What do I do about him?

Long:My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 4 years and we’ve always had sort of a rocky relationship. After about dating for 6 months and still not kissed I kissed another guy- not because I liked him but it just happened. Anyways, during our relationship he’s always been sort of “rude”. Last night for example we were playing a game and afterwards we got on skype. I began to fall asleep and he wasn’t saying anything, so I asked him why. He got frustrated with me and told me he didn’t have to tell me anything about what he was doing and that it pissed him off. I got really upset and I was crying which then he began to say that how crying and bitching and nagging are the only things I ever do and that he felt stupid for staying with me all of these years. We didn’t end up breaking up, but I feel kind of hopeless because after we fight he’ll get mad if I try to resolve it and I feel like I’ve only ever done what I thought was best for him. I love him but I just think he can’t deal with my emotions.

Answer #1

It’s hard to give you advice on this since your relationship was long and well, I only know about this onr incident. From what you wrote though, rocky relationships usually don’t last and especially those that began or was rocky at the beginning. Have you guys actually talked about this? Have you ever brought up his easy frustration with you or the way he reacts? Did you guys discuss the relationship after that fightuou described?I think at 17 it’s rare you’ll find the guy you’ll spend forever with ( if that’s what you even wanted at all). I think you two should talk. And since you’re obviously frustrated and questioning whether you should stay or whether you cqn deal with this longer, you should think on whether it’s worth staying. At 17 you still have so many options out there it might jot even be down to feelings that are wrong between the two of you, you both might just jot be compatible. you’re going you don’t have to be stuck with one guy, if you are sure,after thinking, that you can’t deal with it just know that you’re young and you’ll definitely find someone. 17 is young to have to be dealing with that for four years.

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