How can I tell this girl that I like her?

yea, don’t have one. I am in love with this one girl and she is really beautiful. her eyes are a deep velvety green and her hair is long and silky and her laugh is sooo seductively cute. I love everything about her. but, I don’t know how to tell her that I do and am kinda nervous as to how I could get her to go out with me. how do I get her to like me?

Answer #1

true that kid, the best thing you can do is be straight up honest to her, your 16, your in high school the best thing to do is ask her to a dance of some kind, and look really good for it when you pick her up for the dance, flowers are always good, they actually go a really long way. then at the end of the night when you drop her off, dont let her leave the car right away, or dance if you dont drive or have a car, and just straight up tell her that you have liked her for along time and you really like her, DO NOT USE THE L WORD that is bad, your 16 you have to be dating for at least 9 months before that word comes out, and ask her if she would be your girlfriend, cus thats what you really want anyways, if she says no, there is nothing that you could have done, she just doesnt feel the same way back, be careful that you dont spend too much time as “just a friend” girls love to put guys in that positions and it sucks to be there cus you will watch her be with a ton of jerks and you will be thinking the whole time that she is wines to you about her loser boyfriend, I could have treated you so much better and you will, act quick, dont be nervous, plenty of fish in the sea, my friend, I hope things work out for you.

Answer #2

well unfortunately there is no sure fire way to make her like u… but the first step is to be honest with her!! tell her up front how you feel about and that you dont want to play games with her. you’d be surprised on how far honesty can get you

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