Why is it that when you give someone your opinion on their religion they say you are insulting them?

I dont get insulted when people say they believe in god, thats their opinion, i dont understand why they accuse you of atta.cking their religon.

Answer #1

IDK. Maybe people get very testy about it because it is something they have absolute faith in, or maybe sometimes they get mad because deep down they secretly agree with you. hard to know really. You could ask them but you may never get the truth

Answer #2

Because they are probaly sensitive about there religon and they think thats it is the greatest thing in there mind.But, they don’t want anybody else to ask theam about it because they will be imbarased.

Answer #3

I’m afraid that many people are simply close-minded (and that’s not specific to religion, but all things in general). It’s difficult for some people to accept that the opinions of others do not have to reflect their own.

Answer #4

Oh, I know. I hate that so much. I think most of them just ask those kinds of questions simply to start a fight. They feel like if everyone doesnt belive what they do that they’re “idiots”. That guy, not going to name names, is like, mildy harassing me, I guess you could say, ever since his question having to do with his religion. Ha, whatever. He’s not going to bring me down! :D

Answer #5

First, nothing can ever be more important to a person than their GOD/god.

Second, you will know what kind of person they are by what they worship, and we all worship something.

Third, there can only be one truth, if one believes they have the truth than all opposing views must be a sin and an insult upon truth and a threat against the bearer of truth.

Fourth, there is usually more than a little subtle or not so subtle venom in the tone of those disagreeing with another’s religion. For instance if I refer to islam or satanism, even if I was trying to be mellow, my hate for those beliefs would shine through.

Just remember there is certainly one truth, and it is certain that we will be responsible for what we choose to believe. If we say that we know then we are saying that those who oppose our view do not know.

Let us just say that there were hypothetically one million religions in the world, including the religion that claims that all of the religions are wrong (yes, that too would be a belief system) that means that one of them has to be true. That means one in a million is right and that means that there is a one in a million chance that the best outcome predicted and the worst outcome predicted have a one in a million chance of being true. Considering that one pleasant and one unpleasant outcome must come true and considering the great splendor of the greatest outcome and the horrer of the worst outcome then even a one in a million chance of missing the greatest splendor or facing the greatest horrer is too much of a chance to sit idle and fail to pursue to know and align with the truth with all of ones heart, mind, strength and time is the gravest of folly.

To those who seek the truth with all their heart will certainly find it.

People such as that are very rare, more common are those who are too foolish to take the matter as seriously as logic dictates that they should.

They are like people who spend more than they can repay to buy things they do not need at the mall. People like that choose their faith based upon their desire and only use logic when they need to try to rationalize their contridictory faith.

Those who believe themselves wise enough to decide truth without all nessicary facts in fact worship themselves. To correct such a person will seldom be met with gratitude as they feel that you are committing heresy against the object of their worship; themselves. They will feel insulted even when it is they who have insulted themselves.

To one who has obtained the truth, such people are nearly subhuman in their willfull ignorance and illogic. Refutation by such is in fact a true insult.

Lies are not equal opposite counterparts to the truth, they are rather corrupt imitations of the truth. Nothing can equal the truth except itself.

Anyway, thats the deal.

I saved this for the end in hopes that it would not bias the accurate comprehension of my previous words, but it must be said:

YESHUA HAMASHIACH JESUS IS MESSIAH And that is a self evident fact, not just an emotional desire, check it out and see for yourself.

Be well. (By that I mean be correct and reap the benifits.)

Answer #6

Religion seems to be one of those things that is removed from any questioning or probing. Society has agreed that no matter how crazy you sound, if it is in the name of religion, it cannot be questioned. It just is what it is. People arent used to others having different thoughts and so they get very insulted and offended and then they get mean. It’s really their problem. I wouldnt worry about it. They have a right to feel offended. Just as you have a right to your own beliefs and to express those beliefs.

