enteries and none of them were answered, so I guess I won,and this question is closed so stop commenting, since obviously none of you could answer my questions. Stop pretending like you are right. You couldn’t answer any of my challenges, so don’t even try to comment anymore. You had your chance and you lost! You failed, and your psuedo knowlege has been defeated. You couln’t back up all the sht that you talk.

Answer #21

It’s true. Life generates life. Who could deny that? Of course, that has nothing to do with whether or not life can come about from nonlife. Both the creationist and the naturalist agree that at some point, natural life had to be generated. We are quibbling over the specifics, not the necessity.

When we examine what life is, it is a collection of molecules behaving in deterministic ways according to the “laws” of physics just like everything else. There is not some special life force required to transition molecules in the right configuration into ‘life’. Life is a category we invented for a fascinating and very relevant phenomenon, but in it’s essence, it is the same as nonlife.

Answer #22

I do have one question though, if you don’t believe in God, then do you believe in marriage. To get married you usually have to be married in a church, a mosque, a temple, or a synagouge. I mean you could get married on a beach or Las Vegas or something but you will still need a priest, a pundit, a rabbi, or some religious clergy. SO I mean are you married? Do you beleive in marriage? Because Marriage is a religious thing. It’s a union from God. I mean if you don’t believe in God I don’t see why you would get married, because marriage is a religious thing. Am I right?

Answer #23

Sorry I made a mistake when I said you were off by two years. I know this isn’t relavent but I just caught my mistake it must of been a typo. When you said that telephones weren’t around 100 years ago they were actually around 122 years ago since 122 years ago is 1886. Then you said you were off by 10 years but in actuality you were off by 12 years not two years. I must have forgot to put the one by the two. Sorry, it was my mistake.

Answer #24

110 years ago would be 1898, which is still 12 years off from 1886. So at first 100 years ago would be 1908 since it is 2008, when you said you were 10 years off it meant that telephones were created 110 years ago in 1898, but you were still 12 years off since telephones were made 122 years ago in 1886. Thanks for your comments, sorry for my mistake as I accidentally mentioned two years.

Answer #25

bbb, there is a drastic difference between evidence, vs. credible and relevant evidence. The Vedas do not discuss the big bang, yet the directly measurable evidence of ithe big bang is overwhelming.

So, although we do not yet have a sound theory as to why the big banged, we can be quite confident that it did.

Answer #26

What the hell are you talking about? 9 Quadrillion years until you are end? What the hell does that mean? Do you even know what you are talking about?! What the hell does right people mean? Are you saying that muslims are better than other people? Try using commas when you write numbers. In America we use a comma after every 3 digits. Also try to write a little bit clearer. What point are you trying to make?

Answer #27

I have a hard time reading this because from the fourth sentence I see that, your information is false. carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen happen to be ELEMENTS, not chemicals. That just shows how uneducated religious people are.

“Evolution also does not make scientific sense because it is impossible for a monkey to give birth to a human . “

 Another point to proove you are uneducated... humans evolved from APES.  Not monkeys.  And thank you for making the rather obvious point that it is impossible for a human to give birth to a monkey.

Thank you for prooving your stupidity.

Answer #28

My evidence is the Vedas, what is your evidence? As far as I have heard from you science doesn’t know what created the Big Bang, or how the Big Bang was carried out, so they really don’t have a theory unless they can provide evidence as to how it happened. You can find good evidence about the creation of the universe from the Brahma Samhita and Forbidden Archeology, by Michael Cremo.

Answer #29

LMAO… there’s no “”winning”” a debate like this. Have fun partying by yourself.

And just to clarify. Some people are not atheist(like me). We just have “”different”” beliefs.

You can put the torch down now, it’s kinda blinding me.

xox Sika

Answer #30

There’s a reason that religiosity is inversely proportional to education. It’s not just coincidence, and it has nothing to do with intelligence really, it has to do with knowledge and critical thinking skills that are learned through education.

Answer #31

Why do you hate me so much? I’ve never tortured anyone. I am a non-violent person. I don’t evil kill insects. You act like I am some kind of devil because I beleive in God. I am just an ordinary man and an ordinary father trying live a good life with God. You don’t have to be so mean to me.

Answer #32

yeah basically your ‘proof’ is putting out ideas and theories for scientists to think about thats not proving that god is real maybe if you showed me a picture of you and god outside the gate to heaven, id believe you… if you didnt have photoshop

Answer #33

Wait a minute first of all understand that it is 2008 and that we have had telephones for 112 years. Even after I told you when the telephone was inveneted you are still off by 2 years!!! Another thing is that how can you say God loves everyone unconditionally when you yourself have stated that you don’t beleive in God. Are you some type of Hypocrite?! And for your information I do have a daughter, her name is Kayleigh and she’s two years old.

Answer #34

In response to: -100 years ago people would have thought it impossible to communicate in real time with people on the other side of the planet. -Great but you might want to get your facts straight. I don’t know if you even know this, but Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1886, which is more than 100 years ago. It’s not 1986 anymore, so you might want to get with the times. People have been communicating with other people across the world since 1886.

Answer #35

You know, at this very moment, I have no doubt that I exist. I have no doubt that the other people posting in this forum exist. I have no doubt my computer exists, or any number of other ordinary things exist. None of these have to convince me they exist, because their existence is self evident.

Why is God proposed to be all powerful, and also proposed to want us to know it, yet is incapable of the simplest task of making itself evident? God is less powerful than a ham sandwich in that regard.

Answer #36

The leading theory about the precursor to the big bang is called the M theory which is a continuation on superstring theory, look it up if you wish. In simple lay terms M theory suggests that two parallel dimensions came so close to one another that the outer membranes collided at specific intervals. The membrane itself is not rigid and looks more like ripples in the water. It also goes on to say that because of this there are even more parallel universes each with their own big bang. And physic’s doesn’t claim light speed is the fastest way to travel or expand anything Einsteins theory of relativity does. But his theory of relativity doesn’t include gravity even. It claims that mass moving at high speeds gains mass, so if an object was moving at light speed it’s mass would be infinite and to move beyond light speed would require infinite power. How then do black holes suck in light? And another oddity, tachyons. In 1967, Gerald Feinberg, a physicist at Columbia University, proposed the existence of these faster-than-light particles. In their mirror world above the light-speed barrier, tachyons would require infinite energy to slow down to the speed of light. But science and religion aren’t mutually exclusive I believe the big bang sounds just like God’s first day of creation. First he made light, the big bang started off in infinite blackness as a small ball of light.

Answer #37

“How do I know you ask…by faith “ “The proof I have that God exists is by looking at trees, stars, pets, water, air we breath…our bodies. “

Well, which is it? Do you know from the evidence, or do you know from faith? If you don’t know the difference between faith and inductive reasoning, no wonder you think belief in evolutionary theory requires faith.

Answer #38

“I am not a complete fraud, you asked me to give you evidence of what I said and I told you to go to Krishna.com. There you will find enormous amounts of evidence. “

I have had a look around and there does not seem to be any repeatable tests I could run to confirm any of the metaphysical nonsense the site espouses. How are we to differentiate outrageous notions of how the universe works, from the genuine article? Surely repeatable experimentation and observation are the only way?

“I can’t write thousands of books for you on this website, trust me I tried pasting a 900 page number document on to this site in response to a question about numbers and it doesn’t work. “

Almost no-one reads long posts.

“I didn’t make any of this stuff up.”

No - someone else made it up, you just believe them.

“I told you that I would even point out where to find anything I said on that site. I don’t think it’s nice to call someone a fraud just because he has a different faith than you.”

Faith is something you have when you have no evidence. I reserve the right to ridicule any bizarre notion about how the universe works. Religion and faith do not earn automatic respect in my book. If you have silly ideas about the universe, your place in it, and what the creator has in mind for you - then I will call them silly. If you get offended, perhaps you should have a close look at what you really believe, what evidence there is for it (especially in comparison to other faiths), and why you get offended if people like me question it.

“I am just wondering what caused the Big Bang.”

Nobody knows. We may never know.

“How can an atom expand…”

It wasn’t an atom.

