Which is the more entertaining of the two to have as a pet - A cat or a dog?

Answer #1


Answer #2

Dog. :D

Answer #3

a dog

Answer #4

Well alot of people think dogs are more entertaining because you can teach them tricks and play catch but i think cats are alot more entertaining than dogs. I have two cats and a dog and my dog is very needy all the time which is annoying but my cats are very playful and i crack up watching them play and run around the house

Answer #5

oh my god dogs are SO much better than cats it is not even funny!

Answer #6

Kittens and puppies are both ‘entertaining’ but as you know, kittens grow up to be cats which tend to loose their ‘cuteness’ and become more independent animals. Dogs tend to be more playful as adults than cats, and will always be by your side whereas cats will wander off and return at dinner time. If you are looking for companionship and somebody to look up to you like a God, you want a dog. If you are looking for something to pat and play with on occasion, a cat is good. BOTH kittens and puppies need constant attention, they both need to be trained to some degree, and they both need to be loved. But as kittens grow into cats, they will require less attention and will entertain themselves outside. Dogs however are always with you and will need your attention more. Both animals will become your best friend. They will both love you if you treat them with love, care and respect. I have a cat and I love him dearly, he is my best friend and is like a child to me. Me and my cat have a very unusual relationship though, Most cats won’t come from outside when you call them, most cats won’t lay around your neck like a scarf when you are watching TV, most cats won’t go running with you, most cats won’t sit on command, nor will they bring you things when you ask. But, most dogs can do this. Dogs take more training than cats. You HAVE to walk your dog almost everyday. In my opinion, having had both animals, dogs are more work, but they ‘appreciate’ your efforts more. Dogs have owners, cats have staff.

Answer #7

dogs r nice to run around with if ur an out ther kind of person. cats r nice to sit with u while u watch a movie and relax if ur a chillin kind of person.

Answer #8


Answer #9


Answer #10

I say a dog…:P I have a doberman & a pincher…both females…they are a riot! I am allergic to cats, so I am bias to commenting on them. ;)

Answer #11

Dogs. Cats are boring.

Answer #12

Thank you all for all of your great answers. I appreciate it. I think I’ve come to a decision. Thank’s!

Answer #13

Both. But to have the best of both worlds, get a Welsh terrier! That’s what I have, and I absolutely love him! He’s a dog, but does very cat like quirks, he’s super energetic, entertaining, hilarious, and fun!

Answer #14

Both. But to have the best of both worlds, get a Welsh terrier! That’s what I have, and I absolutely love him! He’s a dog, but does very cat like quirks, he’s super energetic, entertaining, hilarious, and fun!

Answer #15

Both. But to have the best of both worlds, get a Welsh terrier! That’s what I have, and I absolutely love him! He’s a dog, but does very cat like quirks, he’s super energetic, entertaining, hilarious, and fun!

Answer #16

Both. But to have the best of both worlds, get a Welsh terrier! That’s what I have, and I absolutely love him! He’s a dog, but does very cat like quirks, he’s super energetic, entertaining, hilarious, and fun!

Answer #17

DOGS. By far. Kittens arent as playful they dont cuddle and such. dogs are amazing(:

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