What should I talk to my first boyfriend about?

Im in 8th grade and I just started going out with this boy. His my first boyfriend! I really like him but I get bord with him also I dont know what to talk about with him. I know he really likes me but what should I talk about with him?

Answer #1

I am 26yrs old and married and my hubby and I talk more than anything. People hate how close we are!! Talking is a good thing, talk about school, people at school. Play video games, go walking, to the movies, the zoo, the mall, a waterpark. Volunteer somewhere together like an animal shelter, the hospital, retirement homes, and many other places. Dave n Busters and the movies should be like a weekly event. How old is he? He should have things to talk to you about too.

Because you know when it gets boring, its time to move around!! Either that or obviously he really only wants one thing from you, and that would be a shame!!

Arent you a lil young for a BBF?? But if you insist, keep it friendly. You guys should be able to chat with eachother about anything.

Otherwise, whats the point of having a BBF? If he is boring you-LOSE HIM FAST!!

and get another one! LMAO

Answer #2

yeahh im dealing with the same problem too sorta. my advice is to be like random specaily whn theres like awkward silience,thats the worst. but like with my boyfriend he loves when I tell him secrets,so maybe you can do that; like fill him in with your life. if that makes sense. hope I helpeedd. <3

Answer #3

o man that happened to me except me and him had nothing in common so it ended up as we breakin up.

if you dont want that to happen my advice is just talk to him like he is your bestfriend if I did that me and my ex would still be together

Answer #4

omg thats the same xact thing with me well I’ve been going out with my boyfriend for like 2 months, the first month we talked a lot and now we like have nothing to talk about its so wierd and hes so boring and I’ve been thinking ov dumping him cause im like really bored with him but I don’t know. and talk about like tv and stuff lol

Answer #5

just talk to him about whatever you want to, odds are you’ll find something in common!

Answer #6

common interests…

Answer #7

common interests…music, tv, cartoons,sports,…talk about everything…learn everything about him..let him learn everything about you.

Answer #8

but I love him so I don’t know

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