Is it wrong to be an Athiest?

I’ve become an Atheist because I can’t grasp the Biblical evidence of a superior being, is this a bad thing? I’m a good guy, I don’t believe in making any actions that could affect others around me negatively, but I can’t get over the hole that has been burned in me, the fear that has been instilled in me that all my choices made outside of God are wicked, I’m answering the little voice in my head, I don’t know who it is, but I see religion being the evil thing, not the thought of God, is this bad? I don’t have to alleviate to an alter to be forgiven, I understand the negative/positive in every choice I make, so I infer my decisions from that itself… in essence, trying to answer where love comes from has become MY demon, but my mind tells me Christianity isn’t the answer, is this WRONG?

Answer #1

It is very unfortunate that somehow you got a bad taste in your mouth for the things of God, however, what I hear, is that you are not against God, but, against things that are man made, standing in the name of God>>>

If you stumble at the thought of God, that is one thing, but, to be taught that you are evil because you do not believe in God is another.

You ask “Is it wrong to be Athiest?” What guidelines are there to go by, if not the bible?

If you ask the voice of morality, I am not sure that it would matter, if you are Athiest.

I think the only thing that would matter, is if there truly is a God, and I believe with all my heart that there is. And if we one day will stand before him to be judged, according to the deeds of the flesh, and whether or not we accepted his sacrifice for us, which is Jesus Christ, his son. Then, if we appear at the judgement seat, without the blood of Jesus covering our lives, we have nothing that will gain our entrance into heaven.

So, if one is willing to give up all thougths of eternal life, once this life is over, and are willing to be forever banished from God, then… it does not matter what one believes.

For the ones that believe, it is unthinkable, to not believe. But, it is our right to believe what we will. We just have to be prepared to suffer the consequences, if the bible turns out to be right.

If there is no God, then, there surely is no one else to have to answer to. That is the basis for the whole no God argument, I belive. Man wants to be in control of himself, with no one to answer to, except himself.

I think that your spirit is still gentle enough that you will one day truly find the truth.

Answer #2

“If there is no God, then, there surely is no one else to have to answer to.”

Wow. You have to wonder why atheists don’t all rob banks all day and rape every hot girl they see. Oh yeah. We have to answer to other human beings as well as our own sense of empathy.

“I would say that God gave every one a choice,, and you choose not to believe God still loves you but God does say “

..and I suppose we are free to choose whether or not to believe in gravity as well. People who claim we choose whether or not to believe in a god, surely think we choose whether or not to believe in anything else, right? Today, I choose to believe that the windmill is actually my arch enemy, and I choose to believe I fight it so I will win. …sadly, someone else will choose to lock me up if my thinking is really this delusional.

Answer #3

no, it isnt wrong to be an athiest. as long as your a good person then it wont matter. just because you think scientificly and you really think about things then thats your belief. theres nothin wrong with it

Answer #4

It’s only wrong if you think its wrong. I dont find myself as a religious person, though I do believe in God and that Jesus died for me. Religion is man made. Hell, even Jesus didn’t believe in religion.

I consider myself a follower of Christ (thats what it actually means to be a ‘christian’ at least to me anyways.)

Answer #5

It sounds like you’re more agnostic than atheist. And no, of course it’s not ‘wrong’. It’s your belief system, no-one else’s, and it’s important to remember that morals/ethics and religion are separate things - you can be a moral and ethical person without any religious reference.

Answer #6

It’s not wrong not to want to be involved in religion. Organized religion can be confusing. Sometimes people break off from the original beliefs or add things or take things to/from the Bible. And for some reason in many of the organized religion today you are pressured to do things you really don’t want to do.

However, that being said, I am a born again christian. I do go to church regularly and do a lot of work with my church. It’s more like a giant family of believers than a religion.

Christianity is not a religion, it is a relationship, mingled with a lot of faith.

Here’s hoping you find your way.