“…” into a universe millions of light years wide”

How do you KNOW this actually happened? I will give you a hint - there is a vast amount of verifiable evidence via different independent methods that suggest this is what happened. Scientists don;t make this stuff up, they look for explanations of the data they obtain through experiment and careful observation.

“ (at that time) in a Decillionth of a second. How can one atom expand a Quattordecillion times the speed of light.”

Because things CAN move faster than the speed of light - it just appears to be a threshold we cannot cross (I am not an expert in these areas). Also, it was not matter expanding at that speed, but the fabric of space and time itself (again not an expert, but the idea fascinates me)

“I have learned that the laws of physics hold the same everywhere and at everytime in the universe.”

Yes, but even time is flexible.

“The fastest speed possible in the Universe is 186,000 miles per second, the speed of light.”

No, we think there are particles that move faster than this, for example tacheons. Finding a suitable way to detect and verify these particles is the challenge.

“How did the Universe expand much faster than this in the Inflation.”

I don’t have the depth of understanding to explain this, but it is a great question. I wish I knew enough about this area to give a more satisfactory answer.

“And also how did the first atom appear, and when did it appear?”

According to the models we have, and the universe cooled from the BB the first atoms of hydrogen appeared. As the universe cooled even more the heavier, denser particles formed (helium, etc). This is commonly called atomic evolution and should not be confused with biological evolution (usually known as just “evolution”).

“I am just curious how the Big Bang was created and what known physical force was responsible for expanding the Universe so fast.”

You are not the only one. If you manage to crack this the Nobel institute will give you a medal, 1 million dollars, and you will be famous for generations.

“It seems to break the law of physics that states nothing can travel faster than the light.? Please tell me how this is possible.”

From my limited understanding time itself was also expanding, so the idea of a velocity (distance over time) does not really apply.

“Your friend”

And yours, to spite often heated conversation.

“…when “Brahma created the first man on Brahmaloka, named Manu and had him married to Shatarupa, Brahma’s second creation.”

Another creation story. Tell me what evidence you have that any of this is true verses the stories in Genesis, or the Aztec creation story, or the Australian Aborginal Dreamtime stories, or any other creation myth?

Answer #39

Go bbb, go bbb. GOD EXISTS!!! ( Get ready though bbb, they are going to come back at you with their scientific evidence.)

Answer #40

Sorry, I couldn’t reply to you sooner but here is an extension of a brief summary of how I said Modern Science cannot really perform any meaningful experiences. Building satellites,/shuttles, and launching probes is not advancement of human civilization because it is just a waste of the taxpayers money. All of these space missions are hundreds of billions of dollars down the drain that could have been used here on Earth to feed starving people, cure cancer, and likewise. What’s the big deal about spending 40 billion dollars to go to the moon, and bring back useless rocks. Since we can’t live on the moon, or obtain any resources from it, it is a waste of time. All of these probes such as Spirit and Opportunity have done nothing. They have found no life on Mars. Cassini has found no life on Titan. All of Space Exploration such as SETI has found no intelligent life, and any possible mission to find life such as Project Longshot, or A cryobot to Europa will never happen because although NASA places it as it’s top priority they are just bullshitting the common people. They just talk crap but they can’t follow thorough. There are many examples of this NASA has been saying for decades that they will launch a probe to Europa, a cryobot, that will search the oceans looking for life. They put this as their highest priority but instead they say they can’t due to budget cuts. Europa is the only known place in our solar system with the potential possibility of visible carbon based life that is perceivable with the human senses. Also NASA has pushed back the date for the Space Interferometry Mission more than 5 times. The SIM is a telescope that will be able to spot many Earh-like planets which as the Mission to Europa is likely to spot Advanced Civilizations. Now, NASA keeps saying that the budget cuts keep limiting and pushing back the mission. Every two years NASA has been pushing back SIM for like 4 years since 1998, and it is not even listed in the 2008 fisical budget meaning instead of happening in 2005 it won’t happen until much after 2016 and a manned probe to Europa until much after 2017 because they keep pushing back these projects although they give it the highest priority on their list. In addition to this they keep pushing back the date for the Terrestial Planet Finder a telescope that will look for Earth-like planets with the possibiltiy of advanced life. Project Longshot is also an example of an opportunity for an interstellar probe to reach Alpha Centarui in 50 years. NASA has done nothing to show that this will become a realtiy since the 1980’s. Space Exploration has never contributed to anything, it’s just a waste of money because all these probes and missions do is bring back dead rocks from dead planets with no resources. Wasting billions of dollars is not advancement. So you see the real message is that modern science is making fools out of people, they really can’t do any experiments. Whatever they say they will do never gets done. Everything that NASA said it would do 30 years ago, won’t be accomplished even 30 years from now. They are just bullshitting people. There are no experiments, all of this about Finding life on Extrasolar Planets, Going to the Stars, Sending cryobots to Europa is just a fairy tale. NASA cannot do anything, no experiments, but in the Vedas all of these things have been done before. Thank You. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Answer #41

Now that title just urges Atheists to lash out on you.

Answer #42

Why must we keep arguing? I am tired of it! Can’t we all just get along and be friends? Or do you hate people who believe in God?

Answer #43

I am not a complete fraud, you asked me to give you evidence of what I said and I told you to go to Krishna.com. There you will find enormous amounts of evidence. I can’t write thousands of books for you on this website, trust me I tried pasting a 900 page number document on to this site in response to a question about numbers and it doesn’t work. I tried numerous times, but it’s too much information for the site to maintain. Why do you call me a complete fraud, I told you where you could get evidence, Krishna.com. I didn’t make any of this stuff up. I told you that I would even point out where to find anything I said on that site. I don’t think it’s nice to call someone a fraud just because he has a different faith than you. I had another question. I am not trying to argue with you about God anymore. I am just wondering what caused the Big Bang. How can an atom expand into a universe millions of light years wide (at that time) in a Decillionth of a second. How can one atom expand a Quattordecillion times the speed of light. I have learned that the laws of physics hold the same everywhere and at everytime in the universe. The fastest speed possible in the Universe is 186,000 miles per second, the speed of light. How did the Universe expand much faster than this in the Inflation. And also how did the first atom appear, and when did it appear? I am just curious how the Big Bang was created and what known physical force was responsible for expanding the Universe so fast. It seems to break the law of physics that states nothing can travel faster than the light.? Please tell me how this is possible. Your friend.

Answer #44

If you go around saying all religious people are syupid, you have turned an earlier point against you. All I see are people being judgemental. It is sheer rudeness. I have heard many of complaints that we “religious” ones are judgemental. Take a good long look at your comments guys. Who do you see being judgemental?

Another point is that we who have faith are not all religious, and you cannot base the inexperience of one as the ground upon which to judge all others. I may not have an experience in science, but that is because I am poor, not because I am religious. Many of the people who attend my church have college degrees. Just because I do not, and do not understand some of the terminology is no reason to judge my fellow believers.

Take a few minutes and put yourself into another person’s shoes BEFORE you call them stupid. I can tell you that it can emotionally hurt someone very deeply. That is how my abusive ex-husband treated me, and I did not come onto this site to see it from total strangers.

I agree I am not as smart as any of you, but do not asume that I or any of my compatriots is stupid just because we do not have scientific knowledge. There are other kinds of knowledge out there, and maybe in those areas we know more than you could ever learn because you don’t see them as important. bbb was asking questions and giving answers based upon his experience and inexperience in certain subjects. Instead of calling him stupid, research the answers or tel him where to research the answers. Do not call him Stupid because he has different beliefs and/or values than you.

Thank you

Answer #45

I don’t hate you - it’s your beliefs that are crazy. Like millions of others you think the creator of the universe speaks to you and will look after you after you die. Trouble is, there is no evidence this is the case and we have numerous “holy texts” with conflicting instructions to please this omniscient, omnipotent creator.