Answer #7

Sigh. You base your theory on a bunch of assumptions leaving it’s tail out hanging. Who says there is one truth? Perhaps there is no religion that has the truth? Perhaps the truth has yet to be found. When you start off with assumptions and then come up with grand conclusions, it looks all pretty, but you’ve built a case with no foundation. And psychotic people, truly deeply believe with all their hearts that their delusions and hallucinations are real. Belief and self righteousness doesnt guarantee truth.

Answer #8

Religion and politics….both sensitive topics….

From my years on FA, I’ve found that both Atheists and those who practice their faiths can both be atagonistic towards those with opposing views….it’s hardly a one way street.

Answer #9

maybe they feel they are being put down or made to feel stupid for their beliefs. I myself couldn’t care less about what someone else chooses to believe or whether or not they think the way i do…that’s their choice just like what i believe is my choice so why say anything about it in the first place? some things are just better left alone :) Ideas are like water always flowing and changing…beliefs on the other hand are like rocks strong and solid (set in stone)

Answer #10

because they’re all nutters …….

Answer #11

because they’re all nutters …….

Answer #12

so you can think that what you have faith in depicts what type of person you are ? i’ve got one pal who’s jewish and he’s no diffrent from me same goes for a muslim and sikh/hindu freind of mine , what football team you follow dosn’t depict what personality you have ,,, im a swans fan ,,, so that would make me a tracksuite wearing car theif ,lol ,,,,,,

Answer #13

because whatever you say about religion is wrong and people just like TRUTH thanks

Answer #14

may be whatever you say about religion is not true or you dont think things out before you speak about religion and people just like TRUTH thanks

Answer #15

I noticed your little sigh of exasperation at my percieved ‘psychosis’. Well, sigh or no sigh, you are wrong. Even if one of your theories was true, that would cancel all opposing theories and there would still only be one truth.

The public fool system and the media teach people not to be rational thinkers. Coffee shops across the land are full of eye rolling loud mouth parrots that repeat what they were told to think. From the textbook and the t.v. straight to their brains and straight out their mouths.

Objective analysis is unimportant to them, all that matters is attention and self justification, but to those who truly count, they are merely annoying silly, yet dangerous, children.

Don’t be one of the blind leading the blind.

Answer #16

Ugh, I really hate the ones who feel the need to preach.

Answer #17

I agree, it’s for sure a two-way street.

Answer #18

I never said religious belief was psychosis. Simply pointed out that having faith does not equate to reality. Also, I am the one parroting what I was told to think? Given that 90% of the world has some sort of religious belief, I would be in the minority, I hardly think one who is part of the majority can claim some sort of persecution. I suppose the irony of that is completely lost. I am not the one making up theories. Just pointing out that your assumptions are based on nothing. Your first point was that a person’s individual God is most important to them. That is nothing more than an assumption. Some people have no individual God. You think everyone must worship something. It’s an assumption. One that is completely false because I dont worship. Even if I am the only person on this earth who doesnt do so, it disproves your ‘we ALL worship something’. You assume that all opposing views are a sin. That’s your belief. Dont assume to think for the rest of us. You assume that of the millions of religions, one must be true. Why must one be true? Because you believe it? That’s an assumption with no empirical evidence. You assume those who seek the truth will find it. There’s no empirical evidence backing that up either. Plenty of people have sought truths to be proven wrong in the end. Multi syllable words and trying to insult my intelligence by saying I am nothing more than a brainwashed fool doesnt actually win you any arguments or make you look any smarter. In fact, your lack of any evidence supporting your claims just proves my point. You have NOTHING backing you up, and so you’re hoping that by trying to bait me into some sort of emotional argument, I will forget the fact that you have simply laid out a nice set of assumptions without any backing whatsoever.

Answer #19

Its a logic problem once again. All beliefs are religions, atheism, ‘I don’t know-ism’, agnostism, all are religions and belief systems. The non-believer in CHRISTianity is far from a minority, but each little subgenre of that may be a minority of that majority.

