What should I weigh?

I am trying to lose weight. Could you tell me what a 23 year old female that is 5ft 2in should weigh?

Answer #1

If you look in my profile I just started working out and dieting, because I am 5’4 and I was told by my doc that I should be at a healthy 130 pounds..well I am not so I am trying to loose weight and eat healthy. The best thing is just to ask a doc or see a nutrionist.

Answer #2

found little more for you if you are a small frame you should weigh between 102-106lbs medium frame you should weigh110-114lbs large frame is 118-122lbs I dont know what frame you are so there ya go

Answer #3

5 1 should weigh 90-116 sorry that was all I could find :( hope that gives you some kind of an idea

Answer #4

BMI 18.5 - 24.9 for your height is 100.9lb - 135.9lb

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