Questions & Answers

  1. How can I identify this comet?
  2. What to do about ingrown hairs?
  3. How can I start my own motorcycle club?
  4. How to change the city on my profile?
  5. Why am I spitting so much?
  6. What cute hairstyles should I do?
  7. How do I tell my Mom I might be pregnant?
  8. How can I lose weight and still eat cheese?
  9. How can I date with overprotective parents?
  10. What to get a 2-year-old boy as a gift?
  11. How can I lose weight at home?
  12. What's a good nickname for Jennifer?
  13. How long does it take to drown?
  14. How to get past the last mission on Urbz?
  15. Getting lost money from a bank back?
  16. How to tell him how I feel if my friends think badly of him?
  17. How can I tell this girl that I like her?
  18. How to get on Facebook at school?
  19. Where to get real Uggs?
  20. What pets do you have?
  21. Who else thinks Miley Cyrus is really skinny?
  22. What to do about dark circles under my eyes?
  23. Does anyone remember this silly book?
  24. When does a baby's umbilical cord fall off?
  25. Where can I work in California with a felony conviction?
  26. How to get an old clamshell iBook?
  27. What are these tingling sensations in my arms?
  28. Should I get blonde highlights?
  29. How can I become fat?
  30. How to teach myself to sing?
  31. How to get in a DOA Tournament?
  32. What's a cheat for Devil May Cry 2?
  33. Where to work at 15?
  34. Why are my nipples so sore?
  35. How to get my head straight about this celebrity?
  36. What should I wear for a fancy 70s party?
  37. Why do I always have heavy periods?
  38. Does smoking help weight loss?
  39. What to do about trouble in my class?
  40. How can I make my hair thin?
  41. Is it natural for hair to grow in our nose?
  42. What should I do if I don't like my friend anymore?
  43. Has anyone thought about the idea of dying?
  44. What do I do about my crush and this other girl?
  45. Who is the richest man in the world?
  46. What's the best Christmas gift for a friend?
  47. What are texts related to "Inner Journeys"?
  48. Why do I get so wet before sex?
  49. Where can I get a Kingdom Hearts necklace?
  50. What drawing supplies do you recommend?
  51. Does anyone pull out their hair?
  52. What do I get my best friend for Christmas?
  53. So what if I am happy being anorexic?
  54. How to deal with stubborn friends?
  55. What are tips and tricks for bargain shopping?
  56. What if I have a boyfriend but I like my friend?
  57. How can I make the perfect vegetarian sausage?
  58. Why does my cat eat everything?
  59. Why are the housing projects nicer than other complexes in my town?
  60. Should I strip on the weekends to pay for college?
  61. Why am I so jealous of my boyfriend?
  62. What diet pill do you suggest for a 19 year old?
  63. What's this yellow discharge after showering?
  64. Advanced quotation experience in Google search?
  65. What does an Atheist do at Christmas?
  66. What's the name of this camera equipment?
  67. What's the process of a Supernova?
  68. What's your favorite Thanksgiving food?
  69. Any weight loss advice for a teen girl?
  70. How to explain snowboarding to kids for my job?
  71. How can India defeat Australia?
  72. Which is the best place for cricket in India?
  73. Which cricket player has a best world record in short time?
  74. Which country is the world champion in cricket?
  75. How do I download the event for the membership card in Pokemon?
  76. How do bulimics make themselves vomit?
  77. How to lose 10lbs?
  78. How can you get rid of pimples?
  79. Why am I not hungry... ever?
  80. How to charm a famous girl?
  81. Do you know Miley Cyrus's phone number?
  82. How to make money to survive?
  83. What's a good Law School?
  84. What if I'm scared to go out with this chick?
  85. Is it worth taking your dog to obedience school?
  86. Where to work at 14 in Queens, NY?
  87. What should I talk to my first boyfriend about?
  88. When is it the right time to refinance?
  89. Are Hybrid cars easy to maintain?
  90. Will the Dow hit 10000?
  91. Do you think the U.S. stock market is headed south?
  92. Any old-school nerds?
  93. How can I get rid of bulimia?
  94. Why can't she understand how I feel?
  95. What are the best places to ATV in S. Minnesota?
  96. Do you prefer MSN or Gmail?
  97. How much food should I be feeding my 4-month-old?
  98. How to deal with my 14-year-old son and 17-year-old daughter??
  99. What's the song from the V05 extreme style commercial?
  100. What color should I dye my hair?