The persicution aspect is from the point of view of being barraged by illogic and emotional bias against very sound logic. You mentioned irony, you say my “assumptions” are based on nothing, that is ironicly true since none of what I said was assumption.

In spite of your innacurate syntax I percieve that you believe my claims are “based on nothing”.

I claimed that a person’s personal GOD/god is the most important thing to them. That is true but you must understand what it means to deify something, people deify what they hold dearest and allow to be the chief governing factor in their lives. They render it worship (worth-ship) by placing it highest in their priorities.

People may not call it god or think of it in those terms but their idolization of it their and servitude to it speaks for itself. Some may do this to an idea, other to a presumed diety, others to their own desire or agenda, etc. When one has chosen their idol/GOD they then percieve all views threatening the sacredness or importance of their idol as a sin or crime of sorts, thus an offence.

I challenged the factuality of your obvious religion/belief system by stating mine, hence your reply. You have stated that I am incorrect and insinuated my foolishness - the same thing I did to you indirectly by claiming my religion is entirely factual and directly when I referred to your reasoning to be that of a psuedointellectual.

We are both indignant, I showed it, you showed it, but we can’t both be right and there is a big difference between righteous indignation and self righteous indignation.

You asked why one religion must be true, it is another logical consideration. If there are only two religions, one religion and another religion that has only this for doctrine: that the former religion is not entirely correct, then one of the two have to be true, it can be no other way.

Now considering that no matter how many religions there are, as long as there is one that states nothing more than that all other religions are not entirely correct (and there is such a belief system) then one of the many belief systems MUST be true, thats as empirical as it gets.

You say that I “assume” that those who seek the truth will find it. That is not an assumption on my part but it is a little bit of inside knowledge. However there is an empirical way of proving it but one must find that proof alone. Some things must be found by the seeker himself, they cannot be given by one who has found it. The finder can only point the way and exemplify the enhancement.

You have claimed that I have “NOTHING” to back up my claims, that is simply not true. As far as “baiting you into an emotional argument” I never heard from you when I origionally wrote the reply to this question and now I am merely responding to your rebuttal. The last thing I want is an emotional debate that is devoid of logic.

Evil people want truth to be subjective, but the truth is not subjective and never will be.

P.s. If you ever stop hating the idea of GOD for a while, try this: Ask GOD if HE IS there, not as one demanding a show or one mocking, but as one suspending all judgement and showing respect to someone you don’t yet know. Ask without rudeness or ‘assumption’ that if GOD IS real that HE will make you know it 100%. If you do this, you will find your empirical proof that those who seek with all their hearts will find the truth.

P.s. There is a demonicly infulenced bias against CHRISTianity. Even though CHRISTianity makes more sense than any other religion ever, people would be happier if I came and preached killing ourselves for Hale-Bopp or killing others for satanism than if I say love your nieghbor for JESUS.

P.p.s. You can love people you don’t like, love is an action.

Answer #20

Wolfmankayldotnet (don’t know your real name) I like you response. Just putting that out there….:)