Wars, terror, and horrors of all kinds have been inflicted on the human race due to unproved (and unprovable) notions of what the all knowing god might want, or doesn’t like. We have roasted people alive, we have slowly drowned them, we have stoned them to death, we starve people, shot them, blow them up, fly them into buildings, beat them for being attracted to the wrong people, gun them down for performing medical procedures, prevent them from receiving life saving blood, waste their time in useless daily prayer, and forbid them from eating certain foods (unless the animal is killed a certain way - just the way god likes). The list of human misery due to these bizarre ideas has no end.

Enough is enough. I was trapped by this system and managed to escape, but now all I see is a world trapped by the same ludicrous belief systems. I will not sit by and let us kill each other of bronze age myths anymore. Faith as a virtue should be eradicated.

Let me be clear - religion is NOT the problem. FAITH is. Knowing something for which there is no evidence, or to spite the evidence will be our undoing. When someone of extreme faith obtains the bomb - it’s lights out for us all.

Answer #46

You wanted scientific evidence and proof of the authenticity of God and the Vedas, and Michael Cremo’s books such as Forbidden Archeology, Human Devolution, and the Hidden History of the Human Race are all scientific books. Michael Cremo is a noble scientist who talks about proof of people living billions of years ago from fossils and artifacts of human civilizations billons of years ago. So bones, and artifacts are not evidence, because it seems to me that is how modern science gets its view. This is how we know about dinosaurs, and our own human race. We learn this by carbon dating and through fossils. Michael Cremo’s books show proof of such fossils. Have you heard of Michael Cremo or his books? Have you ever tried to read any of it? It has the physical evidence such as bones, which you are looking for, because this is what scientists go off of. This book is not about faith in God, but hard facts and evidence from Archeological finds that prove the existence of highly civilized religious civilizations billions of years ago, which correspond to Vedic descriptions. Michael Cremo is a brilliant and authorative scientist. You should search him on the internet and read about his books and is scientific proof for God. Have you been to Krishna.Com, what did you see, what did you think about it?

P.S. You said the person who figures out what caused the Big Bang would get a Nobel Prize, well who would one talk to if they figured it out? I was just wondering.

Answer #47

If you don’t want to beleive me then don’t, I am tired of arguing this question, because it isn’t getting anywhere.

Answer #48

“Well, God has to punish people for their sins,”

Then why did he create the capacity for sin?

“ and since 99.99999 percent of people sin they are punished.”

So no one can escape punishment from this all loving god?

“This is the law of Karma.”

Ahh - are you a Hindu, or Buddhist, or something else?

“Everything that is happening right now to us, good or bad is the result of our actions in our previous life, and everything we do now in this life will lead to what happens to us in our next life.”

It’s an interesting idea, but I wonder how it all started and why. Also, there is no evidence to support the idea.

“I don’t undersand what you mean ‘OH Dear’ when you are adressing my comment about people travelling to Brahmaloka billions of years ago.”

I guess nobody knows where Brahmaloka actually is, or has accurate records from billions of years ago?

“Brahmaloka was the first planet in the Universe.”

So you say.

“It is where Krsna gave Brahma”

OK - now at least I know your religion :)

“His divine instruction to create all living beings, celestial, human, animal, plant.”

Out of nothing as if my magic. I think I have heard this story before …

“This current creation started about 155 trillion years ago,”

According to our best science at the moment the universe is 13.7 billion years old.

“This is how mankind was created. What you don’t beleive me?”

Do I really need to answer this? There is absolutely no observations or experiments we could perform to verify ANY of this myth. Why should I believe it?

Answer #49

We are not arguing we are discussing an interesting conversation. Trust me we are good friends! Right everyone?

Answer #50

In response to:“As far as marriage being a religious union, it’s also a legal union. ‘Unions’ were around long before the bible and in many cultures who don’t believe in the christian god.”
-First of all if you read what I said I agreed that marriage could take place anywhere like a beach or Vegas. Now for your statement yes, it is true marriage has been around before the Bible. The bible is a mere 2,000 years old. Marriage has been around for hundreds of trillions of years when Brahma created the first man on Brahmaloka, named Manu and had him married to Shatarupa, Brahma’s second creation. So, Marriage was first a religious thing. But I don’t get you. Earlier you were complaining that reading this argument had wasted 10 minutes of your life. If you don’t want to waste your time then why do you keep on responding. If you are mad that you want your ten minutes of your life back, why do you keep wasting more of it with this nonsense?

Answer #51

Yeah toadly, you may be right. After rereading my words I see I may have lashed out unfairly and that is nobody’s fault except my own. For all it’s worth, I apologize.

There is never a good reason to demean others. When I read the hurtful words and condescending attitudes of some in here toward bbb it didn’t set well with me, then I read bbb pleading: “I’m sorry I have upset everyone, I will no longer respond to this post since everyone seems to hate me. Just stop making fun of me. I am sorry I ever started this question and I apologize that I ever talked about God. I will never do so in the future. Just stop making fun of me because it hurts my feelings. Thank You.”

bbb’s words almost made me cry. I guess it struck a nerve and I lashed out at all, even though it was only a few who were guilty.

toadly, you were not one of the guilty. Even though you disagreed with bbb, you remained on point without hurling insults, put-downs, or condescending attitude like some of the others, and I respect that.

As for those who did attack, demean, condescend, insult bbb, I owe you an apology too. I allowed your rudeness to become my own resulting in harsh words. None of which I am proud of. It is not how a true Christian should be.

I have a simple suggestion; why don’t we call it a day. Let’s close this post right here and now. All has been said that can be said to this point and allowing it to continue won’t change anything.

Answer #52

“My evidence is the Vedas”

So you have a book.

“what is your evidence?”

Observations of the world around us.

“As far as I have heard from you science doesn’t know what created the Big Bang”

That’s right. There is a big difference between saying “I don’t know” to “I know everything”.

“ theory unless they can provide evidence as to how it happened”

There is a big difference to a theory and fact. Facts we can directly observe (a ball falls to the ground), a theory is a framework that combines multiple facts into a explanation (the theory of gravity). We can not observe gravity directly, nor do we know how it works, but we can see its effects.

“You can find good evidence about the creation of the universe from the Brahma Samhita and Forbidden Archeology”

And there is an army of other books promoting other creation stories. I am sure any Christian library will be able to help you here (just to pick one religion).

Answer #53

In response to: -Maybe. Of course a simpler explanation is that there are no loving omnipotent gods in control of everything, randomly lashing out at mostly theistic populations due to their anger over atheists. The degree of cognitive dissonance displayed is truly remarkable.

-I am not sure if this is sarcastic, I think you are trying to say that it doesn’t make sense because God also kills theistic people. This is true. Just because a person is good now doesn’t mean he hasn’t been sinful earlier in life or in a previous life. Another thing to mention is that it really doesn’t matter if you beleive in God you have to be 100 percent pure to be above sin, and 99.99999999 percent of the people are not pure so they to have to go through suffering at the hands of God. Only the 100 percent pure people who have no more sins left are free from all suffering. I hope this answered your question.

Answer #54

Why do people even argue about this. We’re here, aren’t we? It hardly matters how we got here or why we’re here. Sure, it’d be neat to know, something scientists are trying to figure out everyday, but how we got here isn’t something that’s going to make any difference about where we are now, or where we’re going to be in the future. Why does every interested and ignorant layman who doesn’t know or understand a fraction about science or religion that scientists and religious philosophers do always try to argue about which one is real and which one is better, without A) actually looking into this stuff before ignorantly attacking the opposite side, or B) realizing even the highly educated individuals listed cannot fully prove or disprove the existence of a god, or lack there of.

Just shut up and stop arguing about stuff you know nothing about. If you decided to stop being a moron and read a book or something for once, you’d get your fill of the most sufficient answers to your objectively criticizing question any highly educated scientist or religious philosopher could provide. Then you wouldn’t be so quick to act like an idiot and try to show up the other side by pointing out some irrelevant tid bit of information that’s been known to everyone for ages.

Answer #55

The exact term used in the bible for fearfully basically breaks down to respect love and obey. The same basic vows we take in our marriages. I do all these to my husband, and he has the same for me, in ways. The point is do you obey your parents? When you misbehaved did you fear the response, grounding, no tv etc? Well it’s the same except God is the cosmic Father.

