Why is Atheism so scarce among Black people?

I wanted to talk about somethig that people especially black people dont talk enough about which is atheism. I am an atheist and I love and am proud to be one. It is hard to find other black people who share the same views as I do, and I wanted to know how other people felt about atheism and their views on atheism in the black community. I know that there are people who do not like Atheists, but in the United Stats Of America we have freedom of religion as well as freedom from religion and I believe that we have the choice to believe or not believe in a deity or higher power if you like it. I just wanted to get your opinions and reactions on the topic..thanks

Answer #1

@ xreply Being a Goth isn’t about being an out cast, and it’s not just teens or kids either. I was an outcast up until high school. However, in high school everyone knew me, everyone wanted to hang out, etc, etc(I just didn’t have much in common nor trust half the people so I chose not to associate myself with many of them). A lot of people have confronted me, and a lot of men have tried being “fresh” with me. Being Goth isn’t about “accepting to be a reject”. It has nothing to do with it. Goth is a life style. I ask you do a bit more research before making claims. Other than that, I agree with what you said, however I believe the question is more of why the atheist in the black population are treated as plague.

With white people, we don’t see people for their race(least the white people I hang out with) so it’s unlikely they’re say to each other “you’re not a real cracker”. It’s ludicrous in my eyes. Though there have bee instances of other hurtful words are even the threat of discontent, or a friend of mine, her mother used her as a slave and had her live in her walk in closet, because of stupid things like that. Though I’m sure simular things happens to other people of other races. The phrase “you’re not a real black person” I know my neighbors in our old neighborhood used a few times when they had their big blow outs, not because of the other’s belief system. I’m sure the people who say it to you say the same phrase to other people for a different reason. So don’t feel bad, and don’t fret about it. Who are they to judge you anyways?

I’ve met a few black atheist. Perhaps it’s just the location you’re in. Though not many people, no matter what the race, are going to come right out and say “I’m an atheist” unless they come from an atheistic family. A lot will keep it in the closet for awhile. So it wont surprise me if you don’t meet many atheist before adulthood(or atheist that aren’t already an adult). Ask yourself this, have you met an athiest of any race that was under the age of 18-20?

Answer #2

one reason is that when blacks we enslaved, they were all so religious and their religion was so important since it seemed like one of the few things they could control, they put all their belief in god for a better life, so it just carried down, you know wit everything they went through they always turned to religion.

Answer #3

Well, I don’t know any athiests anymore, but maybe try just finding other athiests? Why do they have to be black for you to get along with them? Also, if you’re multi-racial, a lot of black people won’t consider you black. On top of that, being gothic tends to be a point of accepting that you’re a reject from “normal” society.

I’m not trying to criticize you, I’m just stating facts here. Being a Multi-Racial, Gothic Athiest has got to be an incredibly difficult “Where do I fit in?” circumstance because any one of those three has its own difficulties. To be more clear, my nephew is half-black and half-white. He looks black, though, with lighter skin, so it is likely he will always be considered a black man. The problem for him, though, is that he will grow up feeling like he has to choose to be black or white. The thing is, he is neither. He is a multi-race individual and hopefully one day he’ll accept that about himself. Its likely, though, that he’ll go through life a bit confused about where he belongs. That sucks, cause I love the little guy, and I certainly hope our future world is more accepting of him than the one we have now.

At the same time, whenever a group of gothic kids walks through a mall, EVERYONE notices. You don’t exactly see people climbing over one another to go talk to them, either. Choosing to dress and BE Goth involves accepting that you’re a social reject. Obviously I don’t hold this view, but rather accept that if someone is dressing like that, they probably don’t want to talk to a plain-clothes guy like me. I’m cool with that, and you have to admit, you do look kind of bad-a$$, “don’t you fucking talk to me” when you go around places.

Athiests have a really bad rap. A few loud-mouthed, over-zealous punks join up and start trying to challenge and “defeat” anyone with religious views and all athiests are seen as a bunch of selfish, unfeeling a-holes. I can’t say its unfair, as religous types suffer from the same issues, and on a much larger scale, but it does seem very skewed because there really aren’t as many athiests in the world as I once thought. In fact, reading a few poles out there and studying wikipedia, it seems that the world only holds about 3% athiests.

ANYWAY, You really are choosing a difficult road. One of which you can’t ever change, but two more that, if you’re feeling particularly estranged, you could change. I’m not saying you’re going to find any better people by doing this. Being Christian myself I’ve ran into a lot of good, wonderful people… but I’ve ran into more uncaring, selfish, overly-opinionated Christians than I have good ones. The difference, I think, is that in religion, everyone is forcing themselves to behave as though they never make mistakes… while in the Athiest and Gothic world, you learn to accept that if you’re going to try and be a good person, it is out of your own will and has nothing to do with some greater power.

I do see the temptation in living a life where any rules you follow are your own. You can accept or reject any moral code you desire without anyone expecting better of you. It seems the social rejection is getting to you, though… Maybe look around outside the scope of “Athiest Black People” and see if you can just find good people who don’t care if you’re athiest, black or gothic.

I know I don’t care. I’ll be your friend.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_atheism

Answer #4

well to the last reply a lot of gangbangers are not Atheists, to me they are just plain igorant, there is a big difference between the two…and I do agree with a lot of you that talked about the civil rights movement and how religion seemed to be embedded into the culture for many yesrs from slavery and still now in the 21st century.

