Questions & Answers

  1. Why does my back hurt so much when I cough?
  2. What is a good chat site for teens?
  3. Is there a way to get on your hotmail when you forget your password and security code?
  4. Where/How would I get a hold of a spell book without someone (friends, family, etc) knowing?
  5. How can I get pictures out of my memory card?
  6. Why do I always have to crack my knuckles, back, neck, wrists, ect, even though I know it's bad for me?
  7. What do you think of the new show on OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network), "Pray the Gay Away"?
  8. What could be making my chest hurt after I eat?
  9. What are some things to help and comfort a newborn with a tummy ache?
  10. Why do guys always have so much energy?
  11. What do you think is a good reason to go to war?
  12. What is the best, fastest, newest gaming PC/Desktop or laptop?
  13. What are some things I can suggest to my friend who is trying to come out of the closet with her children?
  14. What are Macbeth's tragic flaws?
  15. What do you think of Kim Kardashian's new song?
  16. How would you go about applying bare-mineral powder?
  17. Why don't I make sounds when I cry?
  18. Can you have anal sex without a condom?
  19. When do boy's testicles drop?
  20. How do you fix your pixter color?
  21. What do you think of a movie about Obama, with Willl Smith as Obama?
  22. How is a dog suppose to act after hearing a dog whistle?
  23. What is so special about smartwater?
  24. How do you get a food handler permit in Kansas City?
  25. How much does the government pay to foster a child each week?
  26. What do you think this quote/line from a song means:"keep your hopes up high and your head down low"?
  27. Can a boy's testicles drop at separate times?
  28. What are the truest conspiracy theories?
  29. What are some exciting, cool clubs I could start?
  30. Why does the US army spend 7 million dollars to sponsor NASCAR?
  31. Is there a specific way to become a Wiccan?
  32. Why does an alert come up if someone comments on a question, but there is no alert for when you comment on someone's profile and they comment back?
  33. Can anybody provide me with the right info about online studies?
  34. How do I (the only girl in class) make friends with boys who all already know each other?
  35. Do you have to cash a check within a certain time, or is there no time limit?
  36. How does the new "links" section work?
  37. Are there any foods and drink that don't have a sell by/use by date?
  38. What does "probe" mean?
  39. How do you dye natural red hair?
  40. What shop can make custom dresses and jewelry based on a picture?
  41. What happens when you link your facebook to FunAdvice?
  42. Should I get my tongue tattooed?
  43. Are the people of Russia violent people?
  44. What is a unique and fun name for a Food and Cooking Club?
  45. Is it okay if you're on a diet but skip one day to eat fatty foods, then go right back to your diet?
  46. Why do people think negatively at the word "Communism"?
  47. Are people going to offer admission for me?
  48. Is sperm an animal?
  49. What does this question mean: Identify some of the considerations in planning an environment for play?
  50. Why does my macbook freeze after like a minute of being online?
  51. How do you make a regular picture of you look like a paparazzi taken picture?
  52. What does "authentic" mean?
  53. How did Mr. Obama become President of the U.S?
  54. Is there a "legal" way of getting rid of step parents?
  55. What do you think about people that cheat in their relationship, and do you think it would be a good ideal to put them on the TV show "Cheaters"?
  56. Can you please list off songs from the top of your head from the 50-early 60's eras?
  57. Who was around in 1989 when there was a black out and how did you feel?
  58. Who here has seen MegaMind and what do you think?
  59. Who here knows how hard it is to move a company from one location to another?
  60. Who here loves the addition of the ads in the corner of the page?
  61. Whats the best way to get over test anxiety?
  62. What are some things you can do to want to start driving again after having been in a deadly crash?
  63. Is Jamie Lee Curtis a testicular hermaphrodite?
  64. Why do potatoes grow "eyes"?
  65. What are the book holders called?
  66. Why do the police always have to wait 24 hours to do something?
  67. How can I get my mom to work out with me and lose weight?
  68. Is it okay if all I ate in a day would be only bananas and drink water?
  69. Do you need gloves for girls lacrosse?
  70. Which is the more entertaining of the two to have as a pet - A cat or a dog?
  71. Why does everyone think Lady Gaga is a transsexual?
  72. How can I get this creepy dude to leave me alone without being mean?
  73. Are Jewish people allowed to skip out on their religion and date outside their religion and race?
  74. How can I save a picture from Microsoft Word or Paint to a jpeg picture?
  75. How many calories do the breaded steak/beef strips have that they give you in school?
  76. How much is the iPod touch 4th generation?
  77. What is "photosynthesis"?
  78. Do kids tend to stress more then adults?
  79. Whats a good way to wake up early?
  80. What does "Kun" and "Chan" mean?
  81. Why doesn't Apple put HDMI connection on their laptops?
  82. Does nicotine help you run faster?
  83. Did FunAdvice just change their layout?
  84. Would a youth size pair of lacrosse goggles fit me if I'm a freshman in high school with an average sized teenage head?
  85. What kind of internet connection do you have?
  86. What are ways to anchor a wig on?
  87. How are Metamorphic, Sedimentary, and Igneous recycled?
  88. Is the Green Tea from Starbucks healthy?
  89. What's worse: Cigars or Cigarettes?
  90. How often do you tell your friends in real life about cool websites you've been to?
  91. Do you think Americans are greedy?
  92. How many "Friends" series are there?
  93. Do you think calligraphy should still be taught to kids in school?
  94. Which do you like the most out of Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, and Disney channel?
  95. What is your opinion on using lie detector in the process of investigation?
  96. When buying a car off craigslist how can you tell if it's stolen?
  97. Do the funds we earn on Funadvice have to be claimed on our taxes or how does that work?
  98. How long does a FunAdvice payment pend?
  99. When you have brain surgery to fix an aneurysm, do you have problems in the future?
  100. Should Britain intervene in the Libya crisis?