Questions & Answers

  1. Where can I find free piano sheet music for Cat And Mouse by The Red Jumpsuit Aparatus?
  2. How do I know If my lip rings are BCRs or Unscrew-able?
  3. How many people are in their 30's on here?
  4. Why does my rat climb on the sides of her cage?
  5. How long does it take for one pair of jeans to wash AND dry?
  6. Does the left brain have different function from the right brain?
  7. Do strange, quiet people scare you?
  8. When will the National Guard GED Plus program re-open for those who want to enlist without a diploma or equivalent?
  9. Who else thinks teachers are wrong about studying?
  10. What are some good websites or resources to get recipes for love potions?
  11. What would a 1980's 1/2 ton 4x4 Chevy Silverado get for an average mph?
  12. What acne product can I use that will not make me break out after I stop using it?
  13. Why is my iPod freezing?
  14. How do I sync music to my cellphone?
  15. What can I do for my anxiety instead of taking my pills?
  16. What are some specific examples of the government getting involved with business around the 19th century?
  17. What is a pH level?
  18. Can someone give me a link to Pink Ice's store locator?
  19. What happened to those three teens from "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"?
  20. What are the types of strokes?
  21. How can my mom find a job if she's over 50?
  22. Why are trout "catch and release" fish?
  23. What kind of tarot is more accurate: online tarot or regular tarot?
  24. Do you agree that everyone is a hypocrite?
  25. How can i masterbate without my parents finding out?
  26. Is the store 'Pink Ice' only in California?
  27. What do I do to make my teeth straight after I haven't worn my retainer in a few days?
  28. Is it wrong to go on chat websites with people YOUR age and chat about stuff (sometimes naughty stuff)?
  29. What sport would you like to be in (are in)?
  30. What are some great young adult books I could read?
  31. What drawings/sketches can I do to fill up my sketchbook?
  32. How do I put or sync music from Macbook Pro to my Samsung Reality?
  33. What does it mean to dream of lighting a load of candles and putting them onto the window-sill?
  34. Can I die if I have a worm in my stomach for a long time?
  35. Is it normal to have random nose bleeds out of nowhere, and then have a headache?
  36. How do I find information about my Pandigital eReader?
  37. Is there a place where you can get a dress from for under $100?
  38. Is Cris Crocker a transvestite?
  39. What is hypoproteinemia?
  40. How many people in the U.S as of now are Bi-Racial?
  41. Can I re-collect EI after taking a new job for only a week?
  42. Are torrents legal?
  43. Are any of the deaths on 1,000 ways to die real?
  44. What magical creature would you have?
  45. How can I get my mom to like my cat?
  46. Why is my sister scared of rabbits touching her?
  47. What can I include in a leaflet about control devices?
  48. What's some things that are great about horses?
  49. How much does it cost to get those dog tag things engraved and everything?
  50. Is there always smoke before a fire and why?
  51. What is a large R/C plane with a high glide ratio?
  52. Which of the following liquids has the lowest viscosity (read)?
  53. What is your biggest dream?
  54. What is a good brand of hair spray?
  55. What affects the rate of reaction of Amylase apart from the temperature?
  56. How can you hang up posters in your room, without using tape or tacs?
  57. What are good interveiwing questions for a 13 year old girl?
  58. Who likes beer pong?
  59. What can I do about the hives I keep getting on my hands from the bar in conditioning?
  60. Who's watching American Idol tomorrow?
  61. How do you explain your grandma what a Blackberry is?
  62. What are the differances in a judge, magistrate, and an arbitrator?
  63. What are some good open source CRMs out there?
  64. Who here has used DragonLink UHF R/C controls?
  65. What are some good pranks on YouTube?
  66. What religions apart from Islam don't allow alcohol consumption?
  67. How can I ask if I am still working?
  68. What happens at the end of "The Bloodstone Bird" by Inbali Iserles?
  69. How can I start my own cleaning business?
  70. What is the safest way to cut my cat's nails?
  71. Who are the 10 gurus?
  72. How does "guru" mean teaching?
  73. How can I tell if I (female) have abs?
  74. How can I dye my hair one color, while I am still growing out Highlights that were bleached in?
  75. Why is it when I am playing basketball I get light headed?
  76. What's the funniest commercial you've ever seen?
  77. Why do I keep getting really bad sinus headaches?
  78. How do you get rid of or prevent brain-freezes?
  79. What is the best way to cure a phobia?
  80. What are some possible effects of poor eating in children?
  81. What would you do if your doctor tells you he thinks he may have messed you up when he did surgery?
  82. Can you get backache from period pain?
  83. Where is a good place in Dallas to get my ham radio license?
  84. Would you consider punk music to be emo?
  85. Which course should I take: Engineering or go the creative route?
  86. How often should prenatal vitamins be taken?
  87. What are some foods proven to make people improve memory?
  88. What is the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974?
  89. What are the differences and simularities between private, statuary, indpendent and voluntary childcare settings?
  90. Where can I buy rompers?
  91. What do guys think of razor burns ?
  92. How old does one need to be to get a working permit in Oklahoma?
  93. What career can I get with a Core 40 diploma?
  94. What would happen if a man went into space without a specialized suit?
  95. Does any one know what episode Bam gets punk'd?
  96. How much is the US dollar worth in Romania?
  97. Where can I find the trumpet part to Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire"?
  98. What currency do Jamaicans use?
  99. Why does orange juice mixed with alcohol sort of block out the taste?
  100. How do you find density in 9th grade science?