Answer #5

So, assuming for a minute this isn’t some kind of racist, backhanded slap against the black American community.

You should know the history of black people in the US, right? Slave ships…evangelical Christians…the use of the Bible as the REASON for enslavement, etc, etc.

In assimilating into the culture (such as they could)…why wouldn’t you, by and large, end up adopting the religious belief system of your oppressor?

Name a country where that didn’t happen…it’s incredibly rare. Most countries, most people that get conquered, end up adopting the faith and traditions of their oppressors.

It’s why Christianity and Islam are such big religions. Native belief systems simply don’t survive cultural devastation. It’s the way of the world.

Answer #6

~*~reply about Goth, I’ld say I agree with Thex13thxChild Being a Goth isn’t about accepting you’re a reject. Given I myself was an outcast until high school. But that’s not why I chose to accept my place in the Goth subculture. It’s just who I am.

~*~ There are a lot of closet atheist. But one thing you have to put into consideration, not for anyone to take offence or anything, but Caucasian is still the majority. African Americans are still part of the minority. So it may seem as though it’s more rare amongst African Americans, but, again, you have to consider their still part of the minoirty, so really it may not be.

Answer #7

Hmmm. Good question really, because according to the wiki, it actually is true that blacks are less likely to be atheist.


As to why, my guess is that it has to do with economics. Sadly, blacks still tend toward the lower end of the economic scale, and study after study show a strong anti-correlation between wealth and religiosity.

Answer #8

True You also have to put into consideration what Hourglass typed, she does have a good point. 1_~ Can’t say I knew too many proclaimed athiest back in igh school under the age 18

Answer #9

I have a met a few black atheists over the years. It does seem to be rare though.

One possibility I’d toss out is the strong cultural ties black communities traditionally have with their church. During the civil rights struggles black churches saw equality as a moral issue and ministers were active in the movement. Since churches are a source of strength and cohesion in black communities blacks who turn their backs to religion are seen as also turning against their communities.

Answer #10

@ thex13thxchild

I strongly agree with what you said and it doesn’t mater to me at all what people think about me and what I like and for that matter what I do,l just kow that everyone isn’t like me when it comes to how I feel about people and how that perceive me to be…and thanks for your clarification and your opinion…

and for the last question I have met other Atheists in that age bracket, and some younger and a few that are older too…

Answer #11

D@amn, toadaly got that one (I should have brought it up).

As he said, globally, those most poor are the most fanatic about religion…the reason being if you have less, you’re more likely to want to both blame an external factor and believe it’s the divine plan to reward you in the afterlife.

For example some poor countries actually force their citizens to the religion of the state, and forbid you to disavow said religion.

These are never wealthy countries, but the poorer nations that do this.

Answer #12

well thanks…but I’m not just trying to find people in the Black Community only I just feel that there are more Atheists in the Black Community that my feel scared of coming out and expressing themselves, but for that matter I’m not looking just asking…

And oh yeah about thewhole Goth thing I wouldn’t call mysel a social reject just someone who likes different things, and has dfferent tastes, well not a complete social reject anyway I do have some friends…

Answer #13

Well I am an African American ( multi racial really) and it just seems like people in the Black community feel that being an Atheist is somehow wrong because for the simple fact that I am Black.

The people that I have talked to about this in my local commnity all say that for me being an Atheist somehow says that I have left the black community, and I think thats bull because I have never been Christian and never will, and that doesnt make me less of a black person because of it.

Answer #14

a lot of Gangbangers are Atheists,and yes im Black

Answer #15

Hi, I am jeaniffer! please how are you! hope you are fine and in perfect condition of health.I went through your profile and i read it and took intersest in it,please if you don’t mind i will like you to write me on this ID (jeaniffer_4 @yahoo.com)hope to hear from you soon,and I will be waiting for your mail because i have something VERY important to tell you. Lots of love jeaniffer!

Answer #16

Hi, I am jeaniffer! please how are you! hope you are fine and in perfect condition of health.I went through your profile and i read it and took intersest in it,please if you don’t mind i will like you to write me on this ID (jeaniffer_4 @yahoo.com)hope to hear from you soon,and I will be waiting for your mail because i have something VERY important to tell you. Lots of love jeaniffer!

Answer #17

back in the day when black were slaves..and of course this was a full christian country..one of the only free times they had were to go to church on sundays..so they develop relationship of attending to church and of course you have to believe if you go…so pretty much with the time blacks are use to going to church and well actually believing

Answer #18

ok im black and im a christian, and what yur sayin is well partially true, yes u went to church on sundays but it wasn’t all because of slavery. if u look closely to blacks today and trust me i knw, u see that alot of them “make” their kids go to church make them do this and that, which i think is wrng, u shouldn’t have to make ur child go to church bc it’s their life and who says that they’re evern goin to be christian when they get older. and like u said during slavery, that’s all most blacks knw in religions. although today u see more biracial churches bc it’s been brought to attention why white and black go to seperate churches. God didn’t judge so why are we ya knw?? i actually like goin to a mix church betta than the one i used to go to. see people speak of segregation, but yet still they sitten here doin it, and the most common is the seperate churches. so gothichic89 i agree with u

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