As for belief v.s. proof, I’m clearly not a genius, but I have tried to look at the evidence, and it seems to me evolution just gives me more reason to believe in God’s ultimate plan. He tried one thing, it wasn’t just right, so he tried again.

And as for: Let me be clear - religion is NOT the problem. FAITH is. Knowing something for which there is no evidence, or to spite the evidence will be our undoing. When someone of extreme faith obtains the bomb - it’s lights out for us all.

Actually, faith is not the problem, religion is, organized religion anyway. If people lose sight of their faith in God and focus on what they gain by being “religious”

There is a huge diffence in accepting Christ as your Savior and wanting to tell others about it and going off and killing people or judging them because they don’t agree with you.

Heathy debate is wonderful but when it degenerates into I’m better than you because I believe this it is sickening.

Answer #56

“jaceb, I feel sorry for you. You are a very angry person, and to be so young too. What a shame. It’s too bad you cannot spell.”

Why is it that anyone who calls religious people out on their bronze age myths about the universe are labelled “angry people”. I have even been accused by family that I am angry at god because my mother died - how can I be angry at a mythical creature? I may as well be mad at Santa Claus for not bringing me the right presents.

The resort to ad hominem attacks proves you have no evidence or logical argument to support your beliefs. It is such a shame when Christians cannot live up to the ideals their religion supposedly teaches. Invading countries because “god told you to”, or murdering doctors to save the souls of future unborn foetuses, or attacking the character of young people because they disagree with your blinkered view of the world might be seen by many as very “unchristian”.

Truth is these are seemingly all very Christian traits.

Answer #57

Wow, there are a lot of people who are not responding to my questions anymore! I guess they got scared and ran away. I am glad the atheists have finally woken up and seen that I am right. God, Krsna, Christ, Christos, exists and now that atheists beleive it! I am glad that I won this argument and I have saved many atheists from an eternal life of misery in Hell, by converting them into God Conscious people. It was hard, but in the end it was rewarding to show people that God exists. I have finally acheived this, and now since none of the atheists are answering the questions, I think they finally truly beleive in God as the Supreme being and ruler of the Universe! Well thank you, and I guess my job is done by converting all the atheists into religious people. Well I guess this long spiraling question is done, so if you want to thank me for making you God conscience you can, but other than that, I guess this question is closed. Well it was a long battle but I finally won, and everyone benefitted!

Praise the Lord-Atheism Destroyed! Satan-Gone!!! YEAH!!!

Answer #58

“When you misbehaved did you fear the response, grounding, no tv etc? Well it’s the same except God is the cosmic Father.”

Yes, but the argument breaks down when you consider that god is apparently omniscient, thus would KNOW the everything that was ever going to happen before he even created the universe. What kind of being creates something knowing full well that billions of his children will perish in the eternal flames of hell?

“He tried one thing, it wasn’t just right, so he tried again.”

So did he get it wrong? When we read the bible, god has made numerous attempts to cleanse the world of evil (floods, smiting cities, killing himself) - none have worked. What kind of incompetent god is this?

“faith is not the problem, religion is, organized religion anyway”

Any time someone gives up their reasoning powers, stops looking at the evidence or their logic we leave ourselves open to all sort of fanciful garbage. Why do so many people believe that ridding the body of Thetans can make you clairvoyant, or giving up all your possession and begging for food is the path to nirvana, or a woman was tricked into eating a fruit from a magical tree and is the cause of all sin in the world? There is a complete lack of evidence, reason, or logic in any of these scenarios.

“There is a huge diffence in accepting Christ as your Savior and wanting to tell others about it and going off and killing people or judging them because they don’t agree with you.”

For the vast majority of believers such barbaric notions are unthinkable. Moderate believers are tempered by modern morality, but more literal interpretation of the holy books easily lead to death and war. When a person truly believes the creator of the universe has instructed them to “kill the infidel” or “stone homosexuals and adulterers”, then there is little in this world that can prevent them from carrying out god’s will.

“Heathy debate is wonderful but when it degenerates into I’m better than you because I believe this it is sickening.”

I agree.

Answer #59

bbb, I just want you to know this one thing. Those who have called you names, attacked you for what you believe, harassed you, insulted you…they are losers.

They think they are smarter than everybody else. Their inflated views of themselves are blown way out of proportion, so far so that they don’t even know their boat is sinking into the muck and mire which will catch their feet and drag them into the deep depths of darkness and death.

You need to feel sorry for them, for you and I both know that if they don’t change their beliefs, attitudes and actions, that they will indeed meet Satan first hand at our Lord’s second coming, which will happen very soon now.

So, my friend, cheer up. There is no need to have hurt feelings by the rude, mean, uncalled-for comments these low-minded ones thrust ed upon you; you need to have pity on them. Soon it’ll be over and they will wish they’d taken the time to know God.

Answer #60

bbb…let’s suppose that I buy what you’re saying.

So, there is a God. Which one? Is it the Judeo Christian one, who forgot about 99% of the people in the world when he sent his son to “save” us?

Is it one of the many Norse gods, who are infallible? Or the Greco-Roman ones? Or the native gods of the American people before the slaughter by the Europeans? Or the gods of the native British, again, before the slaughter of their rules by the invading Catholics?

Tell me: given your theory, say you sold me, hook line & sinker. Now, what theory says that there is a god which didn’t ignore most of the Earth when their prophet was sent down?

Answer: there isn’t one. Not a single major religion sent down a prophet to all people on the planet, speaking in all tongues. ;)

Of course, I could be wrong. But, I haven’t heard of this prophet yet.

Answer #61

I thought Christians were supposed to attract nonbelievers by living happy and peaceful lives, not by long winded rants. But what do I know?

Answer #62

FOXXY18146: LISTEN I am not telling you to go and be amuslim the website is called funadvice so I am giving you advice some people will take the advice some dont…but you like it or not islam is the right religion . guys have you seen the dead people in palastine and in iraqe how they are smiling amazing like they have seen somthing. and one of our proof did we (the arabs) have ever hurt you guys oh your going to say yaaa 9/11 will you kill us we are definding ourselves you cried at that day and you keep saying the arab is terrors oh and you american and jewish not terrors its ok if you killed us its ok if 5days old baby died by a gun shut in her mothers lap..for what plzzz tell me in iraqe cz sadam huseen is abusterd ok I am not going to say he was a good person but the americans army shoot us for nothing oh wait they are searching for weapons and for sadam oh yaaa kill more babies more women and more… in the end there where no weapons and they killed sadam and have put another presdent on americas opinion.loool oh dont worry there is more but its going to take 9000000000000000 years tell I am end so now who is the right people here …

Answer #63

Hi Folks!

So, I see this question has finally slowed down and that is good news! I thought it was going on forever LOL! :)

Here is my two cents; of course there is an Intelligent Designer, our Creator, Jesus Christ. How do I know you ask…by faith I believe. It takes faith to believe in God just as it takes faith to believe in evolution, but Creationism makes billions of times more sense than evolution ever will. Sorry if I’m stepping on people’s toes, but this is how I believe.

When a person desires to know if God is real; if he searches for Him with all their heart, like “an hart panting after the water brook” if you are truly sincere, you will find Him. If you are not sincere, well, you will never know God.

The proof I have that God exists is by looking at trees, stars, pets, water, air we breath…our bodies. Nobody but an Intelligent Designer could do all this.

In college I studied the human body, how it functions and to tell you the truth, if I had not been a Christian before, the study would have made me one! Wow! We are indeed “fearfully and wonderfully made!” By God…

The proof that God exists is all around you. “If you seek ye shall find”

Answer #64

“So, I see this question has finally slowed down and that is good news! I thought it was going on forever LOL!”

So you start the discussion all over again?

“… of course there is an Intelligent Designer, our Creator, Jesus Christ.”

This is a statement of belief, not a one of fact. Why isn’t Allah the creator, or any one of the numerous gods to choose from? Where is the evidence to support such an hypothesis anyway?

“How do I know you ask…by faith I believe.”

Faith is something you have when you do not have any evidence, so your use of the word “know” is distorted.