Answer #21

Its a logic problem once again. All beliefs are religions, atheism, ‘I don’t know-ism’, agnostism, all are religions and belief systems. The non-believer in CHRISTianity is far from a minority, but each little subgenre of that may be a minority of that majority. The persicution aspect is from the point of view of being barraged by illogic and emotional bias against very sound logic. You mentioned irony, you say my “assumptions” are based on nothing, that is ironicly true since none of what I said was assumption. In spite of your innacurate syntax I percieve that you believe my claims are “based on nothing”. I claimed that a person’s personal GOD/god is the most important thing to them. That is true but you must understand what it means to deify something, people deify what they hold dearest and allow to be the chief governing factor in their lives. They render it worship (worth-ship) by placing it highest in their priorities. People may not call it god or think of it in those terms but their idolization of it their and servitude to it speaks for itself. Some may do this to an idea, other to a presumed diety, others to their own desire or agenda, etc. When one has chosen their idol/GOD they then percieve all views threatening the sacredness or importance of their idol as a sin or crime of sorts, thus an offence. I challenged the factuality of your obvious religion/belief system by stating mine, hence your reply. You have stated that I am incorrect and insinuated my foolishness - the same thing I did to you indirectly by claiming my religion is entirely factual and directly when I referred to your reasoning to be that of a psuedointellectual. We are both indignant, I showed it, you showed it, but we can’t both be right and there is a big difference between righteous indignation and self righteous indignation. You asked why one religion must be true, it is another logical consideration. If there are only two religions, one religion and another religion that has only this for doctrine: that the former religion is not entirely correct, then one of the two have to be true, it can be no other way. Now considering that no matter how many religions there are, as long as there is one that states nothing more than that all other religions are not entirely correct (and there is such a belief system) then one of the many belief systems MUST be true, thats as empirical as it gets. You say that I “assume” that those who seek the truth will find it. That is not an assumption on my part but it is a little bit of inside knowledge. However there is an empirical way of proving it but one must find that proof alone. Some things must be found by the seeker himself, they cannot be given by one who has found it. The finder can only point the way and exemplify the enhancement. You have claimed that I have “NOTHING” to back up my claims, that is simply not true. As far as “baiting you into an emotional argument” I never heard from you when I origionally wrote the reply to this question and now I am merely responding to your rebuttal. The last thing I want is an emotional debate that is devoid of logic. Evil people want truth to be subjective, but the truth is not subjective and never will be. P.s. If you ever stop hating the idea of GOD for a while, try this: Ask GOD if HE IS there, not as one demanding a show or one mocking, but as one suspending all judgement and showing respect to someone you don’t yet know. Ask without rudeness or ‘assumption’ that if GOD IS real that HE will make you know it 100%. If you do this, you will find your empirical proof that those who seek with all their hearts will find the truth. P.s. There is a demonicly infulenced bias against CHRISTianity. Even though CHRISTianity makes more sense than any other religion ever, people would be happier if I came and preached killing ourselves for Hale-Bopp or killing others for satanism than if I say love your nieghbor for JESUS. P.p.s. You can love people you don’t like, love is an action.

You do like to take liberties with definitions of words don’t you. Atheism is hardly a religion. A religion is not a single belief. Atheism isn’t even a belief. It is a lack of belief. You can hardly call your lack of belief in Zeus a religion. And yet isn’t that what you are? An atheist as far as other gods go? So because you perceive my words to be illogical and emotional, it must be persecuting? You do understand the definition of persecution don’t you. So again, you have refuted my challenge with a ‘no that’s not true because I said so’. Your say so and your understanding of words do not make it reality. I repeat, passionate belief in something does not make it true. Lets assume you mean scientific thinking in this sense to be worship. The only difference is that with deity worship, one is unlikely to change their mind regardless of the proof in front of them. If a God, however, were to stand before a scientist and irrefutably prove their own existence, the scientist would change their mind. Scientists do not believe they have the ultimate truth or that they are infallible. And that is the difference between worship and scientific exploration. As far as a religion having to be true, again I say, a lack of belief is hardly a religion. Now, back to your circular logic that all religious people use. The only way to know the truth is to believe. And the only way to believe is to have faith. And unless you’re within this little circle of believing and faith, you cannot know the truth. It is highly convenient. Especially for those who are so entranced by your words that you end up with hero worship. However, it really is simply. I’m not going to sit around proving a negative. I cannot prove the tooth fairy doesn’t exist, and I have no desire to. You prove God exists then we’ll talk. And no, I have to have faith is not a good enough answer. ‘Even though CHRISTianity makes more sense than any other religion ever’. I almost respected your arguments till this point. Seriously? Your logic is based on, because it makes most sense to me? I truly have to wonder if you are fooling yourself at this point or are trying to fool the rest of the world. You have no argument. Not for proving God’s existence nor for Christianity. Oh, and I do actually believe in a God. Not your God, that is for sure. But I know that what I believe cannot be empirically proven (I also don’t think you understand what the word EMPIRICAL means), but that is really ok with me. I have no desire to prove to the world that I am right. I have to wonder, why in a religion that preaches tolerance, humility, and kindness, why you’re so hell bent (pardon the pun) on being right.

