Should I make the move and do it

Ok so ya now my friends ask me if me and my girlfriend have doneany thing and I say no they say well get busy and I say wel I dont know if she is ready. So every time the subject is brought up with her it seems like she is uncomfertable with it and wel we are both 14 and so as you can imagine its a war in my mind saying do it and I kindof want to do it but at the same time I dont hurt her you know so ya what do I do??? Help urgent =/

Answer #1

well…like you’ve said, you’re only 14… and me and my boyfriend, being 17 (at the moment)… lol… my boyfriend went through the same problem, last year. it’s all in the matter of you knowing what’s right!! - and you knowing that your girlfriend isn’t quite ready yet, shows that you care for her!! - and if you don’t force her into doing anything that she isn’t ready for, shows that you respect her!! don’t listen to those friends of yours, cause most likely… they haven’t gone far on their sex lives either!! =P

P.S. I never knew that my boyfriend was peer presured into doing sexual things with me - it was his friend that told me I was a real lucky girl to have him, cause when my boyfriend was being teased by all the other guys at the locker room, having them ask if he’d “bang” me yet… he just answered them by saying, “she’s more special than that, she ain’t a one time thing”

ahaha… sorry for the story, but I hope it helped you out =)

Answer #2

If you both want to, then go for it. But don’t let your friends pressure you into it and don’t pressure your girlfriend.

Answer #3

hmmm, I have no idea.

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