How to become wiccan?

Ok I heard the word wiccan I know its a religion and I like to know more about it (also if you know another shaman religions please awnswer or funmail me thnx)

Answer #1

blah I see the spell check screwed up my answer more than I thought here, I’ll re do it without checking my spelling this time O_O

Wicca, is a new religion under the guise of an ancient name. Though people will argue to the death, no doubt, it's an "ancien religion, the evidene supports it's rather new.
Gerald Gardner is said to be the inventor of the religion. Though people say he claimed to of merely brought it to light in the 1950's, his liability is less than impecable.

He claimed to be a higher ranking free mason- 3rd degree- records show he was only a first level mason. He claimed to of received a degree at the University of Singapore in 1934, they weren’t even in existence in 1934 *Gardner’s followers claim he was initiated into wicca in 1939 by Dorothy Clutterbuck. There’s no evidence that Dorothy existed. But even if one to prove those claims, Gardner was resident in a Christian church from 1933-1939

Rumor has it Crowly was Gardner’s bigget isperation in creating Wica. This can be confirmed through comparing their works. Nearly the entire “Book of Shadows” written by Gardner and all the Wiccan ceremonies and rituals are all based on Crowley’s works. Do what you will, may you harm none is said to be undeniably a Crowley’s.

Now focusing on merely the term “Wica” and “Wicca” Gardner had introduced the new religion as Wica NOT Wicca. It was in later years in which the secound C was added, presumably to refelcect the Angelo-Saxon word Wicca which was the root word for witch . The double C’s are pronounced as “ch” thus Wicca was pronounced “Witcha”. Wicca meant male practioner, wicce female. Over the years the E and A were dropped hence the birth of the term “witch”.

Now if you want to bring up the ancient Wika’s I’ll be glad to The original Wika (Huh Wika-spelling it how it’s pronounced) dates back to Celtic time. An ancient philosopher recorded information about the Wika’s in his journal. There are approximately 4 copies of the book that talks about the ancient wicca’s(I’m sure there’s more than one type, but it will be rare, especially in modern days). When the Roman Empire moved upward, pushing the Celtics further North, the Wicca’s stayed behind and did their magic thing. The Romans ruthlessley slaughtered them and, being the extreme sadist they are, I’m sure would of killed even the last man standing. I’ve not been able to turn up any further information of these wika’s, it’s likley they went extent. Unlike the new religion, they DID practice animal sacrafice, both male and female were warriors, and were actually celtic., and worshipped the celtic gods.

There are no ties connecting ancient wika and moderns wica.

Modern wica is a pantheistic religion. The main practices consist of simple basics such as candle magic, elemental magic(Aeromancy, Geomancy, Hydromancy, Pyromancy), basic healing, ruin or other forms of divination, and herbal magic. Depending on the individual, practitioners may take it further. Many Wicans practice chi and fung shi as well, it’s practicly becoming interlaced with the religion. Unlike the orginal ancients Wicans do not practice black magick, nor any magick that seeks to cause harm to others. Most if not all wicans follow a poem created by Doreen Valientine in 1964 called the ‘Wican Rede’. Originally wicca was brought to the public as a duotheistic religion, believing both a God and a Goddess(or multiple Gods and Goddesses). The most popular today are Pam (recently known as spirit of the forest, however, originally he’s the roman God of corn), and Diana(roman goddess of the hunt and wild animals, also sister of Apollo-god of the sun). Again, claims say it’s based of celtic traditions, I call that out on it’s BS. Wica is deeply rooted in Kablah(a jewish practice). The only main celtic traditions I’ve seen wican’s practice are the Celtic holidays, however, it’s not too common for them to be practiced traditionally. Not even the more common gods of worship in this religion are celtic. Over the past 50 years people have morphed it and created their own different traditions of Wica. Gardiner(said to be the first), Georgian, Dianic , Seax, Circle, Celtic, even Electric, and Egyptian(I’ld call this one out on its BS), and even fairie(the list goes on).

The only things ancient wika and modern wica have in common are the holidays practiced(however, they are mostlry practiced in different ways from each other), and the fact that neither come close to being the first religion.

If you want more information just drop me a funmail. I’m not Wican, just a mystic(or witch as the mainstream has put it). But I’m pretty knowledgable an round in many occult practices.

Sry for the multple postings I just hate it when the information in my answers are f*cked up

Answer #2

Garderian was the orginal teaching of Wica Besides, it’s best to look into and research any religion before decideding to become part of it. You can’t just say “I’m wica” or “I’m christian” or anything without having some firm foundation of knowledge.

Answer #3

The study of a year and a day is specific to the gardenarian branch. There are other branches who do not specify the learning period or have other rules before you would be allowed to move on to he next level. It also depends on coven or eclectic teachings. Covens wont even look at you if you’re not at least 18.

Answer #4

Fully agreed with the above. But if you choose to become wica, you have to train, and research for a year and a day. If you want, funmail me and I can teach you whta I know of the craft. I’m no wican, bu I know a lot and can help you get started on your path.

Answer #5

It’s not shaman, it’s Pagan(pagan being an umrella term to describe those of a polytheistic). To become Wicca you have to study for a year and a day.