Answer #22

Ty, I don’t intend to keep doing this, its obvious that you currently reject CHRISTianity and there is nothing more that I can do than I have already done about that, but for the benifit of anyone concerned,I will respond again.

  1. Atheism is not only a belief system i.e. beliving that there is no GOD, it

is also one of the most illogical, superstitious, blindly zealous and hatefull

religions around.

  1. Yes you are being persecuting because you know darn well that you don’t

just doubt CHRISTianity, you really dislike it.

  1. Scientific thinking and worship are not the same, nor do I define them as


  1. Many scientist have had physical evidence of GOD but they rejected it

because they did not want to believe in GOD. Few scientists are above self delusion and

dishonesty, especially since most scientists today enter their fields with a

preconcieved and cherished bias that was part of their motivation for

becoming scientists in the first place.

  1. Many scientists DO presume to know many things that they have no proof substantiating (like the THEORY of evolution) and their ‘faith’ keeps them from properly investigating or treating many issues seriously.

  2. My logic is not circular, it is simple and effective. So many ‘scientists’ can’t find their butts with both hands because they lack this investigatory proccess. Deduction 101: A. conclude only facts, make

no presumption. B. Hypothesize a disposable theory based upon the known facts

as an investigatory aid, discard/rebuild the theory as impossibilities

present themselves. C. Unless something is proven impossible do not disregard

it’s potential factuality nor affirm it as a fact. D. Draw conclusions only when all other potentials

have proven false and only one scenario remains.

  1. You claim that I say you

need faith to find fact, but the things I have said indicated that the facts are present if you are willing to research it honestly. If you were seeking to know if my faith was true or not you would be open to advice about it, but you are not open to knowing that because you presume you already do know and even if you didn’t

you wouldn’t care to know. So therefore you might never do an honest

investigation of the matter yourself. That’s your choice and so are the

consequences of that choice, but for sure, if you won’t take a peek through

the window for yourself, then you would be very arrogant to ever refute someone from outside that told you what color the sky outside is. And that is my problem, you

won’t look, you do not want to take the time to find out if you are right or

wrong, you just want to run your mouth. I have met hundreds like you, I

can’t ‘convert’ you, anymore than I can try to talk you into accepting a free

Hershey bar, ultimately only you can decide, but I can advise and I have

given adaquate advice for which you have shown resentment and refuted due to your own

biased zeal for your own belief system.

  1. You say: “Oh, and I do actually believe in a God. Not your God, that is for sure. But I know that what I believe cannot be empirically proven, but that is really ok with me.”. That is an admission that you beleive in something that there is no proof for simply because it suits you, that is true blind faith and hypocracy.

  2. You also say my religion preaches tolerance, if you mean that my religion teaches us to tolerate the existance of other human beings and to be charitable, just and mercifull, yes, ok it does teach that, but not to tolerate false doctrines, other ‘gods’ or sinful behavior.

  3. You say I am “hell Bent” on being right, I am Heaven bent on being right, not just looking right or making other people think I am right but in BEING right. But whether I am right or not is less important than the fact that the doctrine of CHRIST IS right, everday, all day long, whether anyone believes it or not, and those of us who know what is right must never deny it and always proclaim it, and we always will.

P.s. When I first approached GOD, if HE had not answered me, I wouldn’t be a CHRISTian now, I would have just stayed in my make believe world, and when I did approach I didn’t know if I wanted it to be true or not but I felt that knowing was essential, and HE did answer and since then HE has shown me so much and now I realize, HIS way is perfection and I am eternally gratefull for HIM pulling me out of the mire into the light. JESUS my SAVIOR be praised!