“It takes faith to believe in God…”

It sure does, because there is no evidence to support one.

“… just as it takes faith to believe in evolution…”

There is a huge amount of non-contradictory, experimental and repeatable observations that support evolution. It takes no faith to belief in it.

“”, but Creationism makes billions of times more sense than evolution ever will.”

Creationism says everything was poofed into being from absolutely nothing, then a magic invisible man created all living things using dirt - and you think that makes sense?

“Sorry if I’m stepping on people’s toes, but this is how I believe.”

Believe is the right word here because you have no evidence or logical arguments to support your views.

“The proof I have that God exists is by looking at trees, stars, pets, water, air we breath…our bodies. Nobody but an Intelligent Designer could do all this.”

If all things that are complex require design, then surely your all knowing, all powerful, ever present god is the most complex thing that ever was. Why doesn’t god require a designer?

“In college I studied the human body, how it functions..”

They obviously never taught you evolutionary theory. It is such a simple concept to grasp even a child could understand it. What on Earth are they teaching people over there?

“” and to tell you the truth, if I had not been a Christian before, the study would have made me one!”

Why didn’t it make you a Muslim, or Jewish, or a believer of any other god? I an guessing it is because you never considered other religions due to your cultural environment. The same “evidence” would make someone living in India become a believer in Vishnu.

“ Wow! We are indeed ‘fearfully and wonderfully made!’ By God…

Fearfully? I though god was loved everyone unconditionally? Why would I FEAR god? Why are there phrases like “Good god fearing folk.”?

“The proof that God exists is all around you.”

Proof the universe exists is all around us, not evidence of a creator.

Answer #65

Another thing that might be interesting in this exciting conversation is to point out that communication across the planet is not a new phenomenon. Billions of years ago sages were able to communicate instantly to other people anywhere in the Universe. There have been sages billioins of years ago who could travel from Earth to Brahmaloka (A planet 40 billion light years away) is less than an hour. They could communicate using telepathy. People billions of years ago were much more advanced than us. They used to live for millions of years and they could travel anywhere in the Universe in an instant. Since this is Kali-Yuga we are the most degraded and less technologically advanced people. Our race today has only supposedly gone to the moon. This is our greatest acheivement but men in Satya Yuga had been the moon, the Sun the Stars, the Celestial planets and all of the Galaxies many times, and they didn’t have a pathetic lifespan of 90,100,122 years, no they lived for millions of years. This race is much more Advanced than Kardashev 3 because their empire spanned the entire Universe and not just the 156 billion light-year Observable Universe, but the whole thing!

Answer #66

Wow - you really are ignorant.

“..they keep pushing back these projects although they give it the highest priority on their list”

I suppose you think it’s easy to fly to another world?

“All of these space missions are hundreds of billions of dollars down the drain that could have been used here on Earth to feed starving people, cure cancer, and likewise”

True, but to write all of their achievements off because you think the money could be better spent elsewhere is disingenuous.

“NASA is a fairy tale, They talk sh*t but they don’t deliver,”

This post probably went via a satellite placed in orbit by NASA, or using the technology it developed.

“If somebody would show me the American Flag on the moon through a telescope, then I would take back everything I said about NASA”

There are no telescopes on Earth powerful enough to even go close to seeing a flag on the moon. Even Hubble can’t see it. As powerful as Hubble is (above the limits of the Earth’s atmosphere), it has no chance of seeing the Flag on the Moon. What could it see? Well, Hubble has a mirror that is 98 inches in diameter. That gives it a resolution of 4.5/98 or about 0.046 arc seconds. If one does the math, this translates to a resolution of about 292 feet. So, Hubble could just detect an object that was 292 feet across on the Moon. To see any detail on an object, it would have to be somewhat larger. To put this in perspective, if a typical pro football stadium was located on the Moon Hubble could make out some basic details (the field could just barely be made out in the center of a very small oval).

Of course, no amount of evidence and logic will work on you. Vedas exists and there is a world wide conspiracy to “hide the truth” to “keep the masses under control” and enact “the new world order”.

“…but in the Vedas all of these things have been done before.”

Show us your evidence.

Answer #67

you assume that all these qusetions that have no proven answer must have been gods doing…anything you cant explain, god did it…funny how people all run to the same excuse…alos funny howw you think its just the athiests who seem to be mocking your opinions…but anyway

people and living things dont live forever, nothing does, not even the world and not even your “god”…if things just kepft on living there would have been no room left on the worlf long ago…thas not the way tnature intended it to be…things die to make way for new things and to welcome evolution, everything has to evolve, nothing stays the same for too long…just because you see a rock and it looks the same dosnt mean its not changing and slowly dying.

its also pretty stupid to think monkeys just gave birth to humans…now I dont beileve we evolved from monkeys but…it took millions of years for something to evolve into something else…it dosnt just go from fish, to fish with legs, to frog, to reptile blah, blah, blah…millions of other animals were created in bitween these periods of time…and those that were impractical at the time did not survive…but they evolved, and other millions of years of evolving they ivolved into something more practical.

and yes…the big bang theory never happened…but because of this… everything tha die didnt justdie in a matter of years…they died over a few thousand years…a much more explainable answer to this is climate change, and when little things die due to climate change, bigger things that eat them start to die and so on…but some animals like ancestors of crocadiles and birds and such did survive this.

its pretty pathetic though how here you are questioning all these so called unexplainable and untrue things about science when you have no proof, no knowledge andd no idea how your “god” made a world

Answer #68

Well, God has to punish people for their sins, and since 99.99999 percent of people sin they are punished. This is the law of Karma. People sin thoughout their life and then they are reborn again. Everything that happens in a person’s life is the result of the actions in the previous life. We make our next lives throught the actions in this life. Everything that is happening right now to us, good or bad is the result of our actions in our previous life, and everything we do now in this life will lead to what happens to us in our next life. It’s actually simple if you think about it. I don’t undersand what you mean “OH Dear” when you are adressing my comment about people travelling to Brahmaloka billions of years ago. Brahmaloka was the first planet in the Universe. It is where Krsna gave Brahma His divine instruction to create all living beings, celestial, human, animal, plant. Brahma created a progenator called Manu, who is the father of Mankind, and he sent him to Earth. This current creation started about 155 trillion years ago, since Brahma is now in mid-life. His entire life encompasses 311 trillion 40 billion years, in which 155 trillion have passed. It only took Manu about 30 minutes to reach Earth from Brahmaloka, where he started creating mankind, so that was 155 trillion years ago. This is how mankind was created. What you don’t beleive me?

Answer #69

NASA is a fairy tale, They talk sht but they don’t deliver, where is the mission to Europa, where are the colonies on the Moon and Mars, what happened to the Terrestial Planet Finder, or Project Longshot, I mean what the fu@k is NASA doing, except wasting trillions of dollars of the taxpayers money. You should research some of NASA’s proposals and you will see all of them have been delayed again and again. The Space Interferometry Mission also known as SIM Planet Quest was originally supposed to launch in 2005.The launch date for the SIM PlanetQuest mission has been pushed back at least five times.[3][5][12][13] At the program’s outset, in 1998, the launch was scheduled for 2005.[3] By 2000, the launch date had been delayed until 2009, a date that held through 2003; though some project scientists cited 2008 in late 2000.[5][11][14] Between 2004 and 2006, contractor Northrop Grumman, the company designing and developing SIM, listed a launch date of 2011 on their website.[12] With the release of the FY 2007 NASA budget, predictions changed again, this time to a date no earlier than 2015 or 2016. People were supposed to be living on the moon since the 1980’s but even the moon landings by Apollo are all fake, NASA has done nothing but bullsht. All of these things are fairy tales. Get down to Earth NASA has done nothing that is beneficial to humanity except waste trillions of dollars. They say they will do all of these great things by launching missions that they never do such as SIM, Europa, Project Longshot, and Terrestial Planet Finder, but as you can see none of this has ever taken place. If you disagree with me I would like you to name one thing that NASA has currently done that has benefited humanity economically. Just name only one way that trillions of taxpayers dollars have gone to help the world economically. Remember that the economic benefit must outweigh all of the trillions of dollars NASA has wasted in its missions. And don’t tell me about the future, tell me about now, what’s already done. As we can see from NASA’s proposals, the future is a load of crap, because nothing they say ever gets done. So just name one thing NASA has done that has benefited humanity by economically outweighing the cost of all of NASA’s Missions. And the Vedas is not a fairy tale. IF NASA’s claims are real then they must prove it! I heard that there are telescopes on the Earth that are so powerful it can spot a candle flickering on the moon. If this is the case, then why can’t NASA show people the American flag through these telescopes? I’m not asking to go the moon since it would cost billions of dollars by mechanical means, if it were possible, I just need proof, why hasn’t NASA let anyone see through their telescopes. If somebody would show me the American Flag on the moon through a telescope, then I would take back everything I said about NASA. I just need proof! As long as I have proof, I am okay. Since proof is possible, if these telescopes NASA talk about are real, then there is no reason why they don’t let people see the flag through the telescope.