Some people may make claims that Crowley brought attention to it, I personally believe he invented it. Lid say his liability of is impeccable. -He claimed to be a higher ranking free mason- 3rd degree- records show he was only a first level mason. -He claimed to of received a degree at the University of Singapore in 1934, they weren’t even in existence in 1934 -Gardner’s followers claim he was initiated into wicca in 1939 by Dorothy Clutterbuck. There’s no evidence that Dorothy existed. But even if one to prove those claims, Gardner was resident in a Christian church from 1933-1939 T’is said that Crowley was his greatest inspiration in creating this religion. Nearly the entire Book of Shadows written by Gardner and all the Wiccan ceremonies and rituals are all based on Crowley’s works.

Let’s talk about just the word Wicca Gardner introduce us with the term Wica (C pronounced like a k), NOT wicca. It was in later years the second c was added, presumably to reflect the Anglo-Saxon word wicca which is the root for the modern word witch. Double Co’s are pronounced chi with means Wicca pronounced Witch for males and Witch for females. Eventually over time the e and a were dropped forming Witch. And Gerald Gardner himself was a Witch, not modern Wiccan. The original wick’s did practiced sacrifice. It was recorded in an ancient philosopher’s journal(there’s only 4 books tat I know that contain a copy, like $80 each). When the Romans came to push the Celtic north, the Wick’s stayed, did their things with the sacrificing and rituals. Males and females both were warriors from what I’ve heard. Most, if not all were slaughtered by the Romans(Romans being extreme sadist, I’m sure they would of killed even the last man standing).

I guess now to answer what it is now that I’ve given you a bit of background information

Wicca, is a new religion under the guise of an ancient name. Gerald Gardner brought the religion to public attention in the early sass and said to be the inventor of the religion with the help of Alistair Crowley. It’s a pantheistic religion rooted in cabala & light Celtic practices. Wisconsin celebrate some revised Celtic practices. Wick’s main magic practices consist of candle magic, elemental magic(Romance, Company, Hydromantic, Pyromania), basic healing, ruin, and herbal magic. Depending on the individual, practitioners may take it further. Many Wisconsin practice chi and fung shi as well. Wiccans do not practice black magick, nor any magick that seeks to cause harm to others. Many Wiccans follow the Wiccan Rede,a poem written by Doreen Valiente in 1964 (for more information on he rede, just copy and paste the following link = ). Originally wicca was brought to the public as a duotheistic religion, believing both a God and a Goddess(or multiple Gods and Goddesses). The most popular today are Pam (recently known as spirit of the forest, however, originally he’s the roman God of corn), and Diana(roman goddess of the hunt and wild animals, also sister of Apollo-god of the sun). Over the past 50 years people have morphed it and created their own different traditions of Wicca. Gardiner(said to be the first), Georgian, Dianic , Seax, Circle, Celtic, even Electric, and Egyptian(I’ld call this one out on bs), and even fairie(the list goes on). However, remember, no matter how old people claim Wicca to be, it is not the first religion, really, no where near it. Modern wicca is just a new aged religion under the guise of an ancient name, as I recently stated.

If you want more information just drop me a funmail. I’m not a Wicca, just a mystic(or witch as the mainstream has put it). But I’m pretty knowledgable an round in many occult practices.

Answer #6

I agree with ‘drkjester73’ please ignore the first comment. He had a good explanation of what Wicca is.

However– adding to that.

I’ve always believed that it’s important for people to explore different beliefs and religions… to get a feel for what is right for you and for you to eventually decide what you honestly believe in. Doing research is important, but it can be hard to find accurate information on the subject you’re looking for- especially when you’re reading about Wicca. I have spent time studying different religions and ways of life and sometimes I came across information that wasn’t true in the slightest. You also have work watch out for comments similar to what ‘tayroor28’ wrote here.. Whatever YOU believe in, is what YOU believe in. Make sure you are committing to something you truly believe is true, and right, and what gives you peace and fulfillment.

Answer #7

First off, ignore that first idiot. The internet has a vast amount of information about Wicca. I will give you some websites to look over, also seeing as your only 13yrs old your parents may have a cow about you wanting to become a witch (yes most of us call ourselves that men and woman)Do a lot of reading before you make a choice. Wicca is a nature based religion, we follow the cycles of the seasons and believe in a God and Goddess. Wiccans do not believe in hell or sin but you are accountable for your actions. The Law we follow is: Do as you will but harm none. If you are just interested to learn spells and cast hexes on people then Wicca is not for you. Use google and look up: witchvox read, look up Wicca in Wikipedia read, and read. if you see a pattern, good. Use what you find and see if it seems right to you. That is the best advice I can give to a newcomer. Anymore questions find me on Yahoo as DrkJester73.

May the light of the Goddess shine for you, to show you the way.

Answer #8

oh I wasnt saying it was shamanism. I was saying tell me another religion that has shamans just if ya knew. also I like the warrior women. I get sick of men controlling women so thats a reason I had archery kung fu and karate lessons

Answer #9

Sorry to disappoint you but wicca isn’t exactly an authentic religion. It may be based upon ancient ideas, but the practices and rituals done today are not authentic, so why bother, they were made up in the last 120 years. I’m not saying go Christianity, but if you’re looking for a religion that focuses on things like the cosmos and nature take a look at Daoism.

Answer #10

I already replied tayloor about it. I was dying to! anyways I called her ignorant and close minded

Answer #11

Ah, I see. Apolagies for assuming. I know a bit. I’ll fun-mail you some information in the next few days.

Answer #12

early 1950’s d@mn spell check

Answer #13

Like the anime pic btw 1_~

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