Answer #23

very good answer ! i love it :)

Answer #24

And once again you’ve said a lot without saying anything. You claim you have a rational way of proving something without providing proof. You claim scientists have have found proof, but will not provide it. You do provide who these scientists are or what proof they’ve got. Well I’ve got proof the tooth fairy exists. Now go find that proof and you’ll see i’m right. You’re right, you cannot convert one without any evidence. You truly believe something. That’s great. The only difference between you and I is that I accept that my beliefs are possibly delusions while you live in a world where you cannot tolerate the fact that you could be wrong. Oh and yeah, evolution is a theory. But so is gravity. What’s your point? You dont seem to understand how science works. Because there is room for error and change. That does not mean they do not have solid evidence backing up their theories. It means, unlike blind religious faith, they dont have the supreme arrogance to assume that everything they say is right. And there are many scientists who believe in God. Why havent any of these scientists found proof? And if they have, why are they keeping it a secret from the rest of us? You do manage to say a lot without saying very much.

Answer #25

The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.

Answer #26

Most people base their religious beliefs on those they were raised on.

Children are trusting, idealistic, and lack logic and reason. Religion makes perfect sense to people who have been indoctrinated into it from an early age and it is frustrating and annoying to them when people from outside their religion point out the many fallacies that their worldview is based on. They keep trying over and over to explain it in a way that it will sound as right to other people as it does to them.

I’ve been an atheist for over 35 years and I still run into Christians who are sure they can convince me that Christianity is true because nobody ever told it to me the right way before.

Answer #27

mandyloo most likely because opinion is based upon ones own understanding as opposed to what people feel is truth in faith. It would be as myself stating my opinion of your brown hair. You know its brown, you like it brown and sharing a picture of others with your brown hair is something you prefer to do. So in doing so I suppose I should give my opinion…….your hair is not brown its black Mandyloo and many people I know have a superstition about people with black hair.

Answer #28

I cant even reply, this website tells me “those words are not allowed.” and I don’t know which ones it means. i will try to send it in sections.

I told you how to find the proof of my faith’s accuracy.

I told you that everything in the material universe proves GOD and many scientists have uncovered pieces of that proof which are related to their specific fields. Such as the discovery of cosmic ether, the mathimatic impossibility of existance out of nothing by chance, the constistancy of the fulfillment of Biblical prophesy throughout history (100% right to date), our calender is counting forward from the factual and prophesied life of JESUS, the discovery of the remains of the egyptian army at the bottom of the red sea, DNA/RNA, astronimical proof of a beginning, the fact that matter is decaying and is not eternal, the fact that probability does guarentee an outcome but this universe is here - not uncreating or recreating or chaotic - it is functioning like clockwork, the intricate and intellegently designed clockwork of the universe which allows this little blue bubble to exist in a vastly volent galexy, life, consiousness, free will and the consequences thereof, archealogical evidence of Biblical events, atmic action which is perfectly DESIGNED to act as it does and therefore work. More important than all of the vast known evidence for GOD, if you do what the Bible says to do and approach GOD humbly, HE will introduce HIMSELF to you.

Answer #29

I have determined through a proccess of deduction using known facts that the

tooth fairy does not exist.

I could not convert you or any non-believer with or without evidence because

of the willingnes to be “delusional” for their chosen faith.

Gravity is not a theory, the mechanism of gravity is not widely known but the

function of cravity is a self evident fact. (and it too proves GOD).

I do understand how scientific deduction works and I am also aware of the

semantical games being played by modern scientists which allow unproven

theories to be labeled “proof” and other such nonsense. And YES many

scientists ARE extremely arrogant and DO assume that everything they say is


All scientists who believe in GOD and all scientist who do not believe in GOD

find proof of GOD every day, the honest and clever recognize it, many are not

very deductive or are far too biased and when they see something that points

to GOD they try to find another way to explain it at the expense of the


Answer #30

I am keeping no secret, you have determined that what I said is incorrect

already. And therefore have determined that the lengths you would have to go

to in order to investigate it are unreasonable and a d*ad end anyway but the

object of most investigations rarely scurries over and jumps in the

investigator’s lap. It takes effort.