Answer #70

bbb, surely you must realize that most people consider the Vedas more of a fairy tale than the plans of NASA.

Answer #71

gos gay and not real lol

Chemo Tink xx

Answer #72

wow. just wow. Can I have the last 10 minutes of my life back after reading all that BS?

Live and let live.

xox Sika

Answer #73

uhm, someone needs to take his meds.

Answer #74

“Is that sarcasm”


Answer #75

‘I really like you last paragraph ‘

…Is that sarcasm, or…?

Answer #76

First of understand that NASA does have telescopes powerful enough to see a flickering candle on the moon. Hubble is not the most powerful telescope there is. You would know this simple fact just by taking an introductory astronomy course. The Apollo Moon Hoax is true. Just search it on the internet. Type in Apollo Moon Hoax, and you will get a lot of information.

Answer #77

orion, if you read through bbb’s posts, I think you’ll be forced to agree “he started it”.

You’re calling people “losers” for doing nothing more than reacting to his inflammatory posts in an appropriate manner.

Personally, I’ll remember your love fest here the next time I consider defending you against a nonbeliever who’s out of line.

Answer #78

“Michael Cremo is a noble scientist ..”

I think what you mean is that you can buy his book at Barnes and Noble, because he has not received a Noble Prize. - look it up.

Never the less, I will look up one of his books and give it a go.

Get our paper explaining what the universe was like before the big bang published in a respectable peer reviewed scientific journal.

Answer #79

I’m sorry I have upsetted everyone, I will no longer respond to this post since everyone seems to hate me. Just stop making fun of me. I am sorry I ever started this question and I apologize that I ever talked about God. I will never do so in the future. Just stop making fun of me because it hurts my feelings. Thank You.

Answer #80

Thanks for admitting your mistake. It was my mistake not to actually look up the date the telephone was invented before using it as an example.

This is rather pedantic, but is I change my throw away line to read “150 years ago…” the central point still stands.

Answer #81


No, I don’t hate people who believe in god(s) - I’m even married to one. We’re arguing because you keep making ridiculous inflamatory posts and behaving like a complete jerk.

Answer #82

You’re so my herooo.

And it reminds me of something my friend said for some reason.

“ A scientist and God were all sitting around and the scientist said ‘Well God I figured out how to make man.’ and God says ‘Prove it.’ So the scientist picks up a bit of dirt. God raises an eyebrow and says ‘Used your own dirt.’ “

Answer #83

Sorry, couldn’t resist being the 100th answer to this question in 9 days!!!

PAR-TAY!!! It took 100 answers and 9 days but I finally won and that has benefitted everyone. GOD Must be very Happy!!! Atheists NO MORE!!! YEAH YEAH YEAH YYYEAAAHHH(OKAY YEAH THAT”S ENOUGH!!! 100TH ANSWER!!! AND NO MORE ATHEISTS!!! YOU HAVE BEEN CONVERTED BY THE LIGHT OF GOD!

Answer #84

wow I read what you have to say ,, bravo

but honestly if you want to sit here and prove God dont do it with hatred

cause its people like you that make aethiest hate us so D* much

Answer #85

lool, No it isn’t fair, it’s not right. I do not believe it is from God that any should die that way. I believe what is happening to our world is being orchestrated by evil men and women in power to gain more power and eventually win control of our world.

For a very long time now, evil leaders of our world have been planning a One World Government (OWG), or a New World Order, (same thing) by turning us against each other with lies and deceit. It is part of their diabolical plan to get what they want. They are unfeeling, blood-thirsty, manipulators!

Many things happening now were written in the Holy Bible. The last days are upon us and it won’t be long before the Lord’s second coming. Then His children will go with Him and there won’t be anymore death or pain, or crying…Praise the Lord!

May the Lord be with you, be with us all.

Answer #86

“…but how we got here isn’t something that’s going to make any difference about where we are now, or where we’re going to be in the future.”

Actually, it makes all the difference.

We can either figure out how the universe works and employ that knowledge for survival and exploration, or we can sit back and wait for the second coming while the world disintegrates around us.

“…cannot fully prove or disprove the existence of a god.”

Complete knowledge is unattainable. Given the complete lack of evidence for the existence of a god I place it on the same level as a race of reptiles running the world (David Icke), or Russell’s celestial teapot. That’s why it’s completely reasonable to be agnostic and atheist (like me).

I really like you last paragraph :)

Answer #87

* “Do you ever stop to think why there is so much suffering in this world? Ever stop to think why September 11, 2001 happened or why the Tsumami in Asia killed 300,000 people or why there are people starving all over the world, or why there are people being raped, children being murdered or wars taking place? Have you ever stopped think that maybe God is just pissed off at all of you Atheists?”

Maybe. Of course a simpler explanation is that there are no loving omnipotent gods in control of everything, randomly lashing out at mostly theistic populations due to their anger over atheists. The degree of cognitive dissonance displayed is truly remarkable.

Answer #88

Congratulations on proving that:

  • humans have not yet created life from base chemicals
  • that people die
  • that consciousness is not well understood
  • that monkeys don’t give birth to humans
  • that species don’t give birth to other species
  • that men can’t make men with monkeys
  • that astrophysicists are so dimwitted they forgot about the speed of light limitation when proposing the big bang, so the big bang is false, which means that God started the big bang
  • that nothing in the universe has enough power to create the universe
  • and that it takes light millions of years to travel millions of light years

Wow! You sure did make me look silly with this amazing analysis.

Answer #89

No one will ever be able to create live from chemicals or whatever else the scientist come up with. It is totally impossible for man to create any life that also inclured every insect, animal, or human being. Further, no scientist will ever be able to create water, trees, air, flowers, dirt…anything with just chemicals.

It is only God, our Creator, who is able to create everything from nothing. He makes our bodies from the dust of the earth then He breaths His spirit into the man, making this human being a living soul. Never will any human being be able to do that.

Answer #90

Well, I’ve heard some responses to my question and I’ve heard some interesting remarks. One person asked about proof of the soul and I will tell you that it is too small to be seen. The main thing I would like to point out is that scientists have been saying they would be creating life but thery never have. In 1977, Shrilla Prabupaha in his book “Life Comes from Life” points out that scientists were bluffing when they said they could create life. The scientists in 1977 responded that they can’t create life now, but in 20 years time they will be able to . It’s 2008, so I’m guessing Shrilla Prabupada was right. Life does come from life and can’t be created by matter.

Answer #91

What I’ve read is that the BIG BANG formed/developed from what has been called the Primal Atom. Where did that come from?

The bible says that the world/universe came from god. Where did god come from?

Sorry, but the answer to both questions is the same. There is no knowledge (and may never be any knowledge) of the respective origins. Somewhere along the line we all have to say that it just IS.

Answer #92

Bo Ho - so I was out by 10 years - and?

It’s not like everyone just started believing what was just technically possible because it had been invented.

As you for other rant - you’re a lunatic. God loves everyone unconditionally, unless there are some that don’t, then he gets mad and starts killing people all over the place to “teach us a lesson”. What a weird kind of love. I hope you don’t have kids.

