Questions & Answers

  1. How to get her to forgive me?
  2. How can I make my breasts look smaller?
  3. How to get rid of my computer slowness?
  4. Where is a free online training program?
  5. Did you watch American Idol last night?
  6. Who knows how to do strand by strand extension?
  7. Should my daughter read at the age of 4?
  8. What really is a douche?
  9. Can I get a GED still in middle school?
  10. How to get the sound back on my computer?
  11. Can people survive off of one type of food?
  12. Why are guys so cold hearted ?
  13. What to do with these situations?
  14. How to decorate a large living room wall?
  15. When will America overcome the injustice of abortion??
  16. Why do people wear clothes?
  17. What are some topics to talk about?
  18. What if my crush is going out with my friend?
  19. What's a good laptop to buy?
  20. Was I anorexic?
  21. How do I become more popular?
  22. What could I wear for 80's day at my school?
  23. What healthy food to bring for lunch?
  24. What do I talk about with my boyfriend's parents?
  25. Is a King Charles dog good with other dogs?
  26. How can I get BIGGER breast without surgery?
  27. How to stop split ends from sticking up?
  28. Should I have a baby?
  29. Any tips for the National Youth Theatre?
  30. Should I just go out with someone and learn to love them?
  31. Explain briefly the beliefs of scientology?
  32. How to go out with him and not ruin his friendship?
  33. Why do I have such a high sex drive?
  34. How to get my best friend to stop bugging me to follow her beliefs?
  35. Whomever versus whoever?
  36. What are some trendy laptop case ideas?
  37. Who will win the NFL Championship: Giants or Packers?
  38. Can I make a rose open?
  39. Who believes in karma?
  40. Can I join the military without takign the asvab?
  41. Do you think I would be a good mother?
  42. Why did my upper body go numb during sex?
  43. Is he afraid to tell me he is scared of marriage?
  44. How to convert AVI to SWF?
  45. What's a good movie to go see this weekend?
  46. Do you listen to a lot of different types of music like me?
  47. What's the easiest way to quit smoking?
  48. Where to find a good first job?
  49. Legend notes on the Piano?
  50. What are perfume ingredients?
  51. Do my dreams tell me something?
  52. Will I get a well-paying job with this diploma?
  53. Do stretch marks go away?
  54. Is there something wrong?
  55. How to control my sadness and temper?
  56. What religion are you?
  57. How to help my 2-year-old not be bored?
  58. How to find suitable spectacles for me?
  59. What is God's name?
  60. Can you teach me witchcraft?
  61. How should I have my haircut?
  62. What if we're going to Six Flags and I hate rollercoasters?
  63. What's the best mascara?
  64. how tall is tall how short is short
  65. Am I Anerexic Or Bullimic. Help Me Please.
  66. Do you like Breakfast for dinner?
  67. Absolut
  68. Whats your opinion about Euthanaisa
  69. Tips on how to make the poof stay?
  70. How do I make picture show up with my questions?
  71. who has long fingers?
  72. update on sexless relationship
  73. how do I get da music to start by its self on myspace?
  74. Why are people so selfish?
  75. What are good rock bands?
  76. How long till you can take a nose stud out??
  77. How to lose inches before my vacation?
  78. How much would an LG Voyager upgrade cost?
  79. What are tips for the learner's permit test?
  80. Could this poem win a poetry contest?
  81. What does STAR stand for on a phone?
  82. What is God's love like?
  83. Where do you find puppies?
  84. Who is in the lead: Obama or Clinton?
  85. Why do my boobs tend to hurt?
  86. Did I mess up something good?
  87. Should I go with him?
  88. Is it weird that my eyes change color?
  89. Why do people think all guys are jerks?
  90. How would you define the role of the government?
  91. How to play the Pirates of the Caribbean computer game?
  92. Best way to tell a guy you like them?
  93. What is the embed code for on YouTube?
  94. How can I get taller?
  95. Does God exist?
  96. How to build a social life in a new town?
  97. How to calm her down about thinking she's pregnant?
  98. What should I weigh?
  99. What to do if someone has an epileptic seizure?
  100. What are your Top 3 favorite Korn songs?