Questions & Answers

  1. Can a felon get a job as a medical assistant?
  2. Can I get some help with this math problem?
  3. Green Day Or Blink 182?
  4. How do I get myself to sleep and eat?
  5. How to make hair appear thicker?
  6. What's the best gift for Dewali?
  7. How to get an action replay code for my Nintendo DS?
  8. Who thinks love is the greatest thing in life?
  9. What if I feel pregnant but got a negative test?
  10. How to take care of a Money Tree?
  11. What kind of company is Blue Licenses holding LLC?
  12. Why are my parents still butting in?
  13. How do I get black dye out of my hair?
  14. Do I look good?
  15. Should I cut my hair or leave it the way it is?
  16. What do you think about friends with benefits?
  17. Am I ugly or pretty or in the middle?
  18. How do I delete my recent questions?
  19. How can I lose weight for less than $50?
  20. How to get backstage at the Hannah Montana concert?
  21. How can I become more skinny?
  22. Have you ever seen a blue or red pumpkin?
  23. should I ask him out or wait??
  24. Is this guy trying to make me jealous?
  25. Did she ask for a date just because she was drunk?
  26. What to do this Friday?
  27. Who said lyrics by hannah montana?
  28. How do I drop weight fast for dance tryouts?
  29. Why does my puppy bite me?
  30. will it hurt to pop my hymen and will it bleed
  31. Am I anorexic if I threw up from a rollercoaster?
  32. Can I father twins if they don't run in my family?
  33. What's your best shopping bargain ever?
  34. Why are people asking to be anorexic?
  35. How can I get $300 by December?
  36. How to tell if a baby has been exposed to cocaine?
  37. Should education be pro-choice ?
  38. How can I find out if my friend with benefits wants to commit?
  39. What's fun to do inside?
  40. How can I spice up my life a little?
  41. How do I find food ingredients?
  42. How do I lose weight faster?
  43. What's the average weight for anorexics?
  44. How to get guys to start liking me too?
  45. Why is my tongue webring still sore?
  46. Why does he hang up on me when I call?
  47. How can I make my boobs grow?
  48. What's the best way to dye brown hair to blonde?
  49. How much does it hurt if you get your lip pierced?
  50. Can I move out at 16?
  51. How can I change my habits to lose weight?
  52. Why won't my boobs grow?
  53. Is it safe to get pregnant after a miscarriage?
  54. How do you know when you're falling out of love?
  55. In what Robert B Parker book does Susan cheat?
  56. Should I take a pregnancy test or not?
  57. Which is the greater of two evils?
  58. Where to find the manual for this Uniden scanner?
  59. How to lose baby fat on my face?
  60. How can I get a great booty?
  61. How do I put pictures on my Myspace profile?
  62. How can I cover up my cuts?
  63. How do I get him horny?
  64. Who's a good plastic surgeon for my ugliness?
  65. What should I eat or take to get protein?
  66. Does this weird guy at school like me?
  67. What's the best way to lose weight fast?
  68. What are healthy foods to eat in addition to my exercise?
  69. Does your pet rabbit ever kiss you?
  70. Why do I want to have a kid?
  71. How can I get my parents to stop being mad at me?
  72. Does this sort of hair suit me?
  73. How can I feel better about myself?
  74. What is mean testing?
  75. How to make my parents lengthen my clubbing deadline?
  76. How to get my boyfriend's Mother to like me?
  77. Should my boyfriend and I go to the same college?
  78. Was Rodinia formed before Pangaea?
  79. Why did my cat have a little fit of wheezing?
  80. What's an easy way to get THC out of your system?
  81. Why do I cry during and after sex?
  82. What's a good anniversary present for my boyfriend?
  83. How to help my friend who's heading toward an early death?
  84. How to turn on my girlfriend?
  85. Is life really worth living?
  86. How can I move out at 15?
  87. Does my pink hair fit me?
  88. What is making my bathroom stink?
  89. Would you consider me cute?
  90. Where to buy a fake gun online?
  91. Is the term "boyed" common?
  92. How painful is a labret piercing?
  93. Is there a pregnancy epidemic sweeping the world?
  94. How do you go about being homeschooled?
  95. Do Macbooks have any problems?
  96. What are good roleplays to do on the computer?
  97. Will fish oil help your butt get bigger?
  98. How do I tell my parents I want to move in with my boyfriend?
  99. Will facepaint make you breakout?
  100. Are there any auditions for teen roles in Hull, UK?