Answer #93

“First of understand that NASA does have telescopes powerful enough to see a flickering candle on the moon”

Name it.

“Hubble is not the most powerful telescope there is”

Yes, and I already demonstrated why it could not see something that size at that distance. Did you see a flaw in my maths?

“The Apollo Moon Hoax is true. Just search it on the internet.”

I also get a lot of evidence for Big Foot, the Loch Ness monster, fairies, the Jedi religion, and lizard people running the world. So what?

Answer #94

You ask for proof of God’s existence. What proof do you want? What would you need to be able to see in order to believe in God? Is seeing God in person the only way you would believe he existed or are there other things that if you saw or heard, or experienced would make you believe in God’s existence? What proof do you need to believe in God? I am just wondering what kind of proof you are looking for.

Answer #95

“-I am not sure if this is sarcastic”

It wasn’t.

“I think you are trying to say that it doesn’t make sense because God also kills theistic people”

Well, you said god is punishing people because of atheists. Yet you cannot explain why god would punish believers as well, except to say that they sin as well.

“There have been sages billioins of years ago who could travel from Earth to Brahmaloka”

Oh dear…

Answer #96

Yeah, I’m married. I got married in the family church. My grandfather was a minister there, my father grew up next door, etc. I got married because it’s a demonstration of my love for my wife (she is a Christian) and as a celebration. I enjoy the ceremony, but in the same way I enjoy Chinese New Year, Loi Krathong, or any other festival. Just because I visit a church, mosque, or temple or enjoy the ceremonies does not mean I MUST belief in the drivel they spew.

Answer #97

Hey! God! He’s my favorite fictional character!!

Answer #98

All of us are very good friends!

Answer #99

Well, in answer to your first question God lets people sin because He gives everyone free will to love Him of or hate Him. God loves us so much that he gives everyone free will to sin or not to. The choice is up to them, but they will have to suffer or enjoy the consequences of their actions. For your second question people can escape punishment from the loving God when they stop committing sins and learn to love God. Once they stop committing sins and all of their karmic reaction from past sins are gone there will be no more punishment. Karma is like a bank balance. Once the debt is paid there is no more punishment, but if you go buy things again, then you will have to keep paying the price. Do you get the analogy? For your third question as for my religion I am Krishna Conscience. My beliefs I based off of ISKCON (The International Society for Krishna Conscience). For your fourth question you ask how the idea of Karma all started. I would have to tell you since the beginning of time. Since the Universe is created innumerous times over and over again there is really no beginning to anything. 155 trillion years ago Brahma was born. Another 311 trillion 40 billion years before that the previous Brahma died and another 311 trillion 40 billion years before that the previous Brahma was born in a never-beginning never ending cycle. Vedic knowledge has been existing forever, and trust me I know large numbers, I am familiar with Johnathan Bowers and his Infinity Scrapers, so I am not ignorantly using the number infinity I know about The Great Big Hoss, The Guapamongaplex, and all of the other smaller infinity scrapers plus illion numbers up to a multillion. The evidence for the existence of Karma is everywhere around you. I could recite books to you but, I am not going too it would be too long. Ever heard of out of body experiences, past-life experiences. Your very existent indicates reincarnation. If you want evidence try reading some ISKCON books. A good book about reincarnation that I have read is called Coming Back, it’s an ISKCON book, you should read it. For your fifth question people do know where Brahmaloka is. It is 40 billion light years from here. Accurate records from billions of years ago exist. They are called the Vedas and they have records hundreds of trillions of years old. You should read it, it’s interesting. For your sixth concern, I don’t just say Brahmaloka was the first planet in the Universe. God also says so, and it is written in the Vedic literature. All you have to do is read a book from ISKCON and you will see that whatever I am telling you is in there. I am not making this up. And if you are interested about a particular thing just tell me and I will tell you what book to look in and what page and paragraph you can find anything you are interested in. You don’t even have to buy these books. You can go to Krishna.com and read all of these books for free, the full version! Modern science does believe that the Universe is 13.7 billion years old, but modern science is not always right and it is constantly changing. For example the Vedic literature has stated for billions of years that the Sun is in the center of our solar system. If I were to tell you this 1,000 years ago, you would think that I was crazy. You would think that my stupid religion was wrong and that the Earth was in the center of the solar system. Western Civilization didn’t believe the Sun was in the middle of the solar system until Nicholas Copernicus came up with his heliocentric theory. He was persecuted for his beliefs and ridiculed for it. Although the Vedas have been saying for billions of years that the Sun is in the center of the Solar System, if I would have said this 1,000 years ago people would say I get my knowledge from a stupid religion that just happened to be right. Maybe thousands and millions of years in the future humankind will advance far enough as to when science finally catches up with Vedic knowledge. 1,000 years ago you wouldn’t believe me if I said the world was round. You would say it was flat, but in the Vedas they have been saying that the world was round for billions of years. You would argue that your science says that the Earth is flat, but once again my religion would be write until another 500 years when science advanced further to understand this Vedic truth. The Vedas have also given an accurate age of the Earth billions of years ago, because the Vedas was in existence at the time of the beginning of Earth. Modern Science has just started to understand that the Earth is 4.54 billion years old. Before that Science thought the Earth was only 6,000 years old, but the Vedas have known that is was 4.54 billion years old for billions of years. People didn’t use to think that rockets could send people to space, but the Vedas had also known this for billions of years. You just have to read the Vedas, and all of its in there. There are rich descriptions of all the planets and stars. 1,000 years ago Science did not know that there was seven continents but the Vedas has stated this for billions of years. The list could go on forever about how many times science has been wrong, and the Vedas have been right. It’s just a matter of time before Science catches up with the Vedas, but seriously how do expect a Kardashev type 0 Civilization to understand God. We can’t even go to different planets yet, and a manned mission to Mars is even planned until 2030. We can’t even see life on extrasolar planets due to the great distance. How can we spot God then, if we can’t even see life in a miniscule portion of the Universe. In fact we can only see 156 billion light years of our universe, only a miniscule portion of one out of innumerous universes of the same size. And God is above all of these universes. We are so fallable that we can’t even really see planets orbiting other stars. We have to detect it by seeing a brief little shadow on a star. That is how we know a planet is orbiting it. If we can’t even see 4 or 5 light years away, then how can we see God who is Gigol plexes of plexes of light years away, a number so large you couldn’t even conceive of conceiving of such a number. The human mind is limited. You should believe this truth because it will help save you from the deepest and darkest depths of Hell. Just read these books for free on Krishna.Com. What do you have to lose. Now as you can see Science has been wrong many of times, but the Vedas has never been wrong. During those times people thought the Vedas was wrong but in actuality the Sun was in the center of the solar system, the Earth was round, Pluto really wasn’t a planet. Science now confirms all of this as true, but there are many things that science still doesn’t know that the Vedas has stated for billions of years. As for experiments NASA cannot even find out if Europa has life under it’s ice ocean, they keep bluffing saying they will send a cryobot but when it comes to money they back out, saying there’s no budget and now it won’t be done until atleast 2017 at the earliest but like many of NASA’s claims they never follow through, such as Project Longshot, Project Dadelus, and the Planet Finder, for more details check out my NASA question I posted on Fun Advice a few weeks ago,. Modern science cannot prove anything either, but you can prove Vedic Science, but for most things you must die to know the truth. I can’t talk to you fully but there is proof. I am trying to keep this short, so if you want proof just go to Krishna.com and you will get all the proof you are searching for. -Thank You.

Answer #100

yes, bbb, we are indeed all good friends here. Arguing is the way minds are changed, as long as it doesn’t get personal.

Answer #101

well bbb, you can take comfort in knowing that there is at least one person here who thinks you made any decent points.

Answer #102

confusedx0gurl: did you actually read any of the replies?

Answer #103

You rock BBB: How’d you learn all that? I’m dumbfounded.

Askegg: I can see that you put a lot of thought behind your answer, and I totally commend you for it.

I don’t know anything about most of that, so I’ll keep my coments for a later note!

