Questions & Answers

  1. What's the best place to live in Spain with kids?
  2. how do i make my sunburn go away fast???
  3. why do you get brain freezes.??
  4. Do you usually have a certain drink you must always drink with a certain meal?
  5. why does warm salt water help mouth ulcers?
  6. what does it mean when your dogs nose is dry and does not want to eat or drink just wants to sleep he was nueterd about 72 hours ago?
  7. what are some games that you are a dragon and you can just fly around and do missions and stuff?
  8. can someone write me a paragraph about someone you dont like?
  9. Where is my How-To?
  10. What is a good website or way to get a free calendar that counts down to a certain date?
  11. What does manic panic mean "first shampoo using a PH ACID BALANCED shampoo"??
  12. is there anyone out there that is good with riddles or rhymes?
  13. what are some good songs about heartbrake?
  14. what are song over all just good songs?
  15. where would you look for something if this was your clue?
  16. what store-bought hair dyes will make your hair almost platinum blonde?
  17. How can I find a isetta in Pittsburgh?
  18. does anyone know of a generic brand antibiotic ointment that works jus as well as neosoprin and where I can get it?
  19. What is all this talk about Oprah hates disabled people?
  20. Do you think that taking ALL AP classes your senior year is a good idea?
  21. How do i lose weight when im 5'9 & around 250 Pounds?
  22. How many times a day should i brush my teeth to get whiter teeth?
  23. What are some good websites for writing stories(not fanfiction, i already have one)?
  24. when speaking japanese, what's the difference between boku no and watashi no?
  25. Where i can find the instrumental to this song ?
  26. What would you think if the company you worked for started giving out *fake-ations*?
  27. what was your favorite thing to do when you were a kid?
  28. is £17,000 a lot to make in a year?
  29. Has anyone really got a yeast infection in there mouth from a new in mouth piercing?
  30. Who can help me with my webcam problem?
  31. What are the summer months in Europe?
  32. Who watched/watches Ru Pauls Drag Race, and who was your favorite?
  33. where do i put an amateur radio in a smart car?
  34. do you have to accully take the pill at the same time everyday, or can it be ganerally the same time?
  35. Is there a name for the art of curled paper designs?
  36. Does anyone have problem with the Instyler?
  37. Who here watches the bachelorette?
  38. Why does the song quality sound better on youtube and vs the song download from Itunes?
  39. whats the best DivX multimedia player ?
  40. Are there any jobs for 14 year olds in Ireland?
  41. Who knows if you can teach at any online college with a Bachelors in Arts?
  42. What should i do if my in-laws are constantly letting our son do things or have things that we dont allow him?
  43. How are the advisors chosen?
  44. How long should it take for a How-To to get approved, if it does?
  45. How did it labels all start?
  46. Why is the cameraman always showing the hockey players spitting?
  47. How Do I get over my phobia of Insects?
  48. Who has heard about death threats to Paul, the Psychic Octopus?
  49. What is your back to school clothes style?
  50. What bands have hardcore Tee-shirts?
  51. How do you close your account on this site?
  52. Does anyone know who this band is? Please help, it's driving me insane!
  53. Where can I finds a job being a convicted felon in the dfw area?
  54. is it possible when fingering a girl to put a finger in the hole she pees from?
  55. Does anyone else think that when you die, you're not dead, you're just sleeping?
  56. would it be wise to go see a therapist or councilor?
  57. is my boyfriend over reacting?
  58. Is there any natural way to enlarge a penis?
  59. What is the average erection size? I'm about 6.5 inches long nd about 5 inches in girth, so is that normal,large, or small?
  60. Can u detele some of my questions?
  61. What do you think is wrong with your current education system?
  62. Who feels that all forms of birth control should be freely available to anyone?
  63. What is that website called that show pics of really gross things, like decapitated people and all sorts of really weird nasty stuff?
  64. can you get pregnant if your partner cum and 10 seconds after you rub his sperm on the outside of your clit?? please help me figure this out?
  65. Can u get birth control pills at age 14 at a pharmacy?
  66. When someone steals your Identity and buys say 1,000 woth of stuff before you find out who it is Do you get your money back after they go to Jail?
  67. What is a good first time car for less than 3,000?
  68. Where is a good place to buy a tye dye backpack for school?
  69. how long does it take for a layer of skin to grow back?
  70. Why dont people know about the Bilderberg group?
  71. How much will it cost to get a sex change completely with hormones and the surgery, along with surgery on voice and face.
  72. Whats it like living in Boise, Idaho?
  73. Who else noticed Eminem has more radio play?
  74. does horse hair shampoo work to help hair grow faster?
  75. What is your favorite salad dressing?
  76. Why is my sleep schedule weird?
  77. How do I sell something on ebay or craigslist if I don't have a pic of the item, and do I need a credit card.....?
  78. What are some really good Japanese bands?
  79. Is the USA the only place where marijuana is illegal?
  80. does a migraine feel like you got slammed in the head with a blunt object?
  81. How do I find out who I owe money to?
  82. what do you think about this??
  83. who do you think is the cutest Sanrio character?
  84. What un-natural(pink,blue,purple etc) hair colors go with a peaches and cream skin tone?
  85. What is chronic enteritis and is it life threatening?
  86. How do I get over my puppy's death?
  87. how can i tighten a camper awning?
  88. does anyone know whos all playing at the warped tour?
  89. What is the twistie flip thinging ACTUALLY CALLED at the end of a bunch of handsprings and a backflip(in cheer or gymnastics or tumbling
  90. Where is the proof of UFOs?
  91. Why hasnt someone came forward with proof that they elect world leaders at these bilderberg group meetings?
  92. What is "The endgame"?
  93. What do you think is the right age to move out?
  94. What would you choose as a career if you could be anything you ever wanted?
  95. What does that mean when people say 'No elbows on the table'?
  96. how can i keep myself from ODing on the sweets?
  97. Do you believe it could be possible that we created diety?
  98. What age did you begin playing the violin?
  99. What kind of haircut should I get?
  100. Where's the cheapest site to buy a fake Death Note?