Questions & Answers

  1. an annoying moment: when you just get out of the shower and have to use the restroom
  2. I'm 13, my parents piss me off and I want to move out. What should I do?
  3. What is Sunny Leone's real name and what is her real last name?
  4. Christmas ideas?
  5. How can i get my cat to go in his bed?
  6. Learning to draw better
  7. are you living or existing in this world?
  8. Strange! I just had an alert that said: " •moldremoval is now following you ", .
  9. What to do?! Girl I notice looking at me now and then
  10. i wonder what way i could spread the news about FA to attract what would be longtime users?
  11. do you like shopping in big chain store or small shops?
  12. Does anybody know where to find these tights online ?
  13. Dose have any cleaning company in montreal
  14. What if someone was born on the 29th on a leap year?
  15. Help with designing a castle/palace?
  16. How do I turn off the 3D in Assassin's Creed 4?
  17. What's the essence of Turkey on Thanksgiving day?
  18. What did you have on Thanksgiving day?
  19. how much alcohol?
  20. Do you get enough sleep?
  21. Cheap/Affordable Car insurance for a 20 year old Driver?
  22. How come I can do push ups only sometimes?
  23. what are some of your holiday traditions and favorite things to do and eat?
  24. where i can get information about the complications due to diabetes type 1?
  25. How do I log out here?
  26. Why the writers killed bryan from family guy?
  27. If i file my taxes online in a foreign country do i still i have to send it by regular mail or not?
  28. How do I know if my business associate is lying?
  29. What are the tips to be considered before ordering an essay?
  30. How do I resign?
  31. recently took photos while at an event, now boss wants to remove my copyright?
  32. what is this painful lump?
  33. If u had a good paying job, would u quit if you were being bullied at work?
  34. Why is my left breast smaller than my right?
  35. Where did Santa Claus, elves and reindeer come from?
  36. What should I do? Am I okay?
  37. Things are terrible... Please help? I really need to know what to do...
  38. Why is the sky blue?
  39. How do I get him to leave me alone?
  40. how can i make it snow
  41. Some advice, please?
  42. Is it normal that I'm having suicidal thoughts because of my height?
  43. Help finding songs?
  44. What coloe?
  45. I'm unsure but happy
  46. no one like me or love me
  47. Okay, I need school help! They didn't send me the textbook I need and I am going to fall behind...
  48. what is the serger
  49. fun fun fun on Friday
  50. Do you see our president's statement coming true, i.e. that "America
  51. I'm leaving my boyfriend because of ocd. Is this bad of me?
  52. Is funadvice affiliated with that "askmygirlfriend" site?
  53. um , this siite is going haywire. it directed my last ? to a sex toy site.. O_O
  54. Kay guys i know i haven't been on in a while... things have gotten BAD.
  55. will you be doing any volunteer work this holiday season?
  56. When you follow someone on twitter, aren't they suppose to follow you back?
  57. Where can i download books for free?
  58. Whats your favourite song?
  59. Whats your favourite film?
  60. If you could meet any Funadvicer, who would you want to meet and why?
  61. What to wear on superhero day?
  62. How to improve my tone on the flute?
  63. I write poems And i guess I'd love some feedback/ criticism.
  64. My boyfriend has OCD and feels like I'm contaminated ): what do I do?
  65. Funadvice always has to send me an email every time I login
  66. How to grow long thick hair?
  67. What to wear with colored jeans?
  68. Birthday present for a twenty year old girl?
  69. How to improve my blog?
  70. Lied to a teacher....
  71. Being better than the ex?
  72. soon to be husband wants to adopt my son?
  73. Why do some people only acknowledge you when they want something?
  74. 14 year old Twyla. Daughter of the Boogey Man, photographed by me.
  75. Where can I read the book (Suicide and Attempted Suicide) by Geo Stone free online?
  76. Second period this month ?
  77. sudden bowel movement?
  78. How can I lose 10 pounds?
  79. Any advice, anyone? I'm really scared . . .
  80. My friend leaves work at 8 am on Sunday after doing a double 16 hours straight. He likes to go into Walgreens to buy beer. Walgreens is a conveni
  81. I am a Junior in High School and I have dug a deep hole for myself. Well the story is, I have been skipping my first period class because of bull
  82. How to fit in with no money to buy the cool clothes? -_-
  83. Do all girls pluck their eyebrows? Are we supposed to?
  84. Why do i feel so apathetic
  85. Would you tell him??
  86. What do I do with my story?
  87. Creative title for Hurricane Wilma?
  88. I am a Junior in high school and I've told a massive lie that has gotten me in trouble with family and the school principals. I have been skippin
  89. What type of decor is my style? From what my room picture shows?
  90. Can i get relief from tinnitus?
  91. What does it mean when a person tells you to have a progressive day?
  92. How to rid myself of allergies? I can't breathe hardly because of them!
  93. What happened when general custard took off his boots?
  94. Time management strategies?
  95. What do i do with my hair next??
  96. how bad do you think marijuana really is, honestly?
  97. How to fix blue screen of death on Windows Vista?
  98. what's more food contains protein?
  99. Weird white/clear balls tangled in pubic hair?
  100. How to deal with really annoying friends?
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