Answer #7

Honestly I would say its wrong,, I would say that God gave every one a choice,, and you choose not to believe God still loves you but God does say “deny me on earth and I will deny you in heaven”

God gave us free will to do what every we please

Relligion to me is what turns most people away from God with all the rules and looking down on people and forcing them to believe what you believe

If you are interested the reason I believe isnt because of family or friends or fear its because I have a RELATIONSHIP with him you feel this love like none other and you know you can call him you dad and that he wants so much for you.

Answer #8

theres nothoing wrong with it…but you might find theres something else yo believe in…I dont know…im not religiose so I dont bleive in anything either…but im not an athiest…im me, with my own opinions. theres nothing wrong with not blieving in something tha yo find to be untrue, and dont let anyone coax yo into believing something else. stick to what you believe in and dont let other people influence you…im mainly talking about christians saying crap about god being your saviour! and that. but stay true to what you believe in

Answer #9

“…God still loves you but God does say ‘deny me on earth and I will deny you in heaven’”

So it’s not really unconditional love, is it?

“…because I have a RELATIONSHIP with him you feel this love like none other…”

That’s nice, but it doesn’t prove a lot does it?

Answer #10

“ If you want to suffer eternally in Hell than being an atheist is probably the best thing for you”

Who’s hell would that be then? Yahweh, Allah, Zeus, Baal, Wotan, Xenu? Which one of the numerous god we have worshiped over the millennium is the one true god?

Answer #11

just because christianity isn’t the answer, doesn’t mean you have stop stop asking the question. what you believe or don’t believe is your business and it isn’t wrong for you if you know that is how you truly feel. I agree that you sound more agnostic than atheist. I am jewish, my best friend is agnostic. respect for both sides.

Answer #12

psh. no way does it make you a bad person! my boyfriend and I used to be Catholic, but we just couldn’t grasp the concept of having a superior, whom to us never existed.

&& we both just recently converted to Atheist. There’s nothing wrong with it. :)

Answer #13

Not believing in Allah does not make you evil. Not believing in Vishnu does not make you evil. Not believing in Xenu does not make you evil. Not believing in Zeus does not make you evil. Not believing in Baal does not make you evil. Not believing in Wotan does not make you evil. Not believing in The Invisible Pink Unicorn does not make you evil. Not believing in The Flying Spaghetti Monster does not make you evil. Not believing in in any of these does not make you evil.

Answer #14

I don’t think it’s ever wrong to seek the truth. Just keep your mind open and learn all you can from both sides.

Answer #15

There’s nothing “wrong” with being an atheist. If you want to burn in hell forever in suffer miserably for all eternity then there’s nothing wrong with being an atheist. Everyone is free to do whatever they want. If you want to suffer eternally in Hell than being an atheist is probably the best thing for you.

Answer #16

It isn’t wrong. I decided Christianity wan’t for me a few years ago although I’m not Athiest. I believe in God but I don’t believe in the Bible, it never really appealed to me emotionally or spiritually. I haven’t lived long enough to know everything but I know that no one should just believe everything the church tells them. Think for yourself and research Buddhism or some of the earlier ideas of religion. Not Greek and Roman stuff but Native American and African ones. If you don’t have faith in the Christian church it doesn’t mean that you can’t have faith in something simpler.

Answer #17

It’s not bad to be an atheist, but if you don’t understand the arguments against gods, you might get sucked into god beliefs.

Answer #18

It is not wrong to be atheist, I am an agnostic and I am happy to be one.. Dont be ashamed of yourself.

Answer #19

No becouse people believe in different things and understand different things.

Answer #20

I would rethink this hunni…

Answer #21

“ If you want to suffer eternally in Hell than being an atheist is probably the best thing for you”

Who’s hell would that be then? Yahweh, Allah, Zeus, Baal, Wotan, Xenu? Which one of the numerous god we have worshiped over the millennium is the one true god?

Answer #22

bbb, atheist don’t believe in hell either. because it doesn’t exist.

Answer #23

nice, gentle answer silverwings.

Answer #24

its not wrong at all there is no mystical being who controls everything

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