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On Windows Vista, as well as any other Windows OS, there a few things you can do it fix a blue screen error. Make sure your computer is physically clean (unplug and get rid of any dust/debris that may have accumulated over the years). Then boot it up in safe mode and start cleaning. Keep your computer tidy (uninstall any software or programs you no longer want or need: eClutter is bad), use security software often to make sure you havent picked up any malware or viruses, use a registry cleaner to keep your PC’s registry from getting corrupted or bloated (it can also fix DLL errors), and defrag occasionally if your computer doesn’t already do it on a schedule. If you do things like this to keep your computer clean, you should be safe from the BSOD.
how to deal with the blue screen of death - 2 Answers
Hey, I just got the blue screen of death on my laptop. any suggestions on how best to fix it?
how do I fix nintendo ds lite top screen from falling back - 2 Answers
how do I fix my nintendo ds lite top screen from always falling back, the little plastic peace fell off my ds and now the scr...
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..a technician asked me if i am using windows 7, where do i find that?
Ok, so one of my computers have a blue screen on startup.. - 3 Answers
It's known as Blue screen of Death(BSOD). Uh...so far, looks like there is no reviving from it. What causes this, and how do ...
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what are the things on the far right of the screen called on windows vista?
Blue screen virus - 3 Answers
How do I get rid of a virus called blue screen . It restars my laptop everytime I turn it on . So the only way I can use my i...
What: Blue screen of death!? - 7 Answers
I download sims 2 custom content on a regular basis, mostly from The Sims Resource. A few months ago, I was downloading somet...
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I have just broke my iPod touch screen its the first one so my warrinity has run out I need it fixed asap, without my dad fin...
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My computer screen turned around, upside down, how do I get it back to normal?
Windows problem - 5 Answers
This may or may not be a stupid question, but I need an immediate answer. I have Windows Vista, and I just put it in full scr...
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