Why do i feel so apathetic

for the past few months it has been hard

Answer #1

Apathy is common consequence of prolonged periods of feeling unwanted, unneeded and/or worthless:

• unemployment; • inadequate social activity with friends; • inability to provide support to one’s family; • lack of physical exercise;

are all known to lead to lethargy, apathy and depression.

Your previous question gives a significant indication of the probable cause of your current feelings.

I think you should try to get out more. If underemployed, you could perhaps do some “voluntary work”; offer your services as a leader at a youth group; take up an engrossing hobby to stimulate your enthusiasm; establish a regular physical fitness programme of some form (e.g. running; weight-training; etc.).

Anyhow, I wish you good luck in successfully pulling yourself out of these current hard times.

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