Was I anorexic?

Over a week ago I only ate almost a meal everyday and weighed myself 7 times. In the morning I felt dizzy and I lost lots of hair. I was only in that state for nine days and I lost 8 pounds. Was I “anorexic” at that time?

Answer #1

if you were annorexic you’d purposely starve yourself. Its very hard to stop once you’ve started, and it seems to me like your back on your normal eating habbits. Likely cause of this could be a virus. Possibly mono.

Answer #2

na you got to lose way more pounds than 8

Answer #3

you can’t do anorexia for a short time, it’s mths, usually years.

Answer #4

No, you were not. True anorexia is a mental disease, characterized by weight loss exceeding 15%.

Answer #5

Anorexia is a mental disease…it sounds like you were simply starving yourself & suffering the consequences of the stress on your body.

Try talking to a doctor about it, and stick to sensible ways to lose weight - eg, eat healthy & regularly, and simply exercise more.

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