Do my dreams tell me something?

okay for the past 3-4 years I’ve been having a hard time sleeping because when I do sleep I always have a dream about demons inside my body and they control me and in the real world I know things like this really do happen sometimes I have dreams that come to life sometimes I know whats going to happen the next day before my dog died I always had this dream of putting him down because he got hit by a car and a 1 1/2 later it happend I just think I’m mentally ill am I

Answer #1

Happens to me all the time. I dream of something that happens, but usually for me it happens weeks later. You’re pretty strange… But you can also use it as an advantage.

Answer #2

well I get the same thing but I have no idaa what to do

Answer #3

honestly I think your reacting to a trauma or stress in your life, and simply put, your mind is playing tricks on you. also many people think they have premonitionary dreams but honestly most of the time its your fear of a situation that creates imaginary fear in day to day life and even in your dreams, things like getting in a car accident or a pet dying may be an underlying fear you have that you turn into an imaginary situation and they have an actual high chance of happening in real life anyway as these are common events in life,

Answer #4

your not ill but I think your dreams are telling you some thing and if you have not told your parents about you should tell then they would be amezed so hope that helped:)

Answer #5


I love that website, and I think it will be able to help you out

Answer #6

definitly not mentally ill, dont think that at all. its a gift some of us have. some of us have this gift but dont acnolege it, its a good thing that you have noticed it. I have dreams about things before they happen all the time. sometimes the message your dream is trying to tell you is not clear, sometimes its not litteral, for example I once had a dream someone stole my steering wheel, the next day my car was stolen because I didnt put the steering lock on. sometimes your dreams represent things about whats going to happen. sometimes your dreams are telling you how you feel about something. but all this does not mean that if you dream something it will definitly happen, but I do believe that everything in a persons dream means or represents something or other, is a good site to interprate what your dreams mean.. try keeping a pen and notebook near your bed so you can write down your dream straight away… hope that helped…

Answer #7

I know a good bit about dreams, ghost, and demons. I don’t believe there are ghost but demons are another thing. about your dream, mostly we dream about what we want, desire, or fear. being taken over by demons was one of my worse fears. but I came to realize that I was having bad dreams becuase I watched movies about demons and hearing people talk about them of course my mind is going to play out my fears while I sleep.

when I was 5 or 6 my mom, grandparents, ants, and uncles believed I was close to god and because I was so close to god that I could talk to him ask him for things and receive them. my parents said that what ever I asked for I would get. (and no my parents didn’t get it for me we didn’t have money ) my dog was sick and the vet said he was goin to die. I sat outside with it and I praied and cried and I begged god not to take my puppy. 2 days later he was back to normal the vet didnt know what to say now I was only 5 I don’t know if I really believe that my parents could have made that up to make me feel special we won’t know till …

Answer #8

I dream of the bad or the good things before they happen, I dunno how or why! but I don’t really care cause it helped me a lotta times! and when you think of something a lot, you dream of it, when you watch a movie and think about it, you dream of it, when you have a nice or bad day, you dream of something good or bad (depends on you and your mood), but all I know about dreams that when you dream of the sea, it means there’s a problem coming soon… I once did, I’ve seen it really wavy, 1 month later, I had this huge problem that took ages for me to believe it’s happening to ME! my reputation was in danger, and til’ now, that problem is affecting me (I keep remembering it, and I keep thanking god that dad is alive) he was in the same dream, and he saved me from the big wave!! after that, I started believing that “really bad” dreams DO come true!! you gotta watch out for everything you do and everything thats going’ on around you, don’t just ignore things… and when you keep telling everyone your bad dreams, they come true (most of the times) hope that helped :)

Answer #9

definitly not mentally ill, dont think that at all. its a gift some of us have. some of us have this gift but dont acnolege it, its a good thing that you have noticed it. I have dreams about things before they happen all the time. sometimes the message your dream is trying to tell you is not clear, sometimes its not litteral, for example I once had a dream someone stole my steering wheel, the next day my car was stolen because I didnt put the steering lock on. sometimes your dreams represent things about whats going to happen. sometimes your dreams are telling you how you feel about something. but all this does not mean that if you dream something it will definitly happen, but I do believe that everything in a persons dream means or represents something or other, is a good site to interprate what your dreams mean.. try keeping a pen and notebook near your bed so you can write down your dream straight away… hope that helped…