Thedude: As for a prophet who spoke all languages, I’ve never heard of one. I do know that it is recorded in the bible that on the day of Penticost the Holy Spirit came down, and that since then people have been charged with delivering the world to all nations and all tounges. Also, Jesus broke the gates of Hades, so anyone there has heard of Him. Hopefully now that the know for sure what’s coming they will decide for rather than against Him.

Answer #104

How do you reply scientifically to someone who has such a poor understanding of science? I’m at a loss…

Answer #105

There are FALSE PROPHETS, just like there are false other people, things. ( and how can you say he forgot about 99% of people, that was bold.) I know every1 doesn’t believe in God but come on people lets not get disrespectful on religion.

Answer #106

“How do you reply scientifically to someone who has such a poor understanding of science? I’m at a loss…”

As long as they aren’t teaching my children creationism in public school, I’m okay with this person’s refusal to learn modern science.

Answer #107

uh… you don’t have to get married in a church, a mosque, a temple or synagogue. And you don’t need a priest, a rabbi or another religious clergy.

You can get married in your own back yard if you wish. All you need is an officiant or a judge.

As far as marriage being a religious union, it’s also a legal union. “Unions” were around long before the bible and in many cultures who don’t believe in the christian god.

xox Sika

Answer #108

Now, I have a serious question to as you bbb Am I, in your eyes, considered an antheist just because I dont go to church? I do believe in him, and I do believe that he died on the cross for our sins, but I dont feel that I have to go to church just to prove that I believe.

Answer #109

yeah everyone is being too judgemental everyone should accept each others differences and believes its the only way to make peace and do some good in the world

like the beatles said, all you need is love!

Answer #110

“…you are still off by 2 years!!”

Wow - that really disproves my entire point.

“Another thing is that how can you say God loves everyone unconditionally when you yourself have stated that you don’t beleive in God. Are you some type of Hypocrite?!”

I am using the language of believers to pose a question - is it that hard to understand?

“I do have a daughter, her name is Kayleigh and she’s two years old.”

Congratulations - daughters are the best thing in the entire world. I have two young ones which I love with all my heart, but I would never torture them for not believing in me.

Answer #111

jaceb, I feel sorry for you. You are a very angry person, and to be so young too. What a shame. It’s too bad you cannot spell.

Now look who is foolish…

You better make darn sure that if you are going to call someone “stupid” then you’d better spell correctly and use proper English! LOL!

Answer #112

“I have been reading articles about many people who don’t beleive in God, but due to the great number I can’t respond to every comment. SO, I will just give scientific and logical proof as to why God must exist and you atheists try to figure out how everything in the Universe can exist without God, okay?”


“-Modern science believes that life is a combination of chemicals, “

Sure - life is made from matter, a combination of chemicals. One of which is deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms. Of course we also need oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and all the other chemicals to make it work.

“and that a soul does not exist. “

Show me evidence of one. Can you take a photo, run a test, measure it’s weight, see it, taste it, touch it?

“They speak of evolution from simple microbial life to human life. They say that microbial life was created from certain chemicals that created life. “

Correct, but the details of abiogenesis are not fully understood. This is a continuing field of research.

“There are problems with this theory. What chemicals can be put together to create life. “

As above - oxygen, carbon, etc. All of them really.

“If this is true, then scientists must create their own life from chemicals, and I am not talking about simple amino acids, or any of that crap, I am talking about real life created from chemicals like Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. “

While this may be technically possible it is extremely complex and difficult. Work it continuing and there are been a few interesting and encouraging developments recently.

“It has never been done.”

That does not mean it is not possible. You assume that we know all there is to know about the universe. The truth is we are only just making the first tentative steps to understanding the world around us. 100 years ago people would have thought it impossible to communicate in real time with people on the other side of the planet.

“Another thing is that if God doesn’t exist and there is no soul then how come people must die? If people are just made up of chemicals then why can’t people live forever? If a person is just a combination of chemicals and not a soul then why can’t they just replace these chemicals. “

We die because the process of life is not perfect. Mistakes are made when cells divide, chemical reactions within cells are damaging, nerve cells are intricately interwoven and cannot be replaced in the same configuration should they die.

“Scientists and Atheists make these bold claims that make so sense without any proof.”

Where as theists make claims based on solid experimental observations?

“It is impossible to create life from matter.”

So? As above - we may not have the technology yet, but that does not mean it’s impossible.

“If all life was made of matter and not a spirit soul then all life is just machines, and machines can be fixed, if not reassembled.”

We already assist life through medicine (a science). The application of chemicals (via drugs) or intervention through surgery are examples of this.

“How is it that conciousness can come from matter. “

We are not sure yet, but it appears to be an emergent property. An interesting question is how other animals experience consciousness. What gives rise to it/ Do all animals have it? At what level does it appear?

“I am looking for a logical and intelligent answer from the atheists. Why can’t scientists create humans in a lab by using the right chemicals?”

Because we don’t have the technology to do so yet. How should we obtain it - spend our lives praying, or conducting research, making careful observations, and using logic?

“Evolution also does not make scientific sense because it is impossible for a monkey to give birth to a human. This is ridiculous.”

It sure is! Nobody who understands evolution would make such a stupid comment. The idea that monkeys give birth to humans is as outrageous as a crocoduck. No species spontaneously gives rise to an entirely new and different species in one generation. The process is very slow and gradual and takes a very long time - lucky we have plenty of this.

“In the billions of years man has been on the Earth there is not one instance of any species giving birth to another species. “


“Even if one man was born from a monkey, how would the human race survive?”

Uh? Are you suggesting that is one man came from a monkey the entire human race would be wiped out?

“That man can’t produce humans with other moneky’s. “

No, but we share 98% of our DNA with some of the great apes. We are great apes ourselves.

“How can the universe be created without God? The Big Bang theory is there but it suggests that the universe extened for millions of light years in a nonillionth of a second or 10^-30 of a second. This is Centillions (10^303) times faster than the speed of light. Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light so the Big Bang is false!”

Actually things can (and do) travel faster than the speed of light - it’s just a barrier that cannot be crossed. I don’t know much about this area, or what it all means. Perhaps I should pray to god for the answer?

“Science doesn’t answer the question of what force created the Big Bang.”

Correct - it is difficult to determine what happened 13.7 billion years ago when space and time as we know it were forming.

“No force know to physics or science can explain what caused the Big Bang and if nothing existed before the Big Bang how could it happen.”

No one suggests nothing existed before the big bang except theists who believe their god was there (or somewhere).

“This implies that God(who is above the laws of physics)”

So you say - got any evidence of this?

“ miraculously created a universe that is impossible to be created naturally because no natural force could produce something as powerful as the Big Bang. “

Where did you get the idea that the big bang breaks all known laws of physics? Physics scientists developed the idea - they did not throw away all they know in the process.

“What natural force can make a universe that extended for millions of light years in a nonillionth of a second. The speed of light, the fastest natural force in physics would take millions of years to travel millions of light years. The force that caused the Big Bang expanded the Universe millions of light years in a nonillionth of a second. To demonstrate how much faster God created the universe than light can travel I will give a comparison. If God extended the Univerese 100 million light-years in a nonillionth of a second, then in one second light could travel 100 million times a nonillion light years in a second. This comes out to be a speed of 100 Undecillion light years per second. An Undecillion is 10^36. At this speed light would travel 100 Undecillion times 31.6 million seconds in a year. This would mean that the speed of the Big Bang would be over 3.16 Quattourdecillion light years in one year. A Quattordecillion is 10^45 or 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.”

Pseudo science.

“In contrast light travels only 1 light year a year. It is impossible for the Universe to be created by any physical force,”

The big bang conforms to all known laws of physics, including quantum mechanics.

“ God must have done it because, The Big Bang happened 10^45 times faster than the Speed of Light. “

That is your proof?

“I can write on forever but I will stop. “

I can see that.

“So, atheists are you brave enough to answer this?”


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Christian Authors, Feminist Thought Leaders, Inclusive Christian Narratives

Walk and Talk

Life Coaching, Christian Counseling, Personal Development

Law for Life

Legal Services, Christian Faith, Blog

End Time Essentials

Spiritual Healing, Poetry, Religion