When your an empath how do you block out the emotions?

I have been showing signs of an empath and now I am so confused in my life I need help from fellow empaths I have heard reiki can help but I need to learn about reiki I dont know what it is. Please help thank you

Answer #1

Reiki is the name given to the act of channelling healing spiritual energies. Also called Hands on healing. The teachings of Reiki know many different levels, level one concentrates on opening and closing spiritual channels and how to harvest whatever comes through. Emotions, visions, energies or other things. They help you to come in contact with your spiritual self. As an empath you will need to learn the basics on how to close of channels and when you need it, to reopen certain channels.

If you have any more questions I’ll try to anwser them the best I can.

Answer #2

I suggest crawling out of the scifi novel you have your head in and realize you are simply reading other peoples body language and not channeling emotions. And a reiki simply uses the power of the human mind to make the person think they are healed. Its a placebo effect. I suggest that as a self proclaimed empath you simply try to distance yourself from people. Its seriously the only way to avoid pain.

Answer #3

your not an em-path

Answer #4

You don’t. It’s psychologicall unhealthy to block out emotions.

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