Answer #10

Hi Brianna, You remind me of my grandaughter! Sometimes we talk, and she giveds advice too. First, My “Dr.” is not in psychology, so I am not claiuming any medical knowledge. Dreams ar my special interest, and I have researched a lot and kept a dream diary for the last 20 years. About your dreams. The popular knowledge of dreaming claims that if you DONT dream, you are crazy, with the idea that dreaming keeps you in touch with your unconscious, and healthier. In my diary I have often dreamed predictive dreams, nothing like 9-11 or a plane cresh but small things like meating someone, or something going to happen at work. For you problem and seveal others that pop up, I recommend an (old) 1970s book by Patricia Garfield, “Creative Dreaming” Dr. Garfield is a psychologist who has written and lectured extensivly. (This book is out of print, but you may get a copy cheap in used. Pat talks about her research with the Senoi Islanders tribe in malaysia. It is their nightly practic to control their dreams, and each morning over breakfast they discuss their dreams. By the time they are teenagers, they never have nightmares. for instance one young child told he was being chased and eaten by a tiger. His elders told him (kindly) “you must never run from a dream tiger. you can use your dog to kill it” He said “my dog is small”. They said, then you must make your dog as big as an elephant. There are some good books on controlling your dreams by Steven LeBerge (lucid dreaming) and the late Indian mystic Carlos Casteneda. On the deamons, there are at last two parts of your unconscious. (like the cartoon of an angel on one shoulder, and the devil on the other, giving you advice. I used to get eyes or horrble faces approaching me, I tell them, “beat it eyes” and they scatter. I have learned to select the topic of my dreams and control the content. A few minutes ago it was about 2AM, and I have a vivid dream of reading a message, that faded.. It had a woman’s picture (oder than you) and a biography. “it read [forgotten name] a MENSA, has written a book “dream with me; remembering your dreams” very vivid. I awakened and went to the internet and typed that in: I got your dream with ADVISE and a slew of interesting refs. You can control your dreams dear, keep trying. Dave

Answer #11

well I always have dreams were im always facing death and I have these almost every night what do they mean can I make this stop?

Answer #12

wow ok now if this is a recuring dream then it is probly somthing that will happon to you it dosnt exactly mean that demonds are going to take over your body but im not a profeshonal but I do have experience with reacuring dreams and do sometimes happon so my advice is just say alert to things couse dreams like that cant end good

Answer #13

well I always have dreams were im always facing death and I have these almost every night what do they mean can I make this stop?

Answer #14

um well you should defentally go see a therapist or something like that! talk bout it with him and maybe there is accually something thts bothering you that he can fix!!

Answer #15

holy cow, thats peculiar. But my aunt had that, and she kept quiet about it till she was 16. She started all this dream stuff at 12. I guess its cool to be able to see the future, but many say that this is ‘psysic infrutrirastri’. You should control it, or try to control it. You ain’t ill mentally. My auunt thought so too, but I took her a few years to get it right. Don’t speak this out to your friends, and make things seem normal though they arnt…

Chill out about it…

Some also say that inscense sticks can help. Also in India, people avoid dark clothes and dark elements at home.

Do you collect anything metallic? Do you wear a lot of black…? Is your bedroom small?? Do you sleep with your head at the north?

Answer #16

ya I have weird dreams to but they never come true im 12 and this is ganna sound weird but im a good hypno thereipist and I conect hypnosis with dreams to get a better perspective of my dreams but I recomend getting a hypno thereipyst becouse if you can see the future then it must be connected to your past life I learned how to do hypnosis by a book that you can get at barns and nobles its called hypnosis for begginers it really does help u

Answer #17

B#tch stop trying to make it like I’m making it up

Answer #18

I do have a small room hum I wonder???

Answer #19

it gets hard when I can dream about the future

Answer #20

I had a dream where I kissed my best friend on the lips … is it trying to tell me something?

Answer #21

it gets hard when I can dream about the future

Answer #22

hey good to know im not the only one I dream and it comes true only thing different about me is I also get visions its pretty kool actually. I also have encounters with I guess are ghost and some demon like things and stuff in my house are always moving so I guess you dont have it as bad as me so just enjoy it and try to relax.

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