Where is my How-To?

I wrote a How-To yesterday, I just now checked to see if it had been approved or if it had received comments or anything. I didn’t see it on the How-To page, so I went to my approved How-To’s, it wasn’t there either. So then I went to My pending How-To’s, it wasn’t there either!?!?!?! Where is it!?!?! Can someone tell me what happened to it, the title was “How to make a home-made Japanese meal.” I worked really hard on it. :(

Answer #1

Ah, shoot, that bug didn’t get fixed - the link on your profile that says “howtos” …should pull up all the howtos from you & other people that you are following.

….I don’t see it in the pending list, so odds are, it was approved…if it’s not in the site search yet, it should be very soon - did you already try searching for it?

Answer #2

I looked again in the “my approved How To’s” and it wasn’t there, it says I haven’t made any. Also, I went to the category in which mine should be in, and it is not there. There are only 5 How To’s in the category, none of which are mine. :(

Answer #3

Am I going to have to write it all over again!?!?! it was long! I worked really hard on it, good 30 minutes or so. :(

Answer #4

My howtos aren’t showing up in pending either….but I can see in my points that they are still there.

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