Religion, Spirituality & Folklore Questions

  1. What is Buddhism, I know it is a religion, but what are the beliefs and everything...?
  2. What sect did Michael Faraday belong to?
  3. what is the prayer that is said during catholic church services?
  4. How many pagan religions involve a man (or god) sacrificed on a tree?
  5. When did (pre-Christian) people first start singing hymns?
  6. How many religions can you name which involved the mating of human with deity?
  7. Do you believe in curses or being cursed?
  8. what is the SDA view of spiritual maturity?
  9. How many times can you get baptised?
  10. how do i degrade a guy in bed?
  11. Who else is a nihilist on Fun Advice?
  12. What Do you like about your Church?
  13. Does anyone know of any haunted places in lackawanna county pennsylvania?
  14. Why Is Envy one of the deadly sins?
  15. what do u think is in hell and in heven?
  16. What do atheists believe about how everything came to be that seems more logical than a supreme creator?
  17. Who would say that atheism is a religion?
  18. Why do I get a sense of peace when I read the Bible?
  19. Why does Catholicism have big churches?
  20. Why are there no aethiests on a sinking ship or a hijacked plane ?
  21. Do you believe in jinxing things??
  22. Does anyone here meditate reguarly?
  23. What is wicca and what is it's beliefs?
  24. How do you know that your God(s) is the only true or right God(s)?
  25. Could I legally start an Atheist meditation group, so that I wont have to pay taxes?
  26. Does anyone else on here lead a Christian prayer group?
  27. How did the Egyptians portray their gods?
  28. What would happen if you commited a sin then died before you asked for forgiveness?
  29. can anyone hear perform black magic? xx :D
  30. Who thinks the world will NOT end in 2012?
  31. Is it just me or when my mom goes all religulous on me i don't believe in ANY of it?
  32. who belives in past lives and if you do what is your opinon on them?
  33. Is it wrong that I can't wait for the rapture?
  34. why would people think im wierd cuz i wasnt crying or shouting when they had this spiritual session?
  35. How many ranks are there for angels based on the Catholic religion?
  36. does anyone believe in magic and spirital stuff? if so do they have any working spells i might like to try?
  37. Who has read the "Left Behind" series?
  38. is it true that if you weren't born before 1995, you can't get your license until your 18?
  39. What tv preacher is known for saying "christianity is not a religion, it's a reallity"?
  40. How am i sapose to find my "higher power"?
  41. why do the 3 big religins not allies they could make peace and rule the world?
  42. Who thinks that the energy of the universe is balanced?
  43. Does anyone else think that when you die, you're not dead, you're just sleeping?
  44. Do you believe it could be possible that we created diety?
  45. Where do you dream of living?
  46. what do u think that ppl see when they die?
  47. Have you ever felt like you just don't belong where you are?
  48. Why does my muslim friend watch porn?
  49. What are some of the restrictions in the Muslim faith concerning dress and diet?
  50. Why are all the official prayers in Islam in Arabic?
  51. How can I get close to God if the ones who taught me about Him are hypocrites?
  52. What do you understand about The NAME ... YHVH or YHWH and it's significance in the days past, present, future tense?
  53. what do you know about demons or devils?
  54. Do you believe you should admit and confess?
  55. What do you imagine your heaven to be like?
  56. Why does my friend's mom hate me because I dont go to church?
  57. Why is it that when you give someone your opinion on their religion they say you are insulting them?
  58. What is the religion where people say when you die you turn into an animal or your spirit goes into a animal?
  59. Who here believes in the Nostradamus theory?
  60. Why do people say black hair and blue eyes is the Devil?
  61. why do the newsboys have a british accent in "they dont serve breakfast in hell" and not in "born again"?
  62. What kind of LDS novels are availible?
  63. What is an ecclesiastical community?
  64. who can explain religion to me?
  65. Do you believe in psychic readers and tarot cards?
  66. should i maintain the gift of chastity or are catholci beliefs rorted?
  67. What:Is God going to be mad if i left the church i'm in?
  68. when doing the sign of the cross with the name of the father the son and the holy spirit i should kiss it at the end?
  69. how do i prey if am catholic?
  70. What do you take for granted?
  71. What would you say if you could write a note to God?
  72. What made you stop believing in a higher power or God?
  73. Who believes in fate? and if so, why?
  74. why dose bad things happen to gods most blessed people like canser to my wife?
  75. With voodoo dolls can you use any doll or does it have to be sepicily made?
  76. Is Agnostic the new "fad" or do you truly feel that way?
  77. why do girls not date guys that are a different religion?
  78. Who on here is in or has been in a relationship with a person of a different religion than you?
  79. when is the pride parade ? =]
  80. Why do so many preachers and Imam's do what I like to call "selective rendering" of their religious text?
  81. What religion is Aang?
  82. Is the world headed to hell?
  83. is it wrong to love someone that doesn't love you back?
  84. How can I become a paranormal investigator?
  85. What does dead birds and salt have to do with black magic?
  86. What is this? Is it a ghost?
  87. Where is the holy grail of crist?
  88. what about icp gang or not?
  89. What would happen if the world came to an end??
  90. Why is Atheism so scarce among Black people?
  91. When your an empath how do you block out the emotions?
  92. What do tongue piercings do in the spiritual world?
  93. What does my recurring dream mean (islam) ?
  94. How do athiests cope with death?
  95. Am I the only who has 7 senses?
  96. What does this mean? Am I psycic or just coincidence?
  97. What are some christian reasons for going to public school?
  98. What could it mean that im dreaming?
  99. How to become wiccan?
  100. Why Wicca?
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