Is it wrong that I can't wait for the rapture?

For some reason I’m kind of looking forward to the rapture/apocalypse… the funny thing is I know I’m not going to leave with the Christians (rapture)… is that weird I’m looking forward to it anyway?

Answer #1

you want us dead :P

Answer #2

I honestly doubt that’s going to happen but if you want us all to die then okay. Don’t have much of anything to say to that

Answer #3

I can’t believe you want me dead. D’; Fine. I’ll go away forever!

Answer #4

We’re all gonna die sometime, right? Well, why don’t we all die together! :) We can all have a nice chat to wherever it is we’re going :)

Answer #5

A great idea! Maybe we’ll all go to FA heaven?

Answer #6

i dont wanan go to heaven, i want to burn in hell :)

Answer #7

Nah, I was thinking the pits of Tartarus… Maybe end up in the River Styx lol..

Answer #8


Answer #9

How about we just all head to my house for some tea and crumpets? :D

Answer #10

I think it’s normal for people who HAVE faith, to want more tactile representations of their faith.

In the Christian sense…the rapture is the ultimate “F-you we were right” to the rest of the unwashed masses.

Answer #11

So who’s going to be on Fun Advice that day? haha. I’m kinda looking forward to the rapture too. In a weird way.. Like a curious way. I’m not christian or anything. I’m just curious.

Answer #12

Maybe I’m just waiting for a big change in the world lol.. and yeah, that’s true, too… it would let me know that it WAS true since I have a small hint of doubt. :)

Answer #13

lol I don’t want anybody on FunAdvice to die haha

Answer #14

You say that now. :(

Answer #15

No, all of funadvice can live… then we’d REALLY have a party hahah ;P

Answer #16

Honestly speaking, I think rapture is an escapist view that makes Christians feel better about themselves. I’m a Christian myself, but I can’t bring myself to believe in a concept that’s only gained popularity in the last century, a concept that basically condemns billions of people, some of whom have never heard of Christ, to hell, all in an instant.

Go study the Scriptures yourself, and stop relying on the opinions of a bed-stricken Scottish teenager and and the British pastor who plagiarized off of her.

Answer #17

As I understand it those contemporary with Jesus expected his 2nd coming within their lifetimes. Every generation of Christians since then have thought that surely theirs would be the last.

I think of it as a perpetual “going out of business sale” for Christianity. Hurry, save your soul while you can because soon it will be too late!

Answer #18

I am an Atheist. And this is one of the reasons I dont like, or trust religious peoples. You all are in such a rush to see your fictitious god, that you are working to make the prophecies in your prospective bibles, qu’rans, torahs, etc. become a reality.Just remember that the sick individuals that flew planes into the world Trade Center 9 years ago wanted the rapture to hurry along too.

Answer #19

haha =]

Answer #20

haha =]

Answer #21

well im not looking forward to dat i feel like its gunna b chaos n like i want all da people i love to b saved n i guess dats not gunna happen so i just want da worl to stay da same but hey if u want it its not weird its just u wanting dat lol=]

Answer #22

I dont think there will be a rapture becasue If the Bible says 1thess 4: 16For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

Psalm 11:6 Upon the wicked he shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest: this shall be the portion of their cup.

when would teh rapture take place.

Answer #23

i dont think the rapture will take place becasue the bible says when christ return there will be shout of a trumpet and all eyes shall see him. and two will be in the feild and one taken…..

I dont see the Bible supporting a secret rapture.. so in essence there will be no second chance. we need to be ready for Christ’s return.

Answer #24

i wouldnt wait there is no such thing! its a waste of ur Brain power thinking of that or any other thing made up by man 2 put fear into ur thoughts, by then trying 2 manipulate ur actions into what is fabricated right and wrong, 2 keep balance in the small world we live in, all religions r a guide line 2 stop chaos 4rm happening so we dont revert 2 wild animals again

Answer #25

It’s not weird at all to want dramatic change to take place in the world. I think it is even more natural to think about the future of your own kind.

Answer #26

Well yea considering it’s fake

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