Who's more shallow?

Who’s typically more shallow? Girls or boys?

Answer #1

I’m a guy and I stand behind my answer. However, I talked to my adult daughter and she agrees with me. But we both say that it is a gross generalization, with many exceptions.

Answer #2

girls at a tender age are very shallow because they believe that every thing they feel is loveand guys are also shallow at a tender age because they feel that if they are not having sex they are not men

Answer #3

I think there’s no straight answer to that. you can’t generalize it and say “well boys are more shallow because, I say so”.

No way. Everyone is different, and some may be more mature than others. Basically, there’s no way to prove that one gender is more shallow than the other.

Answer #4

I agree girls judge and so do guys. girls talk about how another girl is fat or how ugly some guy is or how small ther d1ck is but then again guys talk about hot girls and pus-c and how big a girls boobs are but I think over all girls are more shallow they are very caty they talk behind your bak call names bully you phycologicaly etc while most guys are up strate to your face and tell you what they think. so sorry girls id have to go against my own kind lol girls in my mind are far more shallow and caty whos with me? lol

Answer #5

I say boys because girls can learn 2 accept someone or something. boys, they have 2 feelings like compassion also, they can b immature and jerky and kinda mean. they judge quickly no offense guys, luv ya=)

Answer #6

Definatly girls

Answer #7

it depends. both girls and guys can be veryy shallow. and some are not at all.

Answer #8

When young, Girls are more shallow. But as everyone gets more mature, Guys are more shallow.

Just my opinion. Take care and, Good Luck!!

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