what are your thoughts on the statement " ignorance is bliss"?

Answer #1

I think ignorance is ignorance. I find that statement to be a rather shallow and cowardly one. Ignorance of something negative, I guess, will leave you without the burden of that negative thing allowing you to stay happy or in bliss rather than be affected by the negativity. Is this real happiness or bliss though? No. You can’t ignore everything negative, eventually you will have to come to terms with it. Ignoring everything negative instead of facing it won’t do you any good. It’s like ignoring a hurricane that is coming, you can ignore the news about it, you can ignore people talking about it but once it comes, can you really keep ignoring it? I think it’s a rather shallow sort of happiness that you can get with ignorance, I think that you will ultimately find more happiness facing whatever the problem was and getting through it rather than just denying its existence. So no, I just think ignorance is ignorance and in no way bliss.

Answer #2

I think that ignorance can be bliss, for instance a child who knows not of the hardships of the world is not going to be depressed that these kind of things are happening, however ignorance is only bliss for the ignorant person. The other that is being ignored is going to be without any bliss. So I guess it’s all how you look at it.

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