Questions & Answers

  1. What is your favorite Final Fantasy game?
  2. How old do you have to be to buy diet pills?
  3. What age is necessary for a belly button piercing?
  4. How to talk about my miscarriage?
  5. How do I set up my own shop online?
  6. Did everyone have a good New Year?
  7. Which one is better: PSP or Wii?
  8. Can you pop your cherry more than once?
  9. What's the difference between manga and anime?
  10. How to ask a girl to the dance?
  11. Will my periods start again when I start eating properly?
  12. When can I take a pregnancy test? (updated)
  13. How to make perfect rice in a rice cooker?
  14. How to keep my hair smooth?
  15. How do I help my cat give birth?
  16. Who do you like more: Hannah Montana or the Jonas Brothers?
  17. Guitar Hero 4 all Aerosmith?
  18. Am I just scared to go out with him?
  19. How to lose baby weight?
  20. Is a new version of iPhone software on the way?
  21. Where did the word "jailbird" come from?
  22. What are the best free games on the net?
  23. What to wear when I play Scrooge?
  24. Can I lose a stone in a month?
  25. How to turn a guy on?
  26. Which friend schould I pick?
  27. What are the best ways to cure sunburn?
  28. How to get some money fast?
  29. How to get better grades?
  30. How to find the motivation to get fit?
  31. Charger ports?
  32. How to ask this other girl for my friend?
  33. Is the Wii worth the money?
  34. How to send a question?
  35. How can you know that you are God's instrument?
  36. How to learn Spanish phrases online?
  37. Why is evil supported in the world?
  38. How to ring pay phones?
  39. How to get my daughter to sleep?
  40. How to get my girlfriends parents to stop hating me?
  41. What wood was the cross of Jesus made from?
  42. How to get Windows Media Center?
  43. Why does Windows Media Player always freeze?
  44. How do I build a miniature guitar?
  45. When does Ashlee Simpson's new CD come out?
  46. How to handle my over-protective brother?
  47. Why doesn't anyone value sex anymore?
  48. Did her actions mean anything?
  49. Personal responsibility vs. personal freedom
  50. Does anyone believe in God anymore?
  51. Did the weed do it?
  52. What is your favorite guitar?
  53. Is it OK for a Christian to dance?
  54. How to make my Mom understand how I know about STDs?
  55. What do you need for an XBOX 360?
  56. Where to find the Alegria movie script?
  57. Who thinks there should be a teen dating site?
  58. Is Myspace safe?
  59. Is it possible to use a digital camera for my project?
  60. How to remove pimple marks?
  61. How many oranges does it take to make a glass of juice?
  62. How do I contact my credit card company?
  63. What are the advantages of carrying a credit card?
  64. What are filling low calorie foods?
  65. What is the difference between a cashback program and rewards?
  66. Where do animals go when they die?
  67. How much fiber is in regular orange juice?
  68. Which fruits contain Vitamin C?
  69. How can improve my English?
  70. Can you convert this to mp4?
  71. How to get more commitment out of him?
  72. How to stop frizzy and curly hair?
  73. Can you color your hair with hydrogen from school?
  74. What's a list of things vegetarians eat?
  75. Which animal is smarter, cat or dog?
  76. What are your favorite music videos?
  77. Simple..Favorite band?
  78. Eye Lashes...why are they soo thin??
  79. whats the best exersise to lose weight?
  80. Should I stick around when his Mom hates me?
  81. What to do if your parents are bugging you?
  82. What is the worst song you have ever heard?
  83. Is my hand fractured?
  84. How do I get rid of frizzy hair ?
  85. Where to find a truck driving school?
  86. Is it bad to straighten my hair?
  87. Where is Mr. Right?
  88. Is it possible to get pregnant at 43?
  89. Do I belong with Dylan Sprouse?
  90. Is the lead singer of Hedley gay?
  91. What to do to make your guy happy?
  92. Should I forgive and forget?
  93. How many years of college to be a dentist?
  94. What hair products to use after bleaching?
  95. What if my best friend is bisexual and tries to kiss me?
  96. Why do girls always leave me for new crushes?
  97. What race are people from Portugal and Spain?
  98. Poor Joe Jonas!
  99. Aren't the Jonas Brothers hot?
  100. Guys: What do you look for in a girl?