Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Nothing to talk about
  2. I Give Advise But I Need It Badly
  3. How should I make my girl horny?
  4. Not such a friend
  5. What should I do
  6. He says I'm smelly down there?
  7. Friend problems
  8. My best friend
  9. what turns em' on?
  10. Cleaning and stop ejaculating in sleep
  11. My sister's fiance
  12. I like my best friends girlfriend
  13. White boys are hot!
  14. What gets boys horny fast?
  15. Are you still a virgin if you've been fingered?
  16. I need some help its about me and my friend
  17. What do you like most about the opposite gender?
  18. How can I be sure?
  19. Does he like me or was he just joking around?
  20. What should I do?
  21. average age for a "serious" relationship
  22. Should you follow your heart
  23. Have you ever cheated or been cheated on?
  24. Guy won't call me
  25. What is he doing?
  26. Should I make the move and do it
  27. Kissing him and looking good
  28. What should I do with him
  29. Winning over the chick
  30. Kissing secrets
  31. Why do I feel like this?
  32. Cant you get pregnant if he cums on you but you have clothes on?
  33. Should I stay with him??
  34. What is uhm
  35. I really like him
  36. How wild was your sweet 16??
  37. What do you talk about with someone you like?
  38. What is a femi-dom?
  39. My best friend is dating a psycho
  40. How to get a guy to like me?
  41. Friends for years
  42. I'm the more experienced one.
  43. Does he hate me?
  44. My sister's boyfriend guys and lady's what to do.
  45. Losing my best friend?
  46. In love with the ex-boyfriend/best friend
  47. Changing for the better
  48. Have I finally found a close friend?
  49. I like this girl
  50. What am I?
  51. Has someone seen a freak girl with blonde mohawk?
  52. My fiance likes to fight
  53. Which kind of condoms give the guy the best feeling?
  54. Why can't I make any guy friends?
  55. Pregnant from cum in underwear?
  56. Break up make up
  57. Boyfriend got me a cellphone but gave me lots of rules
  58. Prince charming
  59. What should I do when I see him?
  60. Stuck in the middle: too smart for teens, too young for adults
  61. What do you guys want?
  62. How old are you and your boyfriend?
  63. Naked photo of me got out
  64. Ferrarri or husband
  65. Why am I afraid to show my real friends my stories?
  66. Why is it so wrong if a girl proposes to a guy?
  67. In love with this guy
  68. Love pain
  69. Tips To Pleasure yourself
  70. Fingering, what should a girl do?
  71. How to get my boyfriend to kiss me?
  72. Is moving to Paris with your boyfriend good?
  73. When you're getting fingered
  74. Orgasms
  75. Boys what kind of thing makes you horny?
  76. Would you rather questions with my boyfriend?
  77. Does this really break your virginity?
  78. I really don't want to cheat on him,
  79. How to make this weekend special?
  80. I lost a good friend.. how can I get him to come back to me?
  81. Hymen broken
  82. My boyfriend hasn't called back
  83. Girls, do you like a penis cut or uncut?
  84. Friendship is ruined
  85. Afraid to mess everything up.
  86. Obsessed with my ex
  87. How to tell if she's lying
  88. asking someone out
  89. Heartripper
  90. Why is my boyfriend being weird?
  91. Jealous friends pissing me off
  92. Why does this guy act differant at school?
  93. What was your most embarassing kiss?
  94. Who should I go for?
  95. Guy friend no longer wants a friendship?
  96. What do you do with your partner for fun?
  97. Would you kill for the most important person in your life?
  98. How do I give him closure
  99. What if you say something to people but wish you hadn't?
  100. How do I get a boyfriend?