Answer #31

I have said the truth, you say that I say a lot without saying much, that is

because you do not believe what I say, you either want it easy on a silver

platter or you dismiss it ( believe you would probably choose to dismiss it

if it was handed to you on a silver platter too). I have given you the

closest thing to a silver platter as you can get, the rest is up to you. I

have said all there is to say, its not what you want to hear, but it is the

truth. If you seek truth you will go do the legwork, it you prefer delusion

you won’t. Suit yourself. I will pray for you.

Answer #32

–Correction, I misspelled, I meant to say that probability DOESN’T guarentee an outcome–

Answer #33

Religion is really a hard topic. You can never argue about this with anybody because tendency is your just gonna end up with a fight that no one can ever win. Religion shows how diverse our world is. But it all boils down to one thing, we all have our own minds and its something that keeps our beliefs unique from one another. It might be something that can never make us united but it doesn’t give us any license to disrespect. (^^,)

Answer #34

wolfmankayldotnet, I have to say, as a scientist and a christian, i find your comments insulting more than any of the comments made by non-christians

Answer #35

We’re going to have to agree to disagree on any of that proving the existence of God. It doesnt prove that a God exists. It doesnt prove that your God exists. It doesnt even prove that there arent several gods. Perhaps it’s the tooth fairy doing all of that. So, apart from the ‘look it’s a rainbow, the proves that there is a God’ arguments, lets look at the other actual hard evidence. First of, ‘the consistency of the fulfillment of Biblical prophesy throughout history (100% right to date)’. Exactly what has the Bible (which cant even consistently provide a creation story or a flood story) said that has come true? And please, if it isnt any better than my horoscope (which turns out to be pretty accurate in that is summarizes i’m either going to have a good or a bad day), dont bother. Oh, and because you’re going to ask, GE 1:3-5 On the first day, God created light, then separated light and darkness. vs. GE 1:14-19 The sun (which separates night and day) wasn’t created until the fourth day. GE 1:11-12, 26-27 Trees were created before man was created. vs. GE 2:4-9 Man was created before trees were created. GE 1:20-21, 26-27 Birds were created before man was created. vs. GE 2:7, 19 Man was created before birds were created. GE 1:24-27 Animals were created before man was created. vs. GE 2:7, 19 Man was created before animals were created. GE 1:26-27 Man and woman were created at the same time. vs GE 2:7, 21-22 Man was created first, woman sometime later. The list does go on, it seems the two authors who wrote this couldnt quite get it right. But that will suffice for now. I am sure there is some way you can rationalize the discrepancies. The fact that the Church adopted a calendar and that spread has very little to do with proving God exists. DNA/RNA, again, what has that got to do with anything? http://funadvice.com/r/bjru5h0gk something changed in the last 3 years? Seriously, your conspiracy theory on scientists borders on the ludicrous. The catholic church has scientists on its pay roll. If there was something to find, surely they would have found something. Science is not threatened by religion. Scientists have no reason to try and hide. What would they gain by that? Your evidence fails to convert me because it isnt evidence. You have no evidence. If there was evidence, most people (not everyone, some people will stick to their guns no matter what the evidence) would be Christians.

Answer #36

Oh, and that problem was supposed to have been fixed. The words that are banned should show up. If not, please let thedude know exactly what was banned and that it’s not showing up so he can file a report.

Answer #37

Would you get insulted if they said you were going to hell for not believing in god? I guess it depends on your opinion. People tell me I’m going to hell for what I believe in I find very offensive. People that tell me they dojn’t agree with me I don’t mind. It all depends on what you said and how that person is able to deal with it. A 13 year old will comment as you would expect a 13 year old too. But people who are older can react out of line when they feel they are not being respected. So again, be yourself, have your opinion, but realise that they are just humans who are not as secure and constant as we would all like to be. Have a nice day ^^

Answer #38

Are you for real? Comparing religious debate to hair colour?

