Questions & Answers

  1. What do I should offer to get in dkim, spf & sender id for server?
  2. Im actually discover that my height is 5.8 is that a good height?
  3. why do i have abnormal bumps on my tongue?
  4. why dogs love likes to be pampered with good dog foods ?
  5. a little help with a guy??
  6. Belly ring (bottom hole)
  7. how do i tell my parents he is 17?
  8. why does she run when she sees me?
  9. For those of you who have those Gigs on here, do you make any money with it?
  10. Is being involved negatively affecting my life?
  11. Is my boyfriend pushing for sex???
  12. Is it weird for a 24-year-old to go on a date with an 18-year-old?
  13. Why does my mom hates me?
  14. how do i masterbate?i'm a 13 yr old girl.
  15. how do i masterbate?i'm a 13 yr old girl.
  16. HELP!!! boy trouble!!SUPER long but PLEASE read and give your opinion and shtuff
  17. Meaning of a kiss on the bridge of the nose between the eyes?
  18. Meaning of a kiss on the bridge of the nose between the eyes?
  19. I'm currently looking for a work out / fat burning work out for myself.
  20. Who or what would be walking around bare footed in the middle of the night?
  21. Heavy period after surgery?
  22. how to stop self harming...for good.
  23. How do I lose my weight as fast?
  24. songs played in Hollister
  25. Premonitions????
  26. Is this a good name for a bakery?
  27. Are there any laws against this?
  28. why cant i, and other people just accept my body?!?
  29. how to tell my dad i got an f
  30. Is there a difference between a squid and a krakken?
  31. Did any one give up masturbating for there New Year resolution ?
  32. Is this dress worth anything? Can i still sell it?
  33. What do I do about him?
  34. loose weight fast.
  35. I started twerkin.. next I was bleedin!! Can twerking cause bleeding??!!
  36. So I'm like turning 19 and I'm like 5ft6 ? Will I still grow ?
  37. How to get rid of bags under eyes?
  38. Should I eat after my workout if i've already consumed my calories for the day?
  39. Is this girl's body disproportionate, or is it a reasonable size?
  40. Is there something wrong with me? (preferably girls only)
  41. What's this website...?
  42. Nose job opinions?
  43. last and middle names for novel?
  44. What do you think about this bio?!
  45. So ppl say I look white , Mexican , puertorican , and then Arabic so which one ?
  46. How may I go about moving in at fourteen with my grandmother?
  47. pregnant or just the flu?
  48. My friend is talking about running away, what to do?
  49. how do i establish credit quickly?
  50. What sim card does a locked Motorola Razr V take?
  51. how can i start as a volunteer and end with a career?
  52. What exactly happens during a girl's sports physical?
  53. Why does my ex boyfriend want to remain in contact?
  54. What are French Quarter masks???
  55. David Adeyemi where are you?
  56. What is it like being dyslexic?
  57. Why choose to only see one side of a person?
  58. how do i tell my dad i broke my phone?
  59. Help me with a new hair do please?
  60. What's going on here?
  61. My boyfriend keeps ignoring me, what do I do?
  62. convicted felons in medical field
  63. will slo niacin work to clean thc in a week
  64. Why am I being rejected?
  65. why i cant get bowwow's phone number????????????????
  66. How do I solve this problem?
  67. what do I do in this situation?
  68. Is It Best That I Just Give Up the Chase and Just Go Solo?
  69. Can a cheater stop cheating?
  70. Have you ever still got butterflies for an ex that has hurt you?
  71. Why Do I Find Gay Guys Attractive?
  72. What are the chances of this?
  73. Why women want to go to the army?
  74. How can I make money ASAP?
  75. I think my gf wants to kill me :( HELP! what do I do
  76. What are some ways to make kefir taste good?
  77. Hands going numb randomly.
  78. I think I might have depression.
  79. How do I tell my mom that my boyfriend and I had oral sex?
  80. How to monitor any changes in file & folder in a file server
  81. Need a method to track the message logs in Exchange environment
  82. Do you guys think 13 is too young to have a boyfriend?
  83. Do provide quality service?
  84. How to get important information for gold buyer?
  85. Press Release Distribution
  86. What has been your most traumatic experience?
  87. How to trick husband into getting pregnant
  88. How do we find people on the site that we used to know, but haven't seen lately?
  89. Is the age gap too big?
  90. How to Choose Dog Dresses for Different Weather Conditions?
  91. what are your thoughts on the statement " ignorance is bliss"?
  92. does putting bread in the refrigerator make it stay fresh longer?
  93. Repair corrupt Exchange Database
  94. So, How Does A 13+ Year Old Go On About To Get A Job?
  95. What do you think of those people that have survived accidents?
  96. how would you feel if
  97. Can anyone help explain "The Pit and the Pendulum" by Edgar Allen Poe?
  98. what can i use to get the sticky from the surgery tape off my skin?
  99. Can't talk to my mother about anything
  100. Is any numbing gel any good for a tattoo?