Answer #39

Colleen, minimizing any possible higher level for misunderstandings…….For gawds sakes……opinion is strictly ones own personal perspective of another……..Did everyone’s “mommies” not give the ole’ lecture…..”If you cannot say something nice do not say anything at all”…………Granted everyone slips up when personal opinions are involved especially in such extremely personal/controversial topics/issues such as faith and religion.

Answer #40

difference of opinions :o)

Answer #41

i hate people who think wrong about the religions.

Answer #42

u r stupid

Answer #43

worst answer..

Answer #44

mandyloo is a stupid advisor

Answer #45

TY, I will quote you and copy and paste this next time I see a disagreement regarding faith!!!!……. “Some things must be found by the seeker himself, they cannot be given by one who has found it.” Very well stated!! TY…………Faith with God is on an individual basis……..God saves and teaches people, people don’t save people. the ole’ faith vs. reality debate……….is unending, won’t ever be completely won and as long as this world exists and is sustained by God will continue on…….PEACE in Faith vs. TRUST in reality……….vs.= friendly discussion/debates

Answer #46

Uhm please dont misquote me? I didnt say it. Is there a reason you have my name in capitals? Oh and yes, I believe faith is an individual thing. I believe in a person’s right to their own faith. I dont believe it is ok to say other people’s faiths are wrong because you have evidence that yours is right. Especially when there is no evidence. Believe anything and everything you want. Dont lie to us and say you’ve got PROOF.

Answer #47

The point was, for someone who is intent on proving a point, you used a pretty weak argument.

Answer #48

itz so because ppl dnt like when you commet bout cuz it makes them feel stupid !!! nd makes feel they shouldnt be in that relilgon

Answer #49

As I said………..know the difference between “arguement” and example………..note, I was still talking to Mandyloo regarding opinion vs. “educated insight” regarding the topic of faith and religion………….try not to understand my purpose in my statement when you were not the one who asked the question………..:o)

Answer #50

Colleen, and yes don’t misunderstand my “intent” in answering a question with an example to help Mandyloo understand……..no debate in answering a question in giving an example……………unless Mandyloo becomes offended or wishes to “prove a point” in asking the question in the first place. :o) Get it? Got it? Good :o) and LOL since a debate is starting up over your misunderstanding of my intentions these last three postings are to help you understand in your misunderstanding

Answer #51

You talk too much.

Answer #52

yowzers..more and more I am getting the vibes I sincerely joined the wrong website for anything pertaining to faith and religion………..make note of this……….ridding myself of MY disbelief and any purpose this site might have had for myself is DONE!!!…………..beware in the last days of wolves in sheeps clothing………….puke time to go hurl……….adios “funadvice”

Answer #53

may be because it a ery critical & sensitive part of the life

Answer #54

Some people are very sensitive when it comes to religion,and when you give them your opinion they feel your talking bad about there religion,so they get very defensive.

Answer #55

because they stupid

Answer #56

because they stupid

Answer #57

i think it depends on how u state ur opinion… i am pretty sure that ppl have insulted u in regards to ure religion/beleifs as well.

Answer #58

Because someone’s opinion to them is fact. A god/goddess/idol is what a person will behold as one of the most important features in their life because religion My girlfriend is Christian but I’m Wiccan and we explain our opinions about the other’s religion so we’re pretty good about it.

Before her, I used to have a horrible phobia of Christians, Christianity, churches [to be honest, I still can’t go into a church without feeling awkward] ect because all Christians I run into are hearing all the sterotypes and lies about Wicca and try to convince me to repent. I hate it when they tell me to back out of my own religion when Christians simply don’t understand Wicca. It isn’t evil! xD

That was an example of my opinion becoming fact. People will be arguing over religion for years. It’s not really a new thing. I don’t want to start an arguement. That’s it. Just really cos if you want to truely state your beliefs, you can’t help but